26 Returning Home (2/2)
”Very well. As long as you remain loyal to me I will treat you well.” After explaining his requirements of his citizens, Luna formally invited them into the <Sovereign Nation>.
One of the soldiers couldn't help but speak up. ”Excuse me, sir Luna, but isn't what you're doing basically going against the Philippine government? Creating a nation on Philippine soil?”
Luna walked up to the soldiers, causing them to be wary. ”What is your name?”
”Eduardo Rusca, sir.” The man was quick to respond.
”Mr. Rusca, I see. Which Government do you speak of? The one who abused these women? Or the one who abandoned these people, which resulted in Buencamino abusing these women?”
”This...”He didn't quite know how to answer, so he looked towards his comrades for an answer, but they didn't have anything to say either.
Seeing that these men didn't have any answer, he continued. ”Those officials of yours might have abandoned these people, leading them to suffer, but I will not. You can make for Manila, if you wish, assuming you can get that far or you could protect the people that are here now. If you decide to join me, then come talk to me by tomorrow.” after saying that, Luna walked away, knowing that they would need to talk among themselves. The only person he was sure would join, was General Leman.
The next day, everybody finished preparing their things. Boni, whom Luna messaged through <Nation> communications, which was only possible when one purchased a communication center through the shop for 1,000,000 VIS, which fortunately was self-maintained.
This allowed members to use something similarto the <Friend> system in MMORPGs where you could either use voice comms with people, add them to your contacts, send them a message in text form, or if you were either the leader, like Luna, or high enough ranked, you could contact people within your nation immediately. The only way to contact someone outside your nation using this system, is if you were officially allied with their nation and they had a communication center installed.
Boni, along with the other elites despite being in civilian outfits, looked imposing. Even the soldiers were stunned. Truth is, the <Nation> shop had a lot of things in it that one could purchase, as long as you had the money for it.
One of them was basic armor, which could also be upgraded. It's just that Luna knew that time was of the essence, so he went to take care of Buencamino first, thus saving the women, and at the same time achieving vengeance for those who wanted it, making them more inclined to serve him, as well as earning the trust of everybody in the evacuation center.
Elise was with them as well, Boni had informed her that Luna met her father already. She ran towards her father at full speed, recounting her experiences and how she and her friends were saved. Elise was very mindful as well, she made sure to speak loud enough so the soldiers nearby could hear. This would inevitably affect their decision of wanting to join the <Sovereign Nation> or not.
As soon as everybody got in the vehicles, it was time to return home.