30 City of Ravens 16 (1/2)
The plan was already in motion. Emily and the people from the forum decided to gather information on the Nates gang while Alexander and I went out to buy supplies we may need. Since we both are Artists we had most of it, only masks were missing.
We went to Arnold's Armour Shop, Arnie always had everything, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he sold masks as well.
”Masks? I do have some, but they are easily traceable. If what you want is to hide your identity you will need custom masks!”
”Do you know where we can get them?” I asked.
”I do. Come this way.” Arnie with his relaxed attitude took us behind the counter and into the back room. He started ravaging through some documents the moment he got into his office. ”I have a 'friend' that will make you a mask that will be one of a kind. Got it! Here is the address. Find the place and knock on the door and say that I sent you for soup.”
After leaving Arnie, we found the address he gave us, at the far end of the alley there was a pair of a metal door with a small skull painted on each of them. I knocked on the door and waited.
”What is it?” A voice came from the other side of the door.
”Arnie sent us for soup.”
After five seconds of metal clicking and rubbing against metal the door opened and an old man wearing loose clothes and shades invited us in.
”What can I help you with?”
”We need Masks one for each of us.”
”And how many of you are here?” he said with a smile. I was a little confused, but I connected the dots and realized…
”You are blind.”
”That's right. So how many masks?”
”Anything, in particular, you want to be on the mask or just anything?”
”We don't need anything particular.”
”Sure, they will be ready next week. A thousand for each, pay half now and half later.”
”Wait. We need them now. Do you not have any ready right now?”
”I don't usually work like that. I don't have any spares lying around, but there is something. It was ordered twenty years ago, but no one picked it up, it's a set of eight masks, Typhon, Vali, Fenrir, Izanagi, Set, Valravn, Leviathan, and Phoenix.”
”Can we take two then?”
”It's a set. It was made as a set, it will be sold as a set. I called them 'God Slayers,' the person that ordered these was like you, didn't want anything specific, but he… he had an aura around him that could make the gods kneel. A shame he didn't pick them up.”
”So how much for the set?”
”Eight masks, a thousand each.”
”I will take them.” I picked up the Izanagi mask as I said so. The mask as if speaking to me made me want to buy it, white in color, with well defined lines, as if made from bone it was a perfect fit when I tried it on. As if I had a second face the mask looked perfect, it truly was a work of art.
After transferring the money, we left the shop with all eight masks, Leviathan Mask was taken by Alex, the rest I stashed in the room when we got there. Emily was still working with people from the forum; apparently, they are now gathering evidence of the gang's criminal activity.
While she continued with her work, Alex and I went over the details of our operation. His sister was imprisoned in a medium sized house, surrounded by a high wall, and with a highly sophisticated security system, which Rat offered to turn off.
”This shit is scary,” Alex said while he was packing his backpack.
”What is?”