53 Return of Power Upanishad Symbol Tower (1/2)
In a corner of Ancient God Star Area, Brian was blended with stars and seemed like sun. He was still running from four heavenly kings. He ran to this blazing sun because he is feeling something familiar here. Soon heavenly kings found him and landed on this sun too. They were engaged in idle chatter. Suddenly a crack appeared in this sun and Ghost Hunter stormed out of it. He roared and howled. Four kings were frightened and felt dizzy hearing this roar. Easygoing was in charge of collecting intelligence so he informed others that this is Ghost Hunter a member of Heavenly Monster Tribe who killed Cang Yun hundred years ago. Ghost Hunter was still chewing Pu Tai's remains. Another roar echoed and this time four heavenly kings tried using power upanishads to resist the effects of roar but nothing helped them, so Four heavenly kings flew away to save their lives. Ghost Hunter didn't chased them nor he attacked the God Lord. Ghost Hunter was here by just coincidence or maybe Luck was on side of Brian, as appearance of this beast helped him to chase away those four heavenly kings without any effort. After some time Ghost Hunter disappeared with a flash. God Lord was trying to recall that this beast is familiar to him somehow but he can't really point out exactly how he is familiar with this beast?
On Ancient God Continent Zi Yao was sitting on throne and called for Tian Xie and other servants. They appeared in front of her and kneeled down respectfully. She informed them about Shi Yan's actions in Ancient Demon Continent and also that he has gained support from clans of Sea of Nihility. Also Devour's is in his worst condition too. She ordered them to open space passage as she has some agreement with Devour, and they will immediately depart for Ancient Demon Continent. God Zenith conjured a light bridge which helped them move in between two continents easily.
Back in Ancient Demon Continent Star Area, Edgar was roaring in anger with the news of his son Pu Tai's death. Time seal of Montecie was destroyed by this roar of Edgar. Labitte also got chance for his escape from Gae, Emperor Sea Shark and Mei Ji's attacking group after this roar, which weakened the state of minds of trio. Labitte appeared in front of Edgar and informed him that Shi Yan is the culprit for murder of his son and also he has gained all upanishads of his son now. And he is hell bent on killing their ancestor Devour too. Edgar created a serpent from blood sea with the power of death and destruction. Xuan He, Frederick and Ming Hao clutched their chests and their faces were pale with pain and fear. The Edgar seems to have Death, Destruction and Chaos Upanishads which are even stronger than that of Bloodthirsty because Edgar was a high level creature created by Devour himself, Just like Bloodthirsty was directly created by Desolate. Even without Devouring Upanishad he has reached Territory Ancestor Realm which shows his mighty talents itself. Edgar was called God of Death in Sea of Nihility and nobody dared to provoke him. Wherever he passed life stars were destroyed and lives were reaped. He lose his consciousness in rampage mode just like Shi Yan too and can't distinguish between friend or foe. Xuan He's group was forced to retreat or they will be subdued by negative emotions generated by the rampage mode. DeCarlos also noticed that he can't endure those negative emotions. Everybody retreated away from Shi Yan except Audrey. She used her soul refining cauldron for defense as personally she was weaker and won't stand a chance against attacks from Edgar. Serpent's head was smashed by the Absolute Beginning symbols formation inscribed on cauldron. Edgar recognized it to be Neptune's Soul Refining Cauldron too. But even Neptune didn't dared to fight against Edgar so what can a puny woman do against him. And as expected Audrey can't attack anymore as she was tired and blood was flowing from her mouth.She used everything she had in this one attack. Shi Yan told her to rest well and not force herself anymore and send her vitality to recover her wounds. Shi Yan rose up and used 'Stars Break' attack to explode nucleus of one of the nearby star which was next to the serpent. Serpent shattered into pieces with this explosion. Edgar was frightened to see that Shi Yan has fused with Desolate's will to control the nearby stars. If this was not Desolate Territory then Shi Yan had no chance to fight against Edgar, but here he is king. Shi Yan called dozens of barren planets and lined them to get ready to attack at his signal.
