160 Vol 3 : Ch 160 - Tae teammates sudden visi (1/2)
upThe Jun family are also celebrating their Christmas by chatting and singing along with the family members leaving Jia sleep alone to her room.
Around 3am, the family already sleeping soundly and peacefully then waking up around 7am.
Tae : Good Morning Mom and Dad
Both : Good Morning Tae, you're sisters?
Sis3 : Hello, I just wake up.
Sis2 : Me too, how about Sis1?
Sis3 : Maybe busy making a baby?
Sis1 : Idiot, who dare to make a baby with Jia's around?
Sis3 : Ha, ha just kidding and then let Jia sleep at my room.
Jia : For what reason Auntie?
Sis3 : For you to have a sister or brother
Jia : (pouting) how come it related to me Auntie?
All : (looking to her as if saying) see?
Sis3 : It related to you (everyone are looking to her) because you're Mom and Dad want it to be surprise.
Jia : Ahh, I see then I will sleep with Auntie Sis2.
Sis3 : Eh, what about me?
Mom : You stop being childish and let's eat.
Sis3 : Eh, foods already ready?
Sis1 : (smack her head slowly) idiot, we have many leftovers
Sis3 : Ahh, that's right. (Everyone laugh)
Around 9am, the family already done eating and done bathing, so now all of them are seating in the couch and suddenly heard a door bell from their own home.
Sis3 : Eh, do we have a visitors?
All : Who knows?
Tae as the youngest, he stand and approach where the door is. He unlocked the door and see who's their visitor but he didn't see anyone, so he got out and approach near the gate.
All : (his teammates hide and then surprised him after seeing him) Merry Christmas Tae / Bro Tae
Tae : Merry Christmas (open the gate), get in
All : Tsk, tsk you never change Tae/Bro Tae
Tae : Mmmm...
TL : Are they all here? (means Tae's family)
Tae : Uh-uh (all of them get inside together)
All : Good Morning Mom and Dad, sorry for disturbing you very early. (all of them called their parents and to each other like their own parents)
Mom : Ouh, you're guys are all here.
TL : Yeah Mom, all of us decide to visit Tae in surprise.
S3 : Ha, ha, ha it's alright we already used of it. But guys were lucky to have you here
”Diding, diding, diding”
TY : Who's phone is that Brothers?(asking his teammates and since his the youngest among them)
TL : It's not mine
TCMV : Not mine either
TR : same here
”Diding, diding, diding”
All : (Except Tae) not mine, eh it's your phone Tae / Bro Tae / Tae-nya
Tae : Let me check it (get his phone and just realize that Rei send many messages with photos and caption. He replied it right away without looking to them and just focus what she send and stay calm.
”Rei my teammates are here, I will call you later sorry”
TL : Who is it Tae?
Tae : My best friend
TL : I see, so now guys what are we going to do now?
Mom : We will leave you here alright?
TL : Yes Mom, it's alright and you must take a rest for sure since you sleep very late.
Mom : Yeah we really are, Dear come here and also the three of you (Tae's sisters).