Chapter 498 - Vol 7: Ch 498 – The facts and truth still uncovered (1/2)
Woo Jin arrived at his home and found his wife already done preparing their food.
”You're here and why you didn't come home last night?”
”I meet some trouble last night Ina”
”I see”
”Where are Woona and Wooji?” Asks and looking for their 3 years old daughter and 1-year-old son.
”They are still sleeping and Woo Jin?”
”Did you hide something from me?”
”Why did you ask that one?”
”Nothing and remind you that you must not drink any alcoholic drinks because that's your weakness. I don't love you but I've been married to you for almost 4 years so you must cautious enough because you can't handle that one after all that what's happen why I got Wooji”
”I know and that won't happen again” and this time he can't open to her about what really happened because he doesn't want his wife to hate him enough when she's already hated him for what he did and he just wants his wife to love him back after all his been in love with her since when he's 10, the day when he first got to talk with her. He didn't have any lovers or keeping any mistresses because he wants his wife to love him but now he did sleep with someone and most of all it's his best friend's girlfriend. He wants to tell it but no one can understand him and most of all he will say the opposite to what he really thinks. He investigates it personally but he doesn't have any laid and already guessing that maybe no one scheming against him and just thinking that it's just his fault since he did drinks knowing that it's his own weakness. Later on, he wants to talk with Hannah but just found out that they already break up and so he avoided her for everyone not to realize that something happened between them. Of course, he always kept updated on Tae's activities without letting everyone know especially his wife who still hated and blaming him for everything, well, it's really his fault. He wants to let go of her but then he can't do it because he really loves her and only his family members that he has now even known that he had a wife who never loves him and has 2 children but there's no love of it when Ina got pregnant after all Ina got pregnant with Woona because the two got drugged by their own parents and then Ina got pregnant with Wooji because Woo Jin got drunk when he returned home and accidentally sleeping with Ina then did it to her for the second time. So not letting anyone know of what he really feels, he always keeps it hidden forever until he lost his breath but without knowing it would be revealed someday.
===== End of Flashbacks =====
Rei listening to it very well but she can't sense that Woo Jin is a jerk or a sc.u.m bug so she asks her husband to be sure.
”Tae, that Woo Jin didn't hurt you? I mean did he punch you or more worst trying to kill you?”
Tae got surprised and suddenly realized that he never did then replied to his wife ”he never did Hon because Woo Jin only try to frame me up by cheating and I never ask him why he did it. He also told lies to our coach so that I can't be in the competition and I never heard anything from him about why he did it. He got married to Roux but he really didn't steal her from me personally after all they are really engaged for real. Woo Jin is the only son of Wong's Corp. and the Wong's Family are really rich in fact they can be on par with Bro En, so if he really hated me then he can hurt as long as what he wants after all he can do it especially I'm in the Entertainment Industry that I can be easily destroyed knowing his connections but he didn't do anything.”
”So do I need to investigate about him?”
”Not yet Hon and let's meet Woo Jin personally but before that let's eat first because I'm hungry now”
Suddenly laughing because Tae is really serious but then his stomach suddenly grumbles ”alright, alright let's eat first and there's a mall in there” pointing some buildings and right away Tae drive their ways to there. They arrived and the couple hops outside from the car then Tae suddenly realized and laugh.
”What's wrong Tae?”
”Wong Corp is the owner of this mall you know”