Suddenly a charming voice of Zi Yao reverberated calling Shi Yan as Little Devil, and showed her surprise for these new powers of Shi Yan. She arrived with all her subordinates. Montecie noticed the power of Zi Yao and expressed her guess that she should be the second absolute beginning creature in this Desolate Territory. She demanded the power upanishad symbol tower from Shi Yan and raised her hands. Tower was stimulated by her action automatically and tried to escape Shi Yan's head. She had laid a soul seal in Tower before sending Ming Hao and God Lord to the Absolute Beginning vestige in Sea of Annihilation, so she can freely control tower. Everybody was showing greed in their eyes but allies of Shi Yan were hesitant to take action as they were afraid that Shi Yan might get hurt by their actions. But Edgar didn't cared about Shi Yan so he attempted to rob the tower for himself. Now tower was sometimes pulled by Zi Yao and at other time by Edgar. Zi Yao told that there's some agreement between Devour and her so Edgar shouldn't mess with her. But Edgar was hell bent on obtaining tower for Devour so he didn't loosened his grip. Montecie was surprised but was happy and told others to let them bite each other. Hiro wanted tower too but was afraid of offending Shi Yan so stayed calm. Shi Yan was currently in charmed state by the charming techniques of Zi Yao so he was not in his senses. Thick mist rolled out of abyss and moved behind Edgar. It seemed Devour is about to make a personal move. More forces of Devouring clan started arriving from the abyss one after another. They started supplying energy to Devour. A roar of beast echoed from the dark abyss. Edgar was happy to hear this roar as it was calling original body of Devour. Zi Yao warned Devour that its very risky as this is territory of Desolate and if they lose here they can't escape and then Desolate will take action personally too and eat Hui and Devour instead. As Zi Yao got distracted, Shi Yan regained his senses too and was listening to the conversation of absolute beginning and understood their language. Devour replied Zi Yao that ”You and I had struck it hard, and its body was divided into five parts. Now, some of its parts have fused with other individuals. It will never be recovered fully”. Zi Yao claimed that tower belongs to her and Devour shouldn't vie for it. But Devour retorted saying that this is Phantom's tower and should belong to Phantom Clan, so how can it belong to Zi Yao? Shi Yan was stunned to know the origin of Phantom Clan of Mei Ji and Montecie. It seems there was another absolute beginning creature named as Phantom and she was the soul and flesh of Phantom Clan giving them birth. And as Phantom has created this tower then it should rightfully belong to their clan. Zi Yao claimed that Phantom was like sister to her and thus co-owner of the tower and after her death she deserves all rights to claim it for herself.
Montecie asked Shi Yan if he can understand their language, and he nodded and told them truth that tower belongs to their clan as per chat of these absolute beginning creatures. Montecie urged Shi Yan to continue eavesdropping more on their conversation and find who is the culprit for the murder of their ancestor Phantom? Now Zi Yao was angry by stubbornness of Devour and she warned him that half of her original body is still there so even if Devour calls his full body he still won't be able to snatch tower from her. She showed an projection of her remaining snake heads in outer space chaotic basin that can come here at any moment. Some of her heads were in Ancient God Star Area and they can be called any time too.
In a corner of Ancient God Star Area, Ghost Hunter was still digesting the remaining Pu Tai's body. He was surrounded by seven suns and suddenly he roared and all suns exploded creating a tear in space and two continents Ancient Demon and Desolate Continent emerged from it which started merging magically and became one. Ghost Hunter got enlarged and started sucking heaven and earth energy from the newly created massive continent. Slowly he transformed into his human form. He started flying and continent started following him automatically.
On another sun, God Lord Brian was cultivating and trying to fuse his heavenly flames to learn absolute beginning language and something marvelous from that era. Earlier he was afraid to fuse them as he thought that once all flames are fused Desolate will take over his body. But after seeing Shi Yan fine he has gained some confidence to take the risks again. He started seeing memories of desolate after fusing the flames. Suddenly something shaded the sun and he was shocked to see a massive planet hovering and it was giving off aura of Desolate itself. Ghost Hunter landed in front of him. Ghost Hunter told him that in his world there can't be any new territory ancestor or his strength will be further split. He reminded Brian about the incident of death of Bloodthirsty. Brian realized something and started running away. As Brian has completely fused with desolate's clones and part of his soul he is predestined to be killed by Desolate. Every ten thousand years Desolate released a Genesis Fruit in hopes that someone can merge all his clones into one. But no one succeeded till now. He has high hopes with current Shi Yan but somehow Hui and Devour have awakened which was not calculated in Desolate's plan. That's why he has to personally take action now before the original plan of his. Although he will lose his power by this action but he has no other option currently. Ghost Hunter opened his arms and holy rays tied the Brian's soul and destiny like a cage. Ghost Hunter called Brian a loser as if he has succeeded that year then so many problems wouldn't have risen now. Finally Brian became a streak of light and entered mouth of Ghost Hunter. Ghost Hunter flashed and reappeared in the Ancient continent above his head. Continent started heading towards Ancient God Continent.
Back in Ancient Demon Continent Star Area, Shi Yan screamed as if something terrible has happened. Same thing happened with Audrey. Audrey felt that she has foreseen somebody killing her. She informed that it will be Ghost Hunter. She also saw him killing God Lord Brian and sounded sure that Brian is no more. Adele tried to comfort her saying that it must be just nightmare. But Montecie retorted her that its not dream and what she has seen will happen for sure as she has desolate's seal in her soul. So she can vaguely get whatever Desolate has planned. Shi Yan was stunned as he can't believe that his Ghost Hunter is possessed by Desolate. He was wondering if this happened after swallowing Cang Yun or was he just a chess piece right from the beginning?
