20 Strength To Protect-2 (1/1)

”Why do I have to be stuck with this idiot?” A young girl's voice was heard by Naota.

Naota turns around and looks at the girl but to his surprise the girl doesn't have the reddish hair strand that he saw when he first clashed his blade with the assassin. Instead, she has a white high pony-tail and two strands of hair near her ears along with blue eyes.

”What were you expecting me to be red-headed or something like that?” The girl asks Naota with an annoyed face and her hands fold. ”Oh? It seems that you two have already met.” Sige says with a smile. ”Yeah she attacked me when we met for the first time.” Naota says with a confused face while pointing at the girl.

”Oh that's bad, why did you do that Tia?” Jane asks the girl.

(That chick's name is Tia huh? Interesting...)

Tia looks away. ”He was getting himself in trouble and look at him right now. That's what you get for meddling in affairs you are not a part of.” Tia says with a pout after completing her sentence.

”Anyways, this our darling daughter Tia, I am sorry about the way she misbehaves but I think that she will be the perfect mentor for you as you seem to just be beginning your adventures.” Sige says to Naota with a smile.

(She is strong I can feel it but only if her bratty attitude doesn't get in the way)

”I will not train him. My master passed his teachings to me because he thought that I was worthy of it and I shall not pass it down to someone who only thinks about risking his life for smaller cause and not look at the bigger picture. Do you even realise that if you go now and rebel against Bluemoon than you will be making enemies not only with the soldiers of Bluemoon but the king himself and that is the reason why my father didn't go up against Bluemoon yet or else do you think that me, my mother or my father any of us don't want to rescue Rochel?! You just don't understand the situation we are in and if you go and fight against the city lord of Bluemoon than not only will you be grave danger but also I, the person who trained you will be in danger too and that will lead to my father being in danger and then my mother too. I can't let that happen-” Tia gets interrupted.

Naota kneels down before Tia. ”Please...I beg of you...I need strength...Strength to protect...Not to protect others but myself...” Naota raises his head with tears flowing from his eyes. ”IF I CAN'T PROTECT MYSELF THAN HOW CAN I EVER EXPECT TO PROTECT ANYONE ELSE!!! I NEED STRENGTH! I AM NOTHING BUT A WEAK LITTLE BITCH RIGHT NOW THAT ANYONE CAN SLAP AROUND! I have been...Weak...Never been able to protect anyone. If only...If only I had the strength to protect myself than I would have never needed to beg anyone else for strength but I don't...All these years that I lived there was always someone protecting me...Someone watching my back...Someone who I relied on...So...That is the reason why I need this strength to protect not everyone but myself...” Naota keeps his head on the ground. ”Help me...I beg of you...” Naota pleads.

Jane smiles. ”Remember what your master said during your training, Tia?” Jane asks Tia. Tia looks away with a pout than sighs. ”The ones who acknowledge themselves to be weak are actually the ones who are always the strong and will always work hard to be strong.” Tia says. Sige and Jane both smile at each other.

”Raise your head.” Tia says in a low voice. Naota raises his head. ”I will train you but remember this, I am not like your normal fun go to trainer, I will use any methods to kill you and you have to be prepared to survive any kind of method that I use. After all, you're getting this training from a well trained assassin.” Tia says to Naota as a smile appears on Naota's face. Tia smiles. ”DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” She screams. Naota nods. ”I do!” Naota says.

Tia points her finger at Naota. ”TAKAKI NAOTA! I OFFICIALLY DECLARE YOU...As my student!” An evil smirk appears on Tia's face.