1 Welcome to Aenides (1/2)

Villagers were working the field, this seemed like a peaceful activity, yet they were all on edge. There weren't many peaceful days lately.

What could they do... Their kingdom was long lost, humanity was hunted and all humans lived in small groups as to avoid unwanted attention.

This was just one of the many hidden human villages in the Riverhorn Valley.

Today was like any other day. The women were working the field, the children were hidden in nearby caves making pots or working on other small tasks, some of the men were hunting and the rest were acting as sentries.

When suddenly a loud noise scared them, it came from the sky, as they all looked up they were half blinded by the sun. [Was the sun always this bright?] They thought.

All they could see through their fingers was a tiny spot getting bigger and bigger as it was getting closer.

The ones with good earing could hear a weird shout ”NO~FREAKKKIN~WAAYYYY~!”.

[What an awful sound... Is that the cry of a wyvern giving birth to quintuplets?], [No wait... Are we being attacked?]

One of the sentries shouted:”RUN AW-...”

But it was too late, whatever it was had already landed... Well more precisely it crashed... Loudly. Then it rolled for dozens of meters, hit a wooden wall, rebounded on a tree, went pass a few chickens, destroyed some bushes, before it finally stoped.

The villagers could only see rays of light piercing the dust where it stopped. As the dust settled the shape of a man was revealed, he had long black hair that reached his shoulder, he was tall, perhaps around 1m80, taller than most people in this world. He was wearing a beautiful white outfit with golden runes. His gaze was focused as if looking at something very far, he was very calm as if what just happened didn't concern him. His hands folded on top of each other were hidden in his long sleaves. The breeze moved his outfit rhythmically and waved his hair, rays of light still illuminated him, it was almost as if they were placed on purpose, he looked just like an immortal.

As he looked around, the villagers felt awe. His gaze was confident, aloof, it could only belong to an honest man. This man was proud! He was strong!

The man finished inspecting his surrounding, and then he thought to himself : ”THAT DAMN BI-”.


Let's go back a few minutes.

That man had just woken up, he was in an unfamiliar place.

[Huh? Where is this? I think I was just...]


[Hm?] He turned around and saw a woman floating in the air.

[Is that... A ghost? Crap... Am I dead?] He panicked and looked around him.

[This is definitively not earth... is this hell? Oh crap. I shouldn't have peeped on the neighbour lady... I really shouldn't have tried to get in the women's bath either... And that time I made my lab partner touch a battery to see her boobs jiggle when she got zapped. Wait...]

As he started sweating he noticed his body was real. [I can't float so at least I am not a ghost... Right?]

”Hey, you!”

[No way, no way! There is no way I'm going to start talking to ghosts! Even if she is a bit cute! This is going to start all kind of trouble for me! Let's ignore her.]

”Honorable Hero! I have summoned you here!”

[Whoa, this one read too many novels. She is definitively trouble!] As he thought that he started leaving.

”Damn you! Listen to me!”And just then the ”ghost” caught up to him and kicked him from behind.

A blood curling shout echoed in the valley: ”GYAAAAA ! Damn you that hurt! My heritage! My golden balls!” He said rolling around on the ground.