On the edge of Sea Domain of Nihility billions of light beams boomed and an absolute beginning creature emerged there. It was an super giant octopus. Dark Abyss formed there and teleported the creature. Edgar and Labitte welcome the Octopus in Ancient Demon Star Area. Although Shi Yan was master in this area but suddenly with appearance of Octopus he lost his control over the stars and he knew that the real body of Devour is this. Dark Abyss was just brain of this massive creature. Shi Yan told everybody that Devour and Hui joined hands and fought against Desolate and divided him into five pieces. But they themselves were hurt during this process and has to lay dormant for countless years. And thus this Octopus shouldn't be at his full strength too. Hui didn't hesitated anymore and brought her twelve heads too. She wanted tower at all costs. Everybody was wondering about the secrets of tower that can make two absolute beginning creatures fight for it. Zi Yao said that she and Phantom endured so many obstacles to create this key so she won't let Devour snatch it at any cost. Phantom has fallen for the sake of this tower too. Whole star area became chaotic with the emergence of two absolute beginning creatures. Shi Yan noticed the keyword of their conversation and now knew that Tower is a key to something apart from its usage in creating Absolute Beginning Original Symbols. He didn't told this information to Montecie and Hiro. At this time Little Skeleton came out of nowhere and looked towards Shi Yan with pleading eyes. Shi Yan understood immediately and called the coffins. He ignored the quarrel of Hui and Devour and started operating on two ancestors of White Bone Clan. He used surging vitality and enormous vitality flew towards skeletons inside the coffin. The heartbeat of skeletons was audible now and Little Skeleton was excited.
At the same time Ancient God Continent was sucked dry by Hui's actions. It's a barren place now. There were several other life stars there where 12 families from God Clan stayed. A great planet shadowed entire Ancient God Continent. Desolate arrived and killed everyone for their betraying and joining Hui.
Montecie congratulated White Bone Clan members to gain two new Territory Ancestor Realm experts who were about to be revitalized. Shi Yan was done now and shifted his eyes towards Ming Hao, Xuan He and Frederick and told them then its their turn now. They got ready to obtain energy from Shi Yan too. Hui and Devour vied for tower but were not fighting for it to death as if they were afraid of something. They didn't cared for Shi Yan and his allies at all too. Mei Ji reminded Shi Yan that he should participate in competition for tower too as its his asset too. But before he can reply he sensed a danger and his soul started shaking vigorously. He looked toward Audrey and her face was pale with fear. He told everybody to return to Grace Mainland and forget about tower. Everybody can sense from fear of Shi Yan that Desolate has awakened. Due to being in territory of Desolate, Hui and Devour can't sense his presence yet. In Desolate's territory it's impossible to beat him so their first step should be to move Grace Mainland away from Desolate. Everybody joined hands to tear apart the barriers of star areas and returned to grace mainland and agate star area. Xia Xin Yan and Fu Wei were surprised to hear the idea of Shi Yan's moving whole Grace Mainland away from Desolate Territory. Shi Yan didn't have the time to explain anything. He gave four hours time to Ming Hao's group to bring all their relatives to grace mainland or they will regret it later. Blood Devil and Yang Tian Emperor were puzzled too by Shi Yan's actions. Finally Shi Yan gave them hints that Desolate has woken up and needs lots of energy and he will probably annihilate everything to obtain power to defeat Hui and Devour. And ordinary mortals won't help him he needs strong warriors like all the allies of Shi Yan to grow stronger. Now thinking it as end of the world like situation everybody moved at lightning fast speed to gather their relatives to prepare for their migration. Shi Yan also moved towards Shang family and gave them 15 minutes to prepare and escape from the upcoming trouble. He did same with Yu Shan and Xuan Fei. In this way, Everybody who has good connections with Shi Yan were teleported to Grace Mainland. Currently Ancient God Star Area is doomed and next turn can be of theirs Star Area that's why Shi Yan is hurrying for escape.
Many high realm warriors in Ancient God Star Area were dying. Ordinary mortals were safe. Life Stars heaven and earth energy was being sucked dry. Ghost Hunter was converting this star area as his weapon. He sealed the Ancient God Continent so four heavenly kings are trapped inside it too waiting for death. And finally Ghost hunter took action and shattered their soul altars and their bodies became dried as if all nutrients are sucked from them. After that Ghost Hunter continued his mission of destroying and sucking everything from Ancient God Continent experts.
In Ancient Demon Star Area, Zi Yao was holding tower with five bright light rays and on other side giant Octopus was holding it with his tentacles. But suddenly Zi Yao felt that his four God Guards i.e. heavenly kings are murdered. Her soul seal was stronger for four heavenly kings so she was informed immediately unlike the other normal warriors. She tried sending her soul consciousness towards Ancient God Continent but she found that barrier between star areas is now ten times more thicker. And she guessed that Desolate is awakened and trying to merge his clones. She now sensed that Shi Yan's' group was gone too. God Lord Brian is dead, and Ghost Hunter is missing too which signify that he has already merged with two of his clones. Even Devour's face paled after hearing this news, as they are in Desolate Territory and are currently wounded so there's no way for them to stand against him here. They also can't let Desolate obtain Tower so Zi Yao gave up and tower went inside Dark Abyss. And then they decided to leave this Desolate's territory immediately. Devour also ordered Devouring Clansmen to jump in Dark Abyss and disappeared. Ghost Hunter appeared after their escape, and knew that he is late. Now his remaining targets are God-blessed Mainland and Grace Mainland. He sensed that Audrey is not present on God-blessed Mainland so he can't fuse with his clone there unless he devour Audrey. Therefore he decided to go to Grace Mainland first.