11 Prologue 11 (2/2)
”Good. Good. And I'm guessing this is the new customer. What's your name young man?”
”Dominque. Sir, it is nice to meet you.”
”Stop with the 'Sir', I tried to get Lily here to stop with the whole 'Mr' business, but she won't budge. Now, what do you need? Mix? Full? Or something else?”
Eccentric, especially his wardrobe choice. But all the items around us looked well made and of high quality. The shop was tidy, customers were walking around looking at items, and attendants with smiles on their faces talking with them.
”Well, I need smoothing light and easy to move in. If possible something that I can wear under regular clothes.”
”Hmm… what do you think about a vest made from an Orthrus leather? It is especially good against slashing and stabbing. Reinforced with Cerberus leather on the vital parts. It won't stop bullets but slow them enough to minimize the damage. So, what do you think?”
Touching the material, it felt soft and flexible. It would cover my chest and back and wouldn't restrict my movements in the least. But that will only protect my life. ”I want it. But…”
”Yes, yes. This way, I have some clothes. They won't protect you as well as the vest, but is much cheaper, made from Jackalope fur and leather.”
What he showed me was a pair of pants and a jacket, made from a mix of cloth and leather, it felt heavy but flexible.It shouldn't restrict my moves and give at least better protection than regular clothes.
”How much?”
”The vest five hundred, the clothes two hundred. But I will give you a fifty-dollar discount. How does that sound?”
Expensive… this leaves me with two hundred fifty dollars. Food… I will figure it out. And I still need to buy a weapon. Those two days will be harsh.
After paying for the armor we looked around town, and I ended up buying a carbon steel knife for ninety dollars.
With that done we went to All-you-can-eat restaurant, and luckily I had my fill before we were thrown out.