179 Vol 4 : Ch 179 - First task as a Manager (1/2)
The team are now on the way to the studio and still talking about the results of the game awhile ago.
As a manager, Rei is the one who drive and then Yun to her side which leave the other members at the back.
San : Ha, ha, who expected that Manager Rei is on par with Bro Tae.
Shi : Imagined all rounds are all strike. I guess Bro Yun, Bro Je and I need to practice more.
Bi : And that applied to me. Geez so that's why you've been called a genius Manager Rei
Yun : Ha, ha, ha I lost to Manager Rei fair and square and most of all I lost right away who just a beginner at it. Geez Manager Rei, you're too amazing.
Rei : Ha, ha guys you're too serious and it's just a game. I just got lucky today that's for sure.
All : (Except Tae because he knows her well) 'Lucky? Seriously for 20 times and all of them are strike, that's not you got lucky and you just too smart.'
Rei : Ahh, we're here.
Then Rei park the car right away and all of them entered the premises together. If paparazzi happened to be there then it would be an exclusive news because Team M'Dol are accompanying one single beautiful and mysterious lady since they don't know that Rei already part of their Team Managers but well they're not there in the premises so no news for them. The team just arrived at the studio then right away Rei inform Mr. Hwang since she doesn't have the number of the team managers and only the members phone number she have now.
”We arrived Mr. Hwang, I inform you because I'm still not aware of Team Managers number”
”Ah, that's right. I will inform them and they will be there any minute”
After replying to her, Mr. Hwang inform the Manager since they still in his office and just discussing for the Team upcoming concert that one day it would be the reason why the couple got their first and last fight.
”Alright, the team already there in their studio”
All : Eh, that early?
”Yes and you must used of it because Manager Rei have a rule of being early around 30 minutes before the scheduled time and Managers please give your numbers to her”
All : Yes Mr. Hwang
”And also Manager Han?”
”Yes, Mr. Hwang?”
”Give the tentative schedules of the team for this month to Manager Rei so that she will be finalized it and then inform her about the upcoming concert of the team at the end of the month”
”Copy Mr. Hwang and what about the deadlines for the final schedules of the team?”
”Just give her the tentative schedules when you arrive at the studio and then ask her to give it back around 8pm at the Team house”
”Copy, Mr. Hwang” then just realized what he heard from Mr. Hwang ”eh, what? I mean you just give Manager Rei around 3 hours of time to finalized this month schedules?”
”Yes, you heard it right and now go so that your team will not be late for your schedule this time”
Then the Team Managers got out from his office and when they're in the elevator, they chat about this topic.
Wang : I wonder why Mr. Hwang give the difficulty one to Manager Rei when it's her first day as Managers and just join with us.
Li : Yeah that's right. I'm not doubting about Manager Rei's ability but as her first day and being a manager it's not easy but then finalizing the whole month schedule of the team it's kind of hard, you know.
Chi : Now that I think of it, Manager Han after finalizing the schedule of the team, how long you will make it after you finalize it?