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The Three Realms Jamison_C 33640K 2022-07-22

Aureus examined the armor while churning through various thoughts in his mind.

”Claudius may be a brown-nose, but I never took him for an incompetent.”

”Did he somehow got taken out on a ride by those coalition moguls?”

Looking at the gun again, Aureus stepped to the side and raised his arm. An armored glove materialized and covered his right hand.

A white glow enveloped the glove.

A white spherical shaped pane appeared in the air from the direction of Aureus's hand while facing Edward.

”Edward, please.”

Edward raised his gun and targeted the white pane.

This time the bullet was trapped in the pane. Aureus walked over and dismissed the white pane. The bullet fell into his palm. He examined the bullet for a moment before turning to Tarin and Johan and declaring that two shots from the gun would have broken his Aether spell.

”Edward, is that dagger of yours used as a prop for stage play?” Tarin was now looking at the gun in a strange manner.

Edward assured with a calm air that the gun itself was not enough. Stating that in melee range, the knife trumps the gun.

Aureus's eyes were still on the ruined armor as he offered the position of a retainer to Edward. ”Moving within Everdawn would be easier with that status.”

Edward thanked Aureus and began to bow before the latter stopped him with a raised palm.

”A reminder, whatever we discussed in this chamber and especially matters like you being from this Earth. Please keep it to yourself for the time being.”

Edward stepped up to the desk to place his gun, Aureus attached Johan to be Edward's liaison to the Three Realms.

”All right, dismissed. Tarin, stay behind.”

”Highness, it appears we have landed in a unique situation,” Tarin ventured as the audience chamber doors closed.

”Unique does not even cover half of this situation,” said Aureus as his eyes crinkled.

”If high command were to know of this situation, it is certain they would order his execution or at least imprisonment. No outworlders have proven to be a benign existence for the three realms after all.” Tarin continued as his brows creased.

”My bloodline ability reacted to him in a strong and positive manner when we found him at the gate.” Aureus's manner turned grave as he revealed.

”This changes things, I see why your highness would be interested in this outworlder.”

”I am not so arrogant to think the Astrea clan's bloodline ability is infallible throughout history. I need to consider the possibility that my ability may be wrong or manipulated somehow.”

”Is your highness concerned about the Amin Prophecy?”

”Yes, if the readings are right, the time of the 'Third Human Emperor' is nearing and that time will be a harbinger of chaos. I do not wish to potentially harbour an agent of that chaos.”

”The readings could be wrong.”

Aureus snorted ”Do you know of any other human powers that have an Emperor? Much less a Third Emperor.”

”What is your highness's inclination?”

”Just because something has always been a certain way in the past, does not mean it will remain so in the future. I wish to sound things our further.”

”Indeed , who knows what the vagaries of fate may bring? If I had to put my faith in anything though, I would put it in the Astrea's bloodline ability. As far as I've seen, it has yet to lead the House Astrea astray,Tarin's eyes misted over as he mused. ”Without it, the Astrea Empire may not even be in existence.”

”While we have other means to explore, I believe we should do so rather than determining the fate of a man in an arbitrary manner.”

”I must profess, I do not agree with the concept of killing innocents in the name of prevention.”

”For a tough old salt, you have soft opinions, old man.” Aureus was smiling at Tarin as he jested.

”Well, I do not have an Empire to run, nor the burden of a ruling family's surname,” replied Tarin without missing a beat. ”It is natural that I could stand on such a relatively carefree viewpoint.”