16 Chapter 16 - Interlude Part 2 (1/2)

The next night when Seras wakes up naturally, she goes directly to Integra's office and knocks on the door.

”Come in.” Integra says.

As Seras opens the door, Integra doesn't look up and she speaks afterwards.

”Walter, can you call Captain Fargason tomorrow and tell him to meet me here at 10 O'Clock sharp?”

As she doesn't here any reply, she looks up and sees Seras just staring at her while her chin is on top of her two arms, leaning on the edge of the desk.

”Seras? I'm sorry, I thought you were Walter?”

”It's fine, you're extremely busy all the time, huh?” She says and then questions.

”Yes, this is the price of being the head of Hellsing.” Integra sighs as she pinches her nose with her index and thumb.

”You look exhausted, sir Integra. Oh! I got a great idea, why don't we go out tomorrow night and have some fun? Just the two of us.” Seras asks with hope.

”I can't Seras! I'm too occupied with work.” Integra says while showing a wanting face.

”Aha! So you do want to! Walter?”

As soon as Seras says this Walter comes in with a knowing smile.

”Walter! What is happening here?”

”Nothing ma'am, Seras just told me that you would want to go out with her and have fun. I said you wouldn't, but I guess I was wrong. Don't worry about your work, I can handle the small things for tomorrow. Why don't you go out with Seras and experience the life of a normal person?”

”I told you I can't, there is too much to do!”

”Pleeaaaassseeee? Who knows when you can actually do it. Being spontaneous is a good thing!” Seras begs.

As Integra sees both Walter and Seras' expression she knows that she won't be able to talk her way out so she reluctantly agrees.

”Ugh, fine! Well go tomorrow night at 8PM, is that ok?”

”Yay! Make sure to take a nap before then, we're going to be out for a while!” Seras skips out of the office.

”What am I going to do with her Walter? She is very childish.” Integra sighs.

”Don't worry ma'am, Seras is a very good planner, she already told me what she is going to do and where. She included times as well.

”Really? She doesn't seem so methodical?” Integra asks.

”Trust me, she could send MI-6 down a wild goose chase, if she so wishes.” Walter says with a satisfied smile.

”Well then. I guess I'm going out tomorrow, ready the guards for it.”

”I'm sorry ma'am, but you're not going to need guards.”

”Why? What if something happens?”

”Did you forget who you're going with, ma'am? Seras is more then enough for what human bodyguards can deal with, even if she is incredibly weak.” Walter smiles wryly.

”Yes, you're right. Her actions always make me forget what she is.”

”Isn't that a good thing, ma'am?” Walter replies.

”Hmph, I guess.” Integra says while getting back to her papers.

Whenever you wait for something, time always seem to move slowly. Eventually though it gets there. Around 7:30 Seras is waiting outside of Integra's office wearing the same kind of clothes as 2 days ago, but the colors are reversed.

About 20 minutes later, Integra walks out in clothes Seras didn't know she had. She is wearing all expansive brands, but with the same style as Seras. Jeans, tank top, and a loose shirt.

”Wow! You look beautiful sir Integra!” Seras compliments her.

”Shut up! Where are we going tonight? Walter said I should dress like this, even though I wanted to wear my normal suit.” Integra complains weakly.

”Where we're going, the suit would stick out unnaturally. Plus it's going to be multiple places that the suit is not suited for. Pfft! Hahaha.” Seras says and then laughs.

”What's so funny!?”

”Well I said the suit isn't suited for, so I made a pun on accident. Isn't that funny?”

”What's a pun?”

”What!? Sir Integra, you don't know what a pun is?” Seras reacts strongly with a surprised tone.

”No, why? Is it something bad?”

”No, but, gosh I don't even know where to begin.”

”What's a pun?”

”A pun is something in which you use the word in a different way in the same sentence. It's an old form of joke.”

”A joke? Really?”

”Yes, anyway. Let's go, we don't want to be late.” Seras says as she starts pushing Integra to the front doors.

”Wait! Isn't Walter driving us? We have to wait for him.”

”No silly! We're taking a taxi! You need to experience these types of things every now and then, Inty.”

”What? Wait, Inty? What's that?”

”It's the name I'm going to be calling you for tonight, Integra is well known around the town. Is that not okay?”

”It's fine. It just surprised me, cause that's what my father called me when I was younger.”

”I'm sorry, I can try to come up with something else.” Seras apologetically says.

”No, it's fine. Let's go.”


As they leave the soldiers that the gate give respectful salutes as they walk past and get in the cab.

”Inty, what are you doing?”

”Obviously I'm waiting for...oh. Sorry, I forgot Walter isn't here to open my door for me.” Integra says and then blushes before continuing.

”Hahahahahaha, so cute.”