Chapter 559 - Vol 7: Ch 559 – Study Group with the Wong’s siblings (1/2)
On the other hand, Lyn, who didn't witness one of the family antics of the Din's Family Members just arrive at the living area since she did already done preparing the foods for their lunch.
”Lunch ready, eh you're here Sis Rei and Bro Tae?”
”Oh Lyn, thank you for cooking the food for us”
”No problem Sis Rei but then where are the two now?”
”Busy” all a.d.u.l.ts answered in sync.
”Ah, I see” no questions from her since she already knows what's going on.
”I and Tae going to change after calling Mom and Dad in the guest room”
Right away the Jun couple is now calling their parent's attention before changing the clothes and then they eat together since the Jang's couple is still busy at the moment.
At exactly 1 pm, everyone arrives along with the Wong Siblings of course it's the same scenario in the parking space with just an additional one car for the Wongs.
Ken: [Open the door and notice the Wong's siblings] wow you are really here Senior Woona, Senior Wong, and Senior Yu
Both: [Woona and Anna are still awkward] ...…
Wooji: [Didn't feel the awkwardness and greet him right away] wow you look refreshed in wearing the casual attire Young Master.
Ken: ...….
Jinyu: [Also received the same greeting a while ago and said to Ken] I guess we might get used to it Ken.
Ken: Right
Jinyu: By the way where's Ellyn?
Ken: [Whisper to him] careful Bro Jinyu because everyone is here.
Jinyu: Oh, I see, and thanks for warning me in advance.
Wooji: Young Masters, what the two of you whispering about?
Both: Nothing
Ellyn: [Just arrived in the door since she's waiting for them but then again it will always be the same thing and scenario because of Ken] geez Bro Ken, are you not going and planning them to let them in?
Ken: Of course I will but...
Wooji: Eh Miss Nice Voice, you and Bro Ken are living together? Are you also siblings with different mothers like me and Anna?
Ellyn: ...….
All: [Kids except the Wong's wondering at the same time] 'eh, in other words, the two are siblings with different mother, right?'
Ken: Come in everyone
Wooji: Hey, hey you didn't answer me Young Master and….. [Stop since he notices that they are not alone] eh, is it okay for us to bothering today?
Ken: No worries Senior Wong because they are my family members.
Wooji: Huh?
Ken: [Speak using the Universal Language one] Ren and Lynel, this is Senior Wong, this is Senior Woona and Senior Yu, all the three of them are a senior from other schools we met last week and a new friend of us.
Both: [Ren and Lynel] Oh nice to meet you Senior Wong, Senior Woona, and Senior Yu.
Ken: Senior Woona, Senior Wong, and Senior Yu this is my younger brother Ren and my cousin Lynel.
Both: [Wooji and Anna] hey, hey, are we dreaming why we did see two of them now? [Both said while pinching their face with each other.] Ouch [and they feel hurt at the same time]
Ken: Senior Wong and Senior Yu both of you are not dreaming but please when you are talking to my brother and cousin use the Universal Language one since they don't know Sean.
Both: Oh I see but why do you look alike then?
Ken: Well Ren is my younger twin brother and Lynel is also a younger twin sister of my cousin here Ellyn.
Both: Eh?
Woona: [Grab the two younger siblings of her and standing up in front of them so they are now on her back] sorry for that Junior Ken but before we are going for study group can we at least introduce ourselves again so that it will not be awkward from us?
Ken: Oh but you already...
Jinyu: That's right Senior Wong and let's speaks using the Universal Language one so that both Ren and Lynel here won't be left out.