Chapter 702 - Vol 9: Ch 702 – Family Bonding with Tae around 3 (1/2)
Vol 9: Ch 702 – Family Bonding with Tae around 3
Just after Tae agreed with his wife, everyone is now entering the premises and right away they got ȧssist by the staff of the restaurant that led them to their Table that was good for 7.
After seating on the chair, Won-won asks curiously ”Mama, Papa”
”It said that eat all you can do, so it means I can eat what I want?”
Instead of his wife, Tae is the one replying to his youngest son ”yes you can eat what you want as long as you can eat it”
”Eh, then I can eat dessert and more dessert then?”
Both his parents got speechless and then both his elder siblings, the Jun Twins calls their youngest attention right away ”Won-won”
”…oops but I can't help it after all it says eat all you can so what's wrong with that?”
”Nothing's wrong with that Won-won and it's just your Sis Re-re and Bro Wu-wu are both concerned for you but for now it's an exception since Papa really bring us here so it means you can eat what you can eat but before dessert, you must make sure that you eat at least a few main dishes, is that alright with you?”
”Uh-uh, Mama and so can we start now?”
”Yes we can”
So then right away, both Rei and Tae ȧssist their kids first before them since both Ellyn and Ken can already reach what they want after all both of them are already tall enough though they are still kids, Ellyn turning 7 this coming June and 5 days from now Ken turning 9.
After ȧssisting their kids, the couple got their food and then the family members are now eating together.
All kids are only eating a small portion of the main dishes since they target the dessert the most and just after an hour, they are now done eating.
”Ah, I'm so full now and I can't eat anymore Mama”
Rei looking at her youngest plate and indeed her youngest really finish it all, so then she said right away to his son ”when we arrive at home, you must digest the foods first before sleeping, okay?”
”Eh, I can't sleep beside you tonight with Papa, Mama?”
”Not tonight since Mama has a lot to say to Papa after all your Papa just got discharge today, right?”
”Right Mama and so then when I can sleep beside you Mama with Papa?”
”Mmm... let's ask Papa about that one then, okay?”
”Okay and so Papa, when can Won-won sleep beside you and Mama?”
On the other hand, Tae is very amused by his beloved wife and youngest conversation that he fails to hear his youngest query so there's no answer from him.
”Papa you are not listening to me at all”
”Sorry, and so what did you ask me a while ago?”
”Won-won asks you about when I can sleep beside you and Mama.”
”Oh, I see and so when do you want then?”
”I want tonight Papa but Mama said that she has a lot to say to you so I guess on my birthday then”
”Mm… your birthday is on August 10 and today is May 05, so I guess it's very far so is that okay for you?”
”No problem at all because I have my own bed Papa and you really know my birthday, Papa,” said while smiling at the same time.
”Of course after all I'm your Papa and so you only want one day then?”
”Uh-uh after all Won-won, Sis Re-re and Bro Wu-wu are already used sleeping in our own room [the girl's room and the boy's room] this year since we know that Papa will return back to us”
”Oh I see and so it means you've been sleeping with Mama until last year, right?”
”Good boy and so are we going home now or not yet?”
”Let's go home now Papa but then Won-won can't carry my stomach now since it's very heavy from the foods so carry me, Papa?”
”…. [Tae almost speechless then smile before carrying his youngest and said to him] then Papa will carry you then”