47 Letter (1/2)
Mabini was just about to set out himself to do his daily grind with his men when Angry Bakunawa landed in front of him and opened it's mouth. Him and his men were startled and immediately got into defensive positions. After all, they were not aware about the pocket dimension either. Seconds later, the gate appeared and Maxene stepped out of it.
”Hello there, dear Uncle!”
”Maxene? What are you doing here?” Mabini asked, bewildered.
”I have an emergency and it requires your immediate attention! Follow me, quick!” Grabbing Mabini's hand, she pulled him towards the gate.
”Wait, what about my men?”
”Fufufu, an audience is good, makes it more official with more witnesses. They can come too! Hurry up all of you!”
Mabini's regiment didn't have any assignments today, so they were just going out to grind some levels. Usually they would be out towards the North as well, but thankfully Boni and the rest had that covered today.
Inside the pocket dimension.
All the soldiers had awkward looks on their faces. In front of them were three people, Mabini, their leader who was one of the few people who could actually match Boni. The second one was the one famously known as the Demon Flower of the Sovereign Nation. The third one was the most mysterious, despite being the bubbliest, Lady Maxene, daughter of Lord Luna and Lady Sura.
Hana currently had her head down, blushing and sweating bullets. ”This little girl, I swear I'm gonna kill her!” she was currently panicking in her head. She was in disbelief that not only did Maxene turnaround to pick up Mabini, she actually picked up his whole regiment!
”Maxene, what's going on?” Mabini asked. Based on Hana's current actions, he had some idea of what was about to happen, but he was hoping that his hunch was wrong.
”Ahem, ahem! I now pronounce you, husband and wife!”
”EH?!?” Everybody had the same reaction. What drugs was this little girl on?
”Ah.. Maxene, what are you doing?” Mabini kept his composure and asked calmly.
”Oh, I married you two.” with her hands clasped together and the innocent smile on her face, Maxene gave the impression that she was quite pleased with her handiwork.
”M-Maxene, that's now how it works.”
Tilting her head to the side with a bewildered expression on her face, she replied. ”Oh? That's how it worked for my Mother and Father. Tito Boni said that someone usually recites those lines and you two kiss and then you're married.”
”Uhm.. Your Mother and Father are a special case, you see. Usually it takes some time.” Mabini tried his best to explain, but didn't have much experience with this either.
”So you're saying it'll take some time before you start liking Hana?”
”It's not that I don't like her.”
”So you do like her.”
”Well, yes.”
The soldiers who wore surprised expressions before suddenly felt as if they were watching a reality TV Show. Some of them started whispering at this new development. They were aware that Hana and Mabini were fond of each other, but they've never really shown much endearment in public, if at all. Just that they preferred to go on missions together, and Mabini's sister, Apple, seemed to be supportive of it.
”Do you like her a looooot?” Maxene's voice went higher in pitch as she extended the word ”lot”.
Mabini knew there was definitely no way out of this. This little girl will not stop until she gets the truth out, so he might as well admit it.
”Yes, a lot.”
Hana who was shaking in embarrassment a moment ago suddenly went still and slowly raised her head to look towards Mabini.