16 Cyrus White 1 (2/2)

The Three Realms Jamison_C 35010K 2022-07-22

”He sounds like a troublesome sort of opponent.”

”He is, no one can figure out his trick as he appeared to have blended his unique mastery of swordplay along with his monster core ability. Hence , there are few opponents who wishes to challenge him for the status of Divine blade.”

”Look at some of the corpses that will be brought to the castle soon, the king level beasts with a single fatal wound would be his kills.”

”What is his highness's intention in wanting to work with Cyrus again?” Edward asked.

”We intend to gain an introduction to Brandon via Cyrus. We gathered that they are working together over the procurement and sale of grade 4 and 5 monster cores.”

”Look, the spoils are arriving.”

Twenty monster corpses were rolled into the hall.

Edward looked over the corpses and saw that of twenty, eight of them were taken down with a single blow.

”Those materials would be useful when we are crafting artifacts.” Tarin said as he scanned through the materials being brought.

”It is a pity that Rythea and Remil did not accompany Cyrus on this trip?”

”Who are they?” Edward asked.

”Rythea is a martial artist, she is the vice captain of the White Company. Remil is the Elven markswoman of the White Company. I witnessed her shoot down targets from 500m with ease. They are a sight for sore eyes indeed.”

”This Rythea seems formidable, making vice captain of an outfit such as this. Hard to imagine her overpowering Rycor and Mycor though.”

”They are run more like a family though, with Cyrus as the core binding them together. Oh, no worries on that front. I seen her spar Rycor. She swept the ground with him. If she says a fish can fly, Rycor and Mycor won't even blink.”

”I heard she risked her life on several occasions to extract Rycor and Mycor from perilous situations on the field when they ventured too far. Cyrus was moaning about how she coddles the two too much when we went drinking. Though, the way I see it , Rycor and Mycor will take an arrow for Rythea with no hesitation.”

”Looks like our report was accurate, the majority are class 6 demon beasts. The class 5 demon beasts amongst them are all Monarch class beasts. The lower classed beasts are all sold.”

”Highness, as you may be aware. The monster cores are reserved by a trader in the city,” Cyrus said while shaking his head. ”I regret to inform you we are unable to sell you this batch of monster cores.”

”No worries, I understand the mercenary code. We are not at cross-purposes here. We were hoping that togain an introduction to this Brandon character through you.”

”An introduction is no problem but I must warn your highness. This Brandon is very sharp in business dealings. I have yet to see him take a loss in his dealings. With your background, it is literally like gold falling out of the skies for him.”

”Well, it remains to be seen who will butcher who on the negotiations table. That is a matter for another time though. Come now, we must have a feast. You remember Tarin and Johan? There is someone I would like to introduce you too.”

”Hunting down so many king level beasts must have been a strenuous endeavor. I am sure a few good stories must lie in the midst of it.”

The next day, Cyrus entered the audience hall once more. This time he looked puzzled as he greeted Aureus.

”Highness, I regret to inform you that Brandon refuses to meet your august self. However, he has agreed to the sale of monster cores to yourself. He only wishes to take a 10 percent commission in the entire trade for giving up the rights to first purchase.”

Aureus's brows lifted as he assured Cyrus that the 10 percent will be paid from Everdawn.

Cyrus bowed then went on”Highness, I do not understand either, why a trader specializing in high value commodities would turn down an invitation of a province's ruler.”

Cyrus than recounted his meeting with Brandon. He related that as he revealed the buyer was to be Aureus, this Brandon's attitude took a 180 degrees shift and he relinquished the right to first purchase right after.

”Could he somehow be an acquaintance of your highness?”

Aureus pondered a moment before asking what distinguishing features this Brandon had.

”Highness, he has never revealed his surname since entering the trade. He is tall, with blond hair and green eyes. His weapon of choice is a red blade.”

Aureus jolted before a his lips curved upwards.

”It appears that I may truly be acquainted with this Brandon.”

Aureus thanked Cyrus and asked whether he would like to join him for a round of breakfast.

With a grin that stretched from ear to ear, Cyrus nodded and started discussing the way of the blade with Aureus as they headed to the dining hall.