13 I suspect him for a few reasons. (1/2)
”I heard all the guardians died recently big brother Shin...is that true?” Yui turned to face Shin with big black sad eyes.
”No...not all of the guardians, Yui. Still four...”
'ahem' Shin cleared his throat as if he had to correct something he said.
”Three guardians are still alive. You don't need to worry about it, the guardians have always taken care of things and they will do so again.” Shin looked distant as he said.
”Bye, big brother Shin...” Yui waved her hands as she left with her father.
Shin waved back as he made his way back to the house for lunch. Ryu and Ken were still thinking what story Shin told the little girl to make her so desperate to hear it's ending.
”Everyone sit down and eat before the food turns cold.” Lia served the lunch to everyone and started to nag.
”Hey, Shin...what did you tell that little girl...I don't know what you told her, but you made yourself 10 silver today, here you go...” Ryu handed over Shin, the 10 silver he got as a discount from Mr. Wakanabe.
”Thank you, Mr. Takahashi.”
”Now don't forget that the vice chief Izumi is coming after lunch, you both be ready by the time she arrives. Making a Soul Sword is as hard as anything gets.” Ryu reminded as he munched down his lunch.
Ken and Shin replied with a nod as they continued their lunch. Ken still wanted to know very badly, what Shin told the little girl.
”So, brother Shin, what did you tell her anyway?” Ken looked away as if he wasn't exactly interested.
”Just a little bit of our history Ken...just some history.” Shin said as he got up completing his lunch.
”Mr. Takahashi, I am going out for a small walk, I will be back in a few minutes.”
”Be back in 45 minutes, we will start preparing for the Soul sword.” Ryu ordered as he waved his chopsticks.
------1 hour later in the workshop-----
”Shin we might need to increase the temperature of the furnace a little more, get on it...” Ryu ordered around Shin and his son. Making a Soul sword was considered as a noble and a hard task to perform.
”Mr. Takahashi...are we ready?” A voice came from the entrance of the shop. It was the voice of the vice chief protector of the city, Izumi.
”Yes, we are...I hope you still remember what I told you about coming here fully replenished with your stamina and energy.” Ryu signaled Izumi to come in.
”Yes, Nothing to worry about, I didn't have the necessity to use my energy anywhere today.”
”Then let's begin...Shin, do you know how to use the basic pure energy conservation technique.”
”No, I don't, Mr. Takahashi.” Shin replied as he looked towards Ryu.
”Alright then...Shin, you hammer the Tamahagane...Ken, hold the Tamahagane in place as I cast the conservation spell.” Ryu ordered around as he signaled Izumi to get ready.
Izumi riled up her energy and concentrated her energy in her palms. ”I am ready...let's start.”
Ryu nodded at her and signaled Shin and Ken to get ready.
A small golden-yellow energy field appeared engulfing only Izumi's hands and the Tamahagane.
”Miss Izumi, start the transfer...Shin start hammering the Tamahagane and Ken hold it still.”
Shin's hammer traveled in and out of the field as it hit the Tamahagane. The hammer and the clamp were made of special materials which are not affected by the pure energy.
Some of the energy that emitted from Izumi's palms tried to escape into the surroundings, but bounced back hitting the field. All the energy was being transferred into the Tamahagane while Shin was hitting it exactly how Ryu directed him to.
The four worked hard for 4 hours without taking a break. Ryu noticed that Izumi was hitting her limit as she started to waver.