40 Library of Mages 1 (1/2)
”Did you talk with your Master yet?”
”Yes. He picked up finally, but he only said that I need to learn as much as I can while I'm here.”
”Did you ask him about the city?”
”He hanged up before I finished talking. It doesn't matter, we know that there is something in here that may help. And you still have the pictures from the Algonquin, there must be something useful there.”
I tried to call Master for a week now, only this morning did he pick up and said something. But like usual he played dumb and gave a bunch of vague answers to every question I asked. Why do you want me to enter the Uni? Why can't you train me yourself?
I wanted to know more why he didn't want to train me himself and insisted on sending me to the university. I knew the front line was dangerous, but if I don't go where I shouldn't, he could train me while not in action.
But he insisted. In the end, entering the university was a good option, if Jasper told the truth that is. After talking to him a few times, he explained to me that while he was a student there, he wanted to study seals and as he was one of the most promising students, they let him enter the Library of Mages.
In there he stumbled upon a book that had similar symbols to the ones that are on my arm. At the time he didn't pay much attention to it and only when he saw the symbols on my arm did he remember it.
Knowing this Emily and I decided to enter the University with one goal in mind, entering the Library of Mages.
”How do we start? Jasper said they let him enter it because he was the most promising student, if we need to show talent you wouldn't have a problem getting in.” Emily said.
”We start by finding the classroom. And then we can ask the teachers how to get in it.”
”Do you really think it is going to be that simple?”
”I don't know. But we need to start somewhere. You said it yourself, there is no info about the Library of Mages anywhere. What classroom are we supposed to go to?” I said. We were now walking through the campus of the University of Martial and Arcane Arts.
”S01, but we were supposed to go see the principal before going there.”
”Right. Let's find her then.” We looked around for a while before asking someone passing by for directions. The campus looked grand and elegant, every student wearing a pin on their chest, golden shilled with a blue fireball. The principal's office was on the top floor of the tallest building.
Secretary sitting in front of the office with a smile looked at us and said. ”Dominque and Emily? The principal is awaiting you. You can go in.”
We went through the wooden double door and entered the office. Beautiful paintings and exquisite furniture, the room looked like it should've been in a museum. Behind the desk sat a woman in her fifties, greyish hair, and wrinkles, wearing a blue suit.