39 Grey Rock Tribe 2 (1/2)

The Three Realms Jamison_C 36170K 2022-07-22

”Highness, I dislike this. The demon beasts are getting too intelligent for my tastes.” Tarin said as he retracted his weapon to his core. ”They were clearly going for an assassination of the leadership of this army.”

”The barbarians swearing fealty is starting to look more and more like a winning proposition for both sides, eh.” Aureus said while giving a half grin.

Tarin's lips pressed together. Aureus went on ”Tarin, I understand your reservations. I will be counting on you to manage the grapevine of the army here.”

”Highness, you give out the simplest tasks as a peasant would give out sweet potatoes.” Tarin replied in an exasperated tone.

Aureus chuckled at the comparison and stated that at least the potatoes given by out by the farmer is sweet. As Aureus's face took on a more serious cast, he simply stated that he is counting on Tarin.

Tarin saluted with hand over heart as he made his way off.

”Tiff, what do you think of these beasts acting in such a purposeful manner?” Caine asked as the various retainers made their way back to their respective quarters.

”It would appear that taking on the role of being the seventh prince's retainers come with far more dangers than we anticipated.” Tiffany said in a glum manner. As she gave a vigorous kick to a pebble, Tiffany was going on about how the available forecasts in the Eastern Coalition were predicting that the demon beast hordes would only remain at a certain danger level. The demon beasts being led by entities with human like intelligence has increased the danger of the hordes significantly.

Caine argued that the gains as well as potential gains they may gain while under the employ of a person such as Aureus, far outweigh the disadvantages.

Tiffany paused and summoned an incinerating blast of flame to help a clean up crew who were disposing of the demon beast corpses.

”True, under Aureus's command, we do get to see a great deal more interesting things.” Tiffany said as her lips curved.

The camp was full of bustle even before the sun began it's climb over the horizon.

Many cookfires emitted savory smells as the embers glowed red and orange under the various black iron pots.

In the training yards, Aureus and Edward were going through the sword forms of the Empire together while Johan whetted his battered looking blade.

The guards were occasionally drawn to Aureus performing the sword forms especially when he demonstrated the basic forms. While this did not go unnoticed by any of the three in the yard, none commented.

In comparison, Edward's demonstration of the forms drew no glances.

As the practice winded down, Aureus and Edward headed to Johan who was applying the finishing touches to his blade maintenance with a cotton cloth.

One attending guard immediately hurried up to Aureus with pitchers of waters and a basic cloth towel.

”Highness, your sword forms today were a little lacking in grace, What troubles you? The upcoming meeting with the barbarians?” Johan asked as Aureus took a deep draught.

Aureus replied in the affirmative. Aureus expanded that it was more about what the act portended- a prince of the Empire accepting allegiances from the barbarian tribes. Such a move was unlikely to generate any goodwill back in the Core realm.