33 Leveling up like Rocket.... (2/2)

Grand Priest knew that it's not about him at all, and both parties are using just his name to execute a spark to raise wildfire. Their main objective is to have a battle with each other. Comments from both sides kept firing until Grand Priest himself shouted them to stop blabbering....

”Let's try this new arena's strength by resolving your issues by a Battle Royal instead.” declared Grand Priest.

Everybody was happy as they all wanted to teach this new fella a lesson and simultaneously test the strength of each other too, once they take care of Bardock.

Beerus peeked towards Bardock in hopes of getting an answer, and understanding the thoughts of Beerus, Bardock told him to go ahead.

”Our Lord Bardock doesn't need to fight with the puny ants like yourself, he is going to sit on the throne here instead and enjoy the show.” Beerus used a capsule created by Bulma to pop out a throne on the spot, and helped Bardock in having a seat like a professional servant.

Then he continued, ”For you just the mortal Goku from our universe is more than enough.”

Insult, this was an huge insult towards the Gods to claim that they can be beaten by mortals. All gods immediately leaped on the stage. Goku was stretching himself as usual before a fight and then jumped on the semi-finished arena. Grand Priest didn't mind about entry of a mortal with the Gods and thus stayed quiet.

”All of you can come together”, mocked further Goku and posed for the fight. All gods were so enraged now that they can't hold any longer. Sidra was the first to launch his punch towards Goku, but he saw himself punching in the air, as Goku was standing behind him. Grand Priest, Angels and other Gods were surprised to see the speed of Goku (which they can't see actually). Now they knew why Beerus has changed. This is an unimaginable speed that even Grand Priest can't catch with his eyes. And if just Goku is this strong that means the new God should be even stronger and faster than this mortal.

Grand Priest gestured towards Whis to join them and asked him about all the recent happening of DU. Whis himself wasn't sure but knew that the quick growth of Bardock and Broly must be due to their hidden boss, 'Stonexia'. So he told about existence of their boss to the Grand Priest and other angels. However Angels showed respect towards this new God, and they were not afraid like the Gods who were giving horrified looks as if somebody has murdered their parents, after watching speed of Goku.

Grand Priest and Angels knew that they haven't mocked Bardock, Broly or Goku ever and they didn't even knew their boss Stonexia too, so there was nothing much to fear unless Stonexia and his party themselves is evil and want to destroy all angels for no reason.

Battle continued but all gods have lost their will to fight already. Goku was playing them.

”Ok come on, i won't use my speed just hit me i want to check if i can take on combined attack from all of you or not?”

All eyes from Gods lit up. One on one they have no chance but if ganged up together they should probably be able to even beat Grand Priest. They all created massive spheres of destruction and hurled towards empty space in front of Goku where they all fused to become one super huge 'Spirit Bomb' sized Sphere, and they finally hurled it towards Goku. Goku was playing so first he tried to check that if his raw strength can stop this huge sphere or not. And yes he was easily able to push the incoming ball back towards the Gods as an reversal to their move.

All gods were peeing in their pants now seeing that they are gonna get destroyed by their own move. But as Goku was just testing his strength he stopped pushing when ball was just 1 inch away from one of the God and instead pulled it towards his own direction with even more mighty speed.

All gods took a breath who were feeling choked due to horror of death after seeing ball going away from them.

”Crazy, that fella is crazy, he even dare to hurl that huge ball of combined powers of us god towards himself just to check his strength. I am out, i admit defeat”.

”Me too.” .....”Me too”... and all gods admitted defeat one by one even before seeing the outcome of Goku who was enveloped by the huge ball of fused destruction forces from all gods. He launched a 'kamehameha' attack with minimum of his power from within the ball and all destruction energy enveloping him dissipated into thin air with sparkling special effects.

Grand Priest himself wasn't sure if the same attack was hurled towards him, then he would be surviving or not? But a mere mortal has reduced the attacked to nothingness, and that too with such ease.

”Now now where are you all going accepting your defeats? You dared disrespect your Lord Bardock here. Their outcome should'nt be that easy right, My Lord?” Beerus spoke.

