7 Late Night Dinner (1/1)

After the meeting with the city lord Pistom, Naota begins to make his way back home. While going home he see's something pop up in front of him. It was the same brown box that popped up when he unlocked his ability, super sprint.

The box says, ”Experience points.” Under it, it says. ”Persuasion-225 xp”And under persuasion it says, ”Battle points-387 xp.” Naota looks at the brown box and see's that he levels up. ”Level 2 huh?” Naota says. ”It's just like a game.” Naota continues his walk as another pop up appears in front of him. ”Ability point acquired.” The pop up says. ”Do you wish to use the ability point?” The pop out asks Naota. Under the pop out there were two options, ”Yes.” And the other option was, ”Later.” But this time there was another text under the two options. It says, ”The ability tree.”

”What's the ability tree?” Naota questions and a huge chain of abilities pop out in front of Naota. ”Damn...That's one huge tree...” Naota takes a closer look. ”Just how many main abilities does this tree have? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9....” Naota sighs. ”About 20 I am guessing...Plus there are other abilities under it too. This is one huge ability tree I see here...” Naota looks under super sprint. ”Ultra speed huh? To unlock it, I need to get wind speed, fire speed and ice speed...Alright then...”Naota says as he observes the tree. ”I need 2 ability points to get wind speed, 2 to get fire speed and 2 more on ice speed. Which makes it 6 points and then I need 3 more to unlock ultra speed which makes it 9 points in total for this tree. Plus it's the smallest tree out of those 20 odd ability trees.” Naota says as he observes and walks back home.

”I am home.” Naota says as he enters Maria's house. Both Maria and Lily have their hands on their hips and their faces are pouted. ”What's wrong?” Naota asks both of them. ”Do you even realise what time is it?” Maria asks Naota. ”I have no idea since I can't tell what time it is.” Naota replies. As Naota does not have a watch he can't be sure of the time. ”It's already past 10...” Maria seems to be getting concerned. ”I thought that something...Something bad happened to you.” Maria says as she looks away. ”Don't worry.” Naota says. ”Huh?” Maria seems a little confused. ”Everything is fine.” Naota smiles and pats Maria's head. Maria smiles. ”HMMMMM!!!” Lily seems to be pouting at Naota. Naota looks at Lily and smiles. ”Here.” Naota pats Lily's head too. ”Te-he!” Lily smiles in joy. ”Let's have some dinner, I am hungry right now. Haven't had food all day.” Naota says as he begins to move in. ”Yep! I will get the table set up.” Maria says makes her way to the kitchen. ”I will help big sis Maria!” Lily says and follows Maria to the kitchen. ”Guess I will help too.” Naota says with a smile.

Everyone have their food. The dinner becomes quite an enjoyable one for everyone. It seems like no one was sad until Maria begins to leave. ”Where are you going?” Naota asks Maria. ”Spending time with you is fun and all but I need to keep on doing my job to pay up for this place every month.” Maria says as she frees her hair. ”So your going to be someone's cum dumpster again?” Naota asks Maria. ”Big brother Naota...That's rude you know...” Lily says to Naota who stares at Maria with his cold eyes.

Naota sighs.

”I am not going to stop you or anything but just becareful out there. Don't catch STDS or anything. Damn people running around with sexual diseases.” Naota says. Maria chuckles. ”Don't worry, I am still a virgin, the only thing I have used so far is my mouth and I don't plan on giving up virginity until I find the right man for it.” Maria says as she leaves. Naota sighs. ”Big brother...Do you like big sister Maria by any chance?” Lily asks Naota. ”Nah, I am just concerned about her. I know how this world of prostitution works. It's not easy to resist your urges when it comes to money. Even if Maria says that she won't give away her virginity or anything. When enough money is thrown at someone...Even someone like Maria can be tamed.” Naota says with his cold eyes. ”Big brother Naota...”

(Big brother Naota...He has seen things...Terrible things...I can tell just by the way he speaks and looks at people when he is serious...)

Lily thought to herself holding herself tightly.

”Lily, you sleep in Maria's room. I will sleep in the guest room.” Naota says to Lily. ”In Maria's room?” Lily seems confused. ”Yeah, I saw the bed in the guest room. That big is smaller then that of Maria's room. So you should have no problems whatsoever sleeping in Maria's room with her.” Naota says to Lily with a smile. Lily nods. ”If you say so big brother.” Lily says.

”By the way who made this food?” Naota asks Lily. ”It's obvious dumb big brother. It was Maria.” Lily says to Naota. ”Her food is damn good. It almost can rival my mother's food...” Naota says with a smile. ”Big brother's mother...” Lily looks confused. ”Yep...My mother was an amazing cook. It's quite unfortunate you know...When I look at Maria. She reminds me so much more of my mother and same goes for Adana too.” Naota says.

”Adana was trying to protect me while Maria's dreams and ambition match that of my mother...It's weird.” Naota says. ”Big brother's mother's dreams and ambitions?” Lily looks even more confused. ”Yep! My mother always wanted to be a karate instructor but she couldn't do that as had no choice but to work as a prostitute as her father was the one controlling the prostitute ring. Her father died and I was born...Then I became the wall between her dream. She had to choose me or either follow her dreams...In the end, she ended up choosing to raise her own son.” Naota says with a sad smile. ”Mothers a lot of times are really silly. They end up doing anything and everything for their kids...” Naota says. He gets up. ”Anyways, I am going to bed Lily, you should go get some sleep too. You must tired and with all those injuries you will feel even more tired.” Naota says to Lily who seems to be confused. Lily nods.

It's almost midnight and Naota is on his bed checking his ability tree.

(What kind of ability is most suited for me?)

Naota keeps on observing around the 20 abilities in front of him. ”Hmm? What's this?” Naota clicks on the ability hand-to-hand combat. ”Hmm...” Naota is in deep thought.

(As a kid, I was pretty used to fighting with my bare hands. So I guess...Me spending some points on hand-to-hand combat will work well.)

”Alright, hand-to-hand combat it is.” Naota says as he clicks hand-to-hand combat. This unlocks several more abilities under it. ”Alright now...That is...At least 5 more abilities huh?” Naota says to himself. ”Big brother Naota...” Lily looks at Naota as she rubs her eyes. ”That would be me.” Naota says. ”I am not getting any sleep because I can't sleep alone.” Lily says as she walks into Naota's room. ”You want to sleep near me then?” Naota asks Lily. Lily without saying a word moves into Naota's arms. She falls asleep as soon as she enters Naota's arms. Naota smiles. ”Guess I will take a nap too.”

Naota wakes up. He looks to his right. ”Hmm?” He observes Maria sleeping near him. ”Why am I not surprised...” He says as he turns his head back to a normal position.