Chapter 686 - Vol 9: Ch 686 – A surprise 3 (1/2)
Vol 9: Ch 686 – A surprise 3
Right after the two boys of the Jun change their clothes to their training suits, Wu-wu teaching his brother the dance steps step by step and since then the two boys are now immersed with their practice. Meanwhile, Re-re just looking at her brothers practicing seriously then looking at her wristwatch and notice the time.
”Eh, it's already 10 yet Mama is not yet back [pause then looking at her brothers again and said to them] alright let's stop for now and have your snacks.”
”...…..” No response from them since they are still immersed in their practice.
”….[sighing and said it loud] ah, I forgot to bring the snacks with me”
The two boys suddenly stop what they are doing and said in sync ”eh?”
”Ha, ha, ha, just kidding, and let's have our snacks first, okay?”
”Geez, Sis Re-re and that's really a bad joke,” Won-won said in relief.
”Hai, hai and the two of you come here with me now,” then the two boys who are now eating the snacks approach their sister while Re-re wiping their sweats as what she learn from her mother and doing in her mother's stead if Rei is not around.
”Re-re, Mama is not yet here?”Wu-wu asks his twin sister while at the same time Re-re wiping Won-won sweat and he also wipes his sweat.
”And so why Mama took it long to going back here, Sis Re-re?” Follow up Won-won.
”I don't know and Mama only said to me that it's a meeting”
”Mmm…. but then Mama will back right away within an hour every time Mama is in a meeting so what's wrong today?”
”Yeah and today I don't know what's wrong, Wu-wu …. Ah, turn your back since you didn't wipe your back yet.”
Wu-wu turning his back right away and Re-re wipes his sweat ”thank you, Re-re”
”You're welcome and so...…..”
”Sis Re-re, Sis Re-re”
”Another one”
”No more since this will be for our afternoon snacks.”
”You heard me Won=won”
”Oh” Replied while at the same time he is pouting.
”Just kidding and here”
”Geez, Sis Re-re”
Ignoring her brother and asks her twin brother ”how about you Wu-wu, you want another one?”
”Thanks, Re-re but I'm enough with this,” said while at the same time showing the snack to him that's not yet fully consumed by him.
”Oh, I see, and just tell me if you want another one, okay?”
Then the Jun siblings are talking with each other but suddenly stop because of Re-re.
”Psshhh ..... [She is gesturing her brothers to be quiet.]”
Both Wu-wu and Won-won follow right away, then the two brothers are asking their sister quietly.”Eh, what's wrong Sis Re-re / Re-re?”
”There's someone coming”
”Eh, then is it Mama?”
”No, not Mama”
”Psshhh and let's ...…” Before going to say the words hide suddenly the door open right away and Re-re automatically hide her brothers at her back. ”Who are you? Eh, is that you P-------- Papa?”
Both brothers ask in sync when they heard their sister, ”Papa? [Then peeping at the back of their sister and right away running towards their Papa while at the same time calling him] Papa”
”Hey, Wu-wu and Won-won stop it because we are not yet sure if that's Papa or not”
”It's Papa Sis Re-re”
”Huh, and how did you know that one, Won-won?”
”Don't know but it's really Papa”
”…. [Quite hesitant but ask that someone right away] are you really our Papa?”
On the other hand, Tae just smile at his eldest daughter antics and said to her right away ”yes, I'm your Papa, Re-re”
”You just heard my name from these two boys here and so if you are really our Papa then prove it that you are not an impostor one”
Hearing that one from Re-re, the two boys are looking at their sister and ask right away ”Sis / Re-re, what are you talking about?”