84 Behold, the Sovereign Nation (1/2)
As the Gala proceeded and the afternoon slowly proceeded towards the night, the emcee managed to quickly grab the names of Luna and everybody else, along with a quick description of what part they played in the Sovereign Nation.
Emil's citizens were paying close attention. This part was the one they anticipated the most. It was as if everyone forgot they were in the new world as they paid nothing else any mind. Community centers were filled to the brim.
A few minutes later, the emcee showed up in front of the camera. In order to save time, they introduced the Emil and the rest first as a formality while information was being collected from Luna's end.
Nobody cared much or cheered for them except their direct subordinates. It's not that the people weren't interested in them, they were just anticipating the Sovereign Nation's introduction. Some people were genuinely curious about how they would affect their current Government. Some just wanted to know the names of the attractive men and women they saw. While most were interested in both.
Soon, the part that everybody was waiting for finally came.
”Ladies and Gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for! Introducing, the Sovereign Nation!”
Hearing this announcement, the people instinctively inched closer to their screens. The elite squads moved forward and raised their Itak Tagalogs, forming an arch.
Meanwhile, Angry Bakunawa and the other mutant beasts they brought along with them were on both sides as well as they bowed down showing great reverence to the people who were about to be introduced.
The sight of these gigantic beasts obediently bowing down and roaring was enough to cause even more conversation among the citizens.
”How did they tame so many mutant beasts?”
”Aren't those taming items really rare?”
”Yeah, I heard they don't have much success chances towards high-level beasts too.”
”So how do they have so many? I highly doubt this is all that they have.”
”Beats me, but did you see how each of those soldiers had one mutant beast following them?”
The citizens were filled with endless curiosity.
The emcee cleared her throat as she read her first cue card.
”Presenting, the Elder of the Elven Nation who now loyally follow Luna and the Sovereign Nation as one of its Mage Generals, Elder Aran!”
The citizens erupted in cheers.
”I was right! They're Elves! They're really Elves!”
”Idiot, what if they're just making it up?”
”Just look at his features! What country do you know of that has those features? Wait till you see the young girl from earlier, let's really take a closer look!”
Elder Aran's entrance was quite flashy, the old man actually dashed forward with his <Lightning Armor> on so it made him move faster than the regular citizen's eye could see. After landing around the middle of the pathway, he looked towards the cameras, raised his hands and nodded in greeting.
The goal, after all, was to make the most stunning impression they could.
”Up next, we have the darling granddaughter of Elder Aran and considered as the Princess of Elves! ALEA!”
Cheers erupted yet again as men and even some women swooned at the sight of her. A few men even wanted to risk dying just to be able to touch her, these were the people who had intense Elf fetishes.
Alea was as graceful as could be expected. She had actually changed into an enchanting green and blue dress that was customary for a Princess to wear in Elven society during big events like this one. The moment she waved towards the cameras, she gave out a smile that would guarantee thousands upon thousands of adoring fans.
”Next! We have one of the Sovereign Nation's power couples! The Star General Boni and the Golden General Elise!”
Boni and Elise walked hand-in-hand. Boni was now truly emitting the aura similar to a Star God, albeit not as great, but enough to wow the crowd, nonetheless. He wore his battle armor while Elise, with her rich blonde hair, wore something similar to her usual battle attire, but it had a sky blue color that was very pleasing to the eyes and complimented her golden locks. In addition was quite the elegant add-on she had equipped to complete her battle-dress attire.
General MacArthur paid close attention to her more than anyone else.
”Next, we have the Korean Generals and also one of the Sovereign Nation's power couples, Swift Blade General, Yu-jin and Shield General Sang-hwa!”
Yu-jin wore a modernized Hanbok which she had been working on with the other girls, mostly as a hobby. It was a Hanbok, yet it seemed as if it was created together with battle armor to what could be called as ceremonial armor. The dress part itself didn't offer much protection, but it functioned as battle armor nonetheless, and it looked quite awesome. The best part of it was that the dress was considered an add-on, and it could be equipped or unequipped at any time, much like Elise could with hers. Sang-hwa walked alongside her with his own armor as well, but the thing that caught everyone's attention was the oversized shield that he seemed to carry without much trouble.