26 Awake from a slumber. (1/2)

Atsuhiro and Kiyoshi along with Kuro appeared behind Reo's back all of a sudden. ”My King...” Atsuhiro slowly said in a serious tone as he knitted his brows together. Six S-Rank Protectors appeared behind them promptly.

”Atsuhiro...Kiyoshi...Crack the Space open, summon all the Guardians. Shadow is already enroute, so start with Evelyn.” Evelyn was The Fifth Guardian and the one who guarded the great city in the East, 'Azuma'.

Atsuhiro and Kiyoshi released immense amounts of energy which travelled at the speed of light. All the guardians immediately rose from their seats to look towards Tristina as they sensed the surge of energy through their respective cities. They knew well what it meant. They waited for the guardians in Tristina to bend the space creating a portal. But to create a portal there must be a Guardian on either sides. Shadow sped faster than he could after sensing the energy signal.

Atsuhiro and Kiyoshi worked together to quickly open a portal to Evelyn.”That energy...the DKs...” Evelyn said as she entered the city hastily through the portal. Atsuhiro and kiyoshi collapsed the portal to summon the next portal.

”Kuro...!” Reo said as he looked at the space in front of him seriously.

Kuro took a glance at Reo and immediately turned towards Eshima and Takeshi. ”You have to leave, now...please follow me.” Kuro wasn't a Shadow guardian anymore, but he was still a Z-Rank Protector.

As they turned around to leave after sneaking a peek at Reo, suddenly a dark capsule like barrier engulfed Tristina, leaving all it's citizens trapped inside it. Atsuhiro and Kiyoshi's spell broke due to the sudden appearance of the barrier. They couldn't open a portal anymore, not with the barrier restricting the space around them.

”Kuro, can you break through...” Kiyoshi gazed at Kuro who nodded in disagreement. ”Your liege...the odds are against us after 210 years. We are outmatched for the first time after all these years, sir.” Shadows were the only one who could sense the dark energy even if they were miles apart or sealed up in hell itself.

”Hmph...Does that mean you sense more than four of them...?” Reo said as he looked at the emerging black clouds.

”Reo...” Kuro rarely called Reo by his name, but whenever he called him by his name it meant thatthings just took the worst turn. Everyone was aware of what lied ahead of them as they witnessed Kuro's serious tone.

”All of them are here....” Kuro let out a silent breathe as he said those words.

”All of them at once huh...” Reo sighed as he said those words. Kuro looked at Atsuhiro, Evelyn and Kiyoshi and signalled them with a nod.

'CRACKK!!!' The ground cracked as Atsuhiro, Kiyoshi and Evelyn riled up their energy as they stood in front of Reo.

”Awake from your slumber ha...it's been a while DK's.”Reo said as he looked towards a small crack in the space a few meters away. The Third, fourth, sixth and seventh demon kings awoke 4 years ago suddenly near the capital forcing Kuro, who was the Shadow Guardian at that time along with Atsuhiro and Reo to go all out while the 2nd guardian protected the capital's citizens.

”That energy signature...haa...The Divine dragon spirit...I never was able to break the seal at least once thanks to your powers. I really want to take you down before anyone else..hehe...” A voice crept from the small crack in space.

”Reo...we will be outdone for sure...we have to let Takeshi escape. You do get what I mean, don't you?” Kuro whispered slowly as he stood before Reo. ”With him still alive...we will still have a chance.”