22 Chapter 22 - Changes in the story (1/2)

'It is now the night of the 20th of August.' Seras wakes up and thinks to herself.

'How can so many things have happened in the span of a week. I mean I get stabbed by 11 blessed Bayonets on the 15th, I get hunted by Iscariots again two days later with Integra. I then kill Steadler and get punished for two days to which I then was on the brink of death...again. Then I meet Helena and we goto the Naruto Universe only to return to an angry master.'

'If this was a story others might be wondering why I'm thinking of this. Well it's because of what Walter is saying.'

”Did you hear me Seras?” Walter asks while cleaning up the room.

”Um.....yes and no. Could you please explain again.” Seras asks embarrassed.

”Fine. I'm here to inform you of a pressing situation. The round table has some serious doubts about the efficiency of Hellsing as of late. They are angry over what happened a couple days ago and have decided on a rather coarse action.” Walter sighs.

”What action?”

”They have decided that there is a problem with Hellsing and have called outside help to remedy it.”

”...please don't tell me you're about to say what I think you're going to.”

”Unfortunately the queen has agreed. So tomorrow morning the Vatican is going to be sending a few professionals to evaluate us.”

”The Iscariots? Do we know who they're sending?”

”No, just that it is going to be a group of 5 individuals.”

”I see.”

”Sir Integra has ordered me to tell you to be on your best behavior. If you so much as try to hurt one of them without provocation you will be severely punished and worst case scenario Sir Integra might have to order Alucard to kill you.” Walter has a very grim face while saying so.

”Don't worry Walter. I've met Alexander Anderson before. I'm sure whoever comes, I'll be fine.”

”Be that as it may. I hope you control yourself seras. You have brought so much happiness to this family and I don't want to lose it.” Walter caringly says before walking out.

Just as Walter leaves Alucard's voice sounds out.

”Well, that was very touching of him to say.” He chuckles.

”Yes it was.”

”I can't wait for them to show Police Girl. It's going to be a fun week.”

”Wait. A week!? That's ridiculous!”

”It could be more if they so wish to stay. After all, Hellsing is in a precarious position.”

”I see. Then what do I need to do? Do I need to meet them when they show or are we meeting them tomorrow night?”

”We have to meet them when they show. It's unfortunately the price we pay as Hellsing's trump cards.”

”I see. Then I'm going to the range. I need to shoot out a weeks worth of stress before they arrive. I hope that Maxwell doesn't show or I might kill him.” Seras leaves these words to which Alucard is confused by.

He disappears from his room and reappears in Integra's office.

”What is it Alucard? Did you tell seras about our predicament?”

”Yes and she promises not to cause any trouble. Although she did say something to the contrary.”

”What is it this time?” She asks frustrated.

”She says that if someone named Maxwell shows she might kill him.”

”Maxwell? How does she know about him?”

”I can't say. She just does.”

”This is ridiculous. Ever since she has shown up it seems like you're keeping more and more secrets from me.”

”You could order me, but I believe even that will not allow me to answer.”

”That's ridiculous. I ORDER you to tell me all of the secrets between the two of you.” She orders angrily despite her better judgement.


”What? How come you don't answer me?”

”Unless I want to, this information I know can not be forced out of me. It is above the seal Abraham has placed upon me.” He pauses.

”If you just asked nicely, I might have said. Now though, it will be out of your reach.”

Alucard disappears soon after in a fit of anger leaving a confused Integra.

”Is that possible? That seal was a lifetime of my ancestors work, what kind of information can prevent that?” Integra gets confused as a knock sounds out.

Walter opens the door and notices the look of Integra and begins to ask.

”Sir, are you...”

”I'm fine Walter. Just stressed about this shit bomb coming our way.”

”Now Integra, you know how I feel about that sort of language.”

”Sorry Walter. I just feel like I have failed my family, by allowing the Iscariots entrance. It makes my skin crawl.”

Sometimes doing something you like can make time go by incredibly faster. By the time seras noticed, it was already dawn and Walter came by to ask her to come to the entrance.

She cleans up the room and stores all of the shells in her inventory before going to the trash and unloading them all into the trash.

Afterwards, Seras phases into the entrance area of the mansion grouping together with Walter, Integra, and Alucard.

She notices that Integra is giving her a glare of true anger and looks to Alucard for what happened.

{She ordered me to inform her of your secrets and when my seals didn't work she got very angry. She is just taking her anger out on you.}

{Why did she even ask to begin with?}

{Come now Police Girl. Integra is not stupid, she knows that we have a few secrets that we have been sharing and she has restrained herself from asking until now.}

{I see. So how angry is she?}

{let's just say that you shouldn't meet her without me or Walter for a while.}

Just as he gets done telepathically saying this, Integra begins to speak.

”I see you finally arrived Police Girl. You sure took your sweet time getting here.”

”Oh. I'm sorry Sir Integra. I was at the range and I had to clean it up.”

”You were relieving stress again?”

”Y...Yes.” She affirms with a blush.

After this silence prevails for the next while and seras notices that it's currently 7:30 AM which means it's 30 minutes past dawn.

{Master. When did the Vatican say they would arrive?}

{Dawn.} He says with a yawn.

{well, isn't that interesting.} she grins madly to which nobody notices except Alucard.

{You promised Police Girl.}

{it's fine, I won't physically hurt them.} she stresses the word physically.

{Good. I really don't want to find you on the end of my gun.}

{You won't master.}

They spend the next couple hours waiting in the front entrance getting more frustrated by the second.

Seras is laying down on the couch almost sleeping. Alucard is still leaning against the wall while Integra is sitting in a chair being served tea by Walter.

This goes on until 10:00 AM when Walter received info that the Vatican has arrived and they are coming through the gate.

”They're finally here. Alucard, wake up seras.” Integra commands looking at the drooling seras.

”Sure.” He says before picking up the police girl by her head and shakes her harshly.

”Uh....owowow. Great, this is all I need before meeting those assholes.” her eyes snap open before getting hit with a splitting headache.

”Be quiet Police Girl. They're going to be here any second.” Integra commands harshly.