84 Vol 2 : Ch 84 - Friendly Talk (1/2)

My First and Last Man Jtw10 24360K 2022-07-22

After hearing it from Rei, Tae feel relieved and continue asking regarding him

”So how's Secretary Han?”

”In what way?”

”Both ways Rei”


”But I want to hear about his outside appearance first”

”Outside appearance, hmm...” Rei thinking hard and then suddenly realized ”wait, do you even know who Secretary Han is, Brother Tae?”

”Uh-uh, I and my co-teams only meet him thrice but we didn't interact with each other” 'and of course I know him and how come I will not let him off when he taken a fancy to you My Rei, huh'

”Oh so you know him?” Tae nodded ”well you know that gossipping about our fellow colleagues is not allowed but well since it's you then I will tell”

”Right, so just trust and believe me Rei”

”Uh-uh, by the way have you heard that Secretary Han is really a popular in Business Field?”

”Eh, really?”

”I guess you didn't heard since you're also a man and wait do you know Secretary Meg?”

”Secretary Meg?”

Rei misinterpret his answer and assumed that he knows ”I bet you know her since she's really popular, you know she's a pure Senian and a real beauty”

”Real beauty more than you?”

”Cough, cough” got choke to her coffee drink

”Are you alright?”


”By the way I don't know her Rei” 'because the one I only know who is a real beauty is no other than you'

”Oh, then I guess she's not your type” Tae nodded that cause Rei to laugh ”ha, ha, ha you're too honest Bro Tae but well let's proceed to you're query. Secretary Han is really handsome man and also a genius but well his personality sucks”

”What do you mean Rei? And wait do you find him a handsome one?”

”Well to be frank his handsome but don't worry Bro Tae I didn't fancy him and I'm not a sadistic person.”

”Mmmmm... then how about his personality sucks?”

”Nah, it really sucks Bro Tae, you can't tell because you didn't interact with him but in Business Department he known as a sarcastic prince. I don't know why he become popular with that personality of him and I don't why my fellow ladies co-workers fancy him”

”Maybe because of his looks and being a genius Rei”

”Ah, you got a point Bro Tae but well his personality really sucks. You know what, he look down his fellow co-workers those who are below in him and then always respecting to the same level of him and those whose superior of him”

”Oh, so Secretary Han respect you since you're in the same level”

”Excluding me Bro Tae, I mean during my training, his scheming against me even though his my Mentor and Trainor”


”Secretary Han scheme against me and I realized it after I receive my license card and the car”

”What he did to you Rei?”

”Don't worry about that Bro Tae, I handle it very well”

”Eh, you want to know?”

”Of course”



”Okay, well, his teaching about the Sean Language is only average so he think that I will fail when he review what I learned base of the questionnaire he given to me and then he even record a video so that it can prove that I'm cheating.”

”What happened then?”