11 Chapter 11: Ancient Hidden Lun Space and Delinquents (1/1)
``Older Brother! It's so nice to see you again. It has been too long.'' Xi Quan's enthusiasm could be felt across the room. Lei Bao obviously was elated as well, it had been truly too long, ``HahaHa! Yeah, I have been busy recovering and taking caring of the kids. But you Xi Quan have stagnated at Third Ring True Body level. The comfort at Hong Tong has made you lose the drive to progress.''
Xi Quan was flustered and hurriedly asked, ”Old Brother, forget about all that. I never knew you were secretly recovering under the area of Hong tong's influence all these years, you should have told me.” The old man had a bitter smile in his mind and said shaking his head ”It's better if you didn't know, if you did then even if you stayed in Hong Tong you would not feel well.” Xi Quan knew the old man was right, if a word got out about the old man's position before he recovered many people would move out to eliminate the threat. Even when surrounded by a hundred Masters on the same level, the old man managed to escape while killing or crippling almost every enemy.
Xi Quan smiled bitterly ”Old brother, are these your grandson and granddaughter?” YaoYao and Lei Feng walked to the front and gave their respects ”Seen the senior.” Xi Quan said ”No need to call me Senior, call me grandpa Xi.” Lei Feng and YaoYao both immediately called Xi Quan grandpa, Xi Quan smiled and gave the both of them meeting gifts, each of them receiving a bag of gold rings. Although the both of them could conjure tons of gold or even something thousand times more precious in an instant, a gift from an elder deserves respect. Both Lei Feng and YaoYao received their gifts and thanked Xi Quan. Xi Quan called over some people to take them to their rooms for their stay. The accommodations were pretty nice but none of them were staying here, they were staying the night at the Castle in Gaea.
None of them had the need to sleep anyway so Lei Feng decided to recreate some stuff from Earth for them to waste some time. He created a Cinema Room in the castle with access to every channel, every movie, every cartoon, anime possible. ``Woah! Big Brother, this TV is amazing, there are so many interesting things to watch. Thank You So much!'' Because YaoYao had taken over the room, Lei Feng decided to create similar rooms in the castle for the others and himself. Lei Bao decided to pass the room for now and went to his subordinates to check on their progress and the development of Gaea but when Lei Feng put on `Sherlock', the old man was intrigued and decided to sit down and binge watch the series. Watching TV, conjuring food from the shows and just having a good time. Lei Bao decided that this was going to be included in all of their routines every day.
The three had left `Minor Clones' back at the Hong Tong Inner Sect to alert them to any changes. When the day came, all of them went back and dismissed the clones. The servants at the sect brought them breakfast which was alright. If the Chef at the sect had heard their inner thoughts, he would die of anger. it wasn't that the food wasn't tasty but after having had food from Eartha and even the recent Barbeque Picnic, everything else tasted like it lost a large part of its flavour. Xi Quan came to them after they had finished their food, after beating around the bushes for a bit he got to the thing Lei Feng was waiting for, ``Brother Bao, A Hidden Lun Space has appeared in the Xi Rong Land. It seems it will appear in this world in a bit of time.'' A Hidden Lun Space was a space every cultivator of this world developed at the start of their cultivation. With every advancement of their cultivation, the space would expand, but it was a dead space where only dead things could be stored and not for long either. Without proper techniques, the materials would rot just like in the real world. After a High Tier Expert dies or passes away, the Hidden Lun Space wouldn't spew the materials on the spot. The Hidden Lun Space appears in the future meaning there won't be any benefits to killing the person if they are not holding the material outside.
(Minor Clone: A technique derived from Shadow Clones, like the Shadow Clones, depending on the user, you can have as many clones as you'd like. The clones from the technique don't dissipate or transfer any pain to the user after getting killed. It is a risk free technique.)
``Oh! A Ancient Hidden Lun Space, that sounds exciting!''Lei bao wasn't at all interested in the Ancient Space, He could pick up a speck of Dust form his Central Continent and that would be more valuable than anything in that Hidden Lun Space. But this was an adventure and all three of them were more than capable of handling themselves. ``I assume that you want me to take you with me to get a better chance at gaining something~'' Lei Bao didn't bother with any formalities and exposed his friend in the most direct way. Xi Quan was once again flustered but this time he didn't change the topic, ``Older Brother! Please take me with you on the account of our friendship~'' the tone the elder spoke in sent shivers down the threes spines. ``Get off me!!! If you ever talk in that voice again. I will forget that we were ever friends!'' Lei Bao kicked the old man off, the sight made the two siblings laugh their guts off. The two elders now embarrassed sent the two out the room with the excuse of exploration.
Lei Feng didn't mind and neither did YaoYao, both went out of the Inner Sect and into the city centre to find new and exciting things. But the only thing they found was nuisances, ``Hey you! Hand me all your money and I will spare you from the fate of death.'' Lei Feng and YaoYao were surprised at the voice and turn around to see a group of delinquents, just from their outfits they were begging to be beaten. ``Hahaha! What are you wearing? Do you need money to buy new clothes? Here take this money and buy something decent for yourself. Hhahaha! How can you wear something like that outside?! HahHa!'' Lei Feng handed them some gold while laughing at their faces which grew more twisted by the second. ``Bastard!'' one of the stronger ones rushed at him, looking at him, Lei Feng knew he was a Hundred Ring Master, a novice in the cultivation world. ``Humph!'' just that sound made the group bow down to their knees clutching their ears in pain. They knew that they had kicked a steel plate and were begging profusely when they saw a group of guards approach them.
``Hahahaha! Now you are in trouble you bastard! Captain Meng, come come arrest these two. They were making a mess in the city centre and when I tried to stop the two, they attacked me and my friends.'' Captain Meng was a Ten Thousand Ring Milun Master and had had past interactions with the group, just as he was about to give the command to arrest the two foreigners and gain some money at the same time, two guards from his platoon came forward, ``Captain! They were part of the people that arrived yesterday to meet Elder Xi Quan.'' Hearing the two, Captain Meng's eyes turned white as he imagined the consequences of annoying Elder Xi Quan. `` You Fuc*ing pieces of Sh*t! arrest these bastards!'' pointing at the group of delinquents Captain Meng vowed inside his heart to rip them apart a new one at a later time. The Head Delinquent and his lackeys felt a shiver down their spine as they wondered what had happened to Captain Meng, he usually helped them out, for a price. But today he arrested them instead of the others.
``The two Young Masters! Forgive me for arriving at a later time. Had I arrived sooner I could have prevented the wannabe thugs from bothering you.'' Looking at the person in front of them covered in sweat the two Lei siblings felt funny but they told him not to worry and left the marketplace, providing the poor Captain with a sigh of relief.
Author: thanks for reading.