”Yes, of course. And your boot licking is so pleasing to me, I am loving it. I will double your salary, now you can have two dishes everyday from Bulma. And son you did a great job. Your father here is proud of you.” said Bardock who remained silent all time.

”Hereby I declare the end of the tournament of survival even before its commencement as an order from new Lord of the Cosmos named as Lord Stonexia Yrrah. All angels are to serve him, me, Broly and Yrrah family members instead of Zeno. Anybody who dares object or even secretly disapproves this setting by me, can come out and suffer the same fate as these insolent self claiming gods.”

Bardock stood up from his throne and prepared 11 mini spheres of destruction and that were thrown towards all different Gods from different universes who were immediately reduced to dust clouds. Miserable shrieks echoed before their deaths, that made all angels and grand priest shiver from fear with the merciless nature of this new God.

Now except for the 6 revived universes that were revived due to wrong phrasing of wish of Grand Priest after Tournament of Power, there were no God of Destructions left. But soon they will know about the fate of other God of Destructions via God Tube (a news channel of Gods, usually viewed by Kais from all universes as per anime) and know about appearance of someone stronger than Grand Priest, and thus no one should be daring enough to mess with him.

Goku was very excited to see his new power. And he now targeted Grand Priest to check out his limits. But Grand Priest refused immediately, ”We are not allowed to battle.” He was just searching for excuse as he has seen strength of Goku and even Bardock and knew that his power is puny in front of these beasts. And there is still Broly who hasn't shown any movement but as he is related to these monsters then he should not be any less too.

”Nopes, you are allowed to battle now, its not Zalama that will rule the 18 universes now, its Lord Bardock and Lord Stonexia that will be ruling now whole Cosmos instead which has 25 universes or 26 if including this stupid void universe. Thus what they say is the new rules. Lord Bardock's son wants you to fight means a rule is made that allows you to battle now. Got it?” Beerus said acting as the best lackey ever found.

Goku felt really proud on hearing this, ”Wow, my words are laws. Awesome...”

”But i am weak, i will die for sure.” Grand Priest said honestly seeing no way out from the situation.

”Oh so you admit defeat like those loser Gods too.” asked Bardock.

Understanding the outcome of refusing, Grand Priest agreed for the fight with Goku. And as soon as he got hit by one punch of Goku he was sent flying towards the end of the horizon. Whis was told to bring his father back by Goku. And after few hours he was brought back in pathetic condition by his son. His face was bruised and disfigured and various other body parts were swollen. Maybe he bumped into many planets before he can control the energy of the attack causing injuries to his other parts. Goku didn't wanted to kill Grand Priest as his normal behavior and thus simply got back to Bardock and asked ”Dad, how's my performance?”

”You rock, my dear son. Ha ha” laughed Bardock.

Then interrogation round began with the bruised Grand Priest. Grand Priest spilled out some important information that Zalama is the father of Zeno and dotes on him very much, and it was actually for him only that he created the super dragon balls, fearing that his son may destroy all universes someday. He was very strong being with no rival so apart from sleeping and eating he didn't have much to do in this cosmos. Whenever he wakes up, angels are given order to gather the best delicacies around the universe for Zalama. It was Zalama who created the angels race too and the rules that are being followed by them for the above said purpose only. Apart from this they are meant to follow the orders of his son too. By creation of super dragon balls, Zeno can himself restore the universes without disturbing him at all and let him slumber in peace, which he enjoyed most. As per Grand Priest, Zeno should be little stronger than Goku, and Zalama should be even stronger than Zeno.

Then the bruised Grand Priest was ordered to take them towards Zeno to reclaim the cosmos from this spoiled brat who has become a tyrant king by the passing of time and even teach his pops some lessons regarding raising their children. Even Stonexia killed his descendant when he was spoiled to certain extent back there in Almightoronia Universe after all, the stories of that incident is still told to newer generations of Yrrahs and as such Bardock is aware about that too.

As per the explanation of Grand Priest that father and son duo must be only slightly stronger than Goku's strength and Bardock knew that Goku hasn't even used half his strength during the battle with grand priest or even against the combined attacks of all gods. So the situation should be controllable by them. Even if not they can call Stonexia too to buff them up by Blood Field.