58 Day 57: The Scum Is Ruthless (1/2)

He Yin silently lined back with the team, then looked at the yellow borderline. ”Hey.” he called to Bao Tian. ”What will happen if one crossed that line?” he asked, looking at the yellow borderline.

”They'll shoot you down.” Bao Tian answered and pointed the top of the rundown buildings.

Probably there are snipers on the roof.

”Then this instructor must be dead.” He said.

Bao Tian grimaced. ”Instructor Song, as we've already said, is not just any ordinary instructor you see anywhere.” He said.

”Why? Isn't he just an instructor for the rescue team?” he asked and looked at the uniform they're wearing.

Bao Tian's lips thinned. ”Do you still think we're just an ordinary rescue team?” he asked and looked at He Yin.

He Yin just stared at him.

Bao Tian sighed. ”The ordinary rescue team you're thinking of has long been scared out of their wits after experiencing the level 10 magnitude. Just a step for them they're afraid the ground would collapse like an onion's skin.” He said, frowning.

”Then... what are you?” He Yin asked.

This time, Bao Tian smiled. ”Fourscapes Team.” He answered.

He Yin's face was covered in dark lines.

Bao Tian laughed. ”You'll soon see what we are.” He told him and patted his back, consoling him. ”First, we have to take Instructor Song back – ” he said and walked towards Song Han.

He Yin sighed, actually depressed. But, not because of not knowing what he entered. It's the opposite. He knows too well what this is.

This is the most popular team in the online world even the authors of other novels praise them.

Fourscapes Team or the 'Nature Team', the online fans call them. As what Bao Tian said, land, water, mountain or desert... they go anywhere to save you. Yes. They are but a rescue team.

But, not a just.

They are an elite rescue team. As to why elite, because their rescuing stretches to many areas – from home to country, name it you got it. Be it rescuing you from a calamity (like what happened to 'He Yin') up to rescuing you from civil war (like their instructor now). Since their rescuing ranges from most basic to most complex, their skills are also from basic to most complex – all top notch skills.

In short, they are all professionals, and in all sort of areas.

But, this isn't just the reason why this team is so popular. It's also because the team's members are all good – looking. From the highest position to the lowest position... all are handsome men.

He Yin isn't an exception. Most probably, aside from having a high luck, they picked him when they saw his face value.

My only value is my face and luck. Stripped of that two and I'm nothing. He thought and mentally cried.

”What...” they all turned when they heard Bao Tian muttered.

”What's wrong?” the members asked.

Neither Bao Tian nor Song Han answered and just stared at one of the rundown buildings. The hair on their nape stood up when they saw a cluster of people slowly walking out of the building.

”What...” the members muttered, puzzled.

He Yin's face went serious. This is... he thought, remembered the plot of the story. It's the plague of the east.

Yes. The plague of the east starts now.

After finishing the business of the south, the supervisor of the Fourscapes Team, Song Han, led the team towards east where they suspect his little brother, the instructor of their team, went to after the disaster of the south and he's gone missing ever since.

After a few hours of ride since the road are all cleared, the team finally reached the borderline. It might be just a yellow line drawn on the ground that's acting as the border between the south and the east, but it's highly electric. It reached up to 1000 volts. It's instant kill, you won't even leave a corpse behind.

As the technical personnel of the Fourscapes deactivate the electrical barrier of the border, the team saw a cluster of people slowly walking out of one of the buildings.

Their eyes went wide when they realized what it is. Yes. The east was finally struck with a plague – an epidemic plague.

- An excerpt from The Disastrous Country

He Yin felt a sweat broke on his face. Damn it... he mentally cursed as the team members' face paled, realizing the cluster of people are zombies.

Yes. This story is a part zombie apocalypse. He thought miserably. If this is just a normal situation for him, he wouldn't mind his life and happily turn to a zombie so he doesn't need to run and worry he might turn to a zombie. But, he has a goal now.

Aside from the task the system gave him, he must find Sheng, too.

”Calm down!” Song Han told the team. ”They can't reach us. The electrical barrier of the east is still – ” he said.

He Yin looked at the yellow borderline, then paused. Wait, wait. He thought, his forehead knotted. Didn't the technical personnel of the team deactivate it? It was stated in the original novel. But...

He looked at the team's technical personnel. Did they even move just a foot from where they stood...?

He Yin, finally realizing the situation, his face paled. Shit! He mentally cursed as he stared, wide – eyed, at the zombies. There's a sudden plot change! But, why?! He thought as he looked at the yellow borderline.

The zombies are getting nearer to them. If there's a plot change and the technical personnel didn't deactivate the barrier, then... the barrier must still be activated, right? He thought, hopeful.

But He Yin's hope is doomed to deflate.

A voice rang all over the place. ”Don't hope. The barrier has long been not functioning.” He said.

The voice isn't low but isn't loud, either. Just enough for them to hear.

They all turned. ”Instructor Song!” they team exclaimed, their face lit up.

”Where are you?!” Song Han asked as they all looked around.

”Here!” Instructor Song called.

They turned to where the voice is coming from. Their eyes went wide when they saw a guy on the rooftop of the building nearest to them.

”Were you hurt?” Song Han yelled to his brother.

The instructor didn't answer and just looked at the cluster of zombies slowly walking towards the team.

”Take distance - !” the instructor yelled as he opened his neon jacket, like what they're wearing.

”What are you doing?” Song Han asked.

”I'll give you 10 seconds - !” the instructor said instead.

Their eyes went wide and immediately ran away as fast as they could. He Yin, though confused, also ran away after sensing something's gonna happen.

There was a loud explosion behind them. They all turned, but still running. Their eyes went wide when they saw the instructor jumped and threw a dark object, probably another explosive.

”Ah Sheng!” Song Han called and stopped, horrified, as he looked at his brother in mid – air.

'Sheng'?! He Yin thought and stopped. He turned, just in time another explosion occurred. But, his eyes are wide he clearly saw, together with others, as the instructor was blown away because of the impact of the explosion.

He Yin, nearest, caught the instructor's body that flew in their direction. ”Ugh - !” he cried as they fell on the ground. ”Ugh...” he cried and coughed when he felt his chest hurt. He probably broke a rib when the instructor's body hit him. ”Sheng...?” he called, weak, as he looked at the body lying on top of him.

”Instructor Song!” the team called as they ran towards them. ”Instructor Song!” they called as they looked at him.

Bao Tian checked Song Sheng's breathing. ”He's fine. Just unconscious.” He told them. They all sighed, relieved.

”Using the explosion's impact as a propulsion to be thrown away...” Song Han said and shook his head. Although he's mad, but he's deeply relieved. His younger brother is safe.

”Instructor Song sure is a daredevil...” the team commented at the unconscious instructor.

He Yin stared at Song Sheng's sleeping face. He could hear him gently breathing on his chest.

Sheng... he thought, then smiled as a tear fell from his eye. He found him. He thought as he felt warm liquid flowed from the back of his head.

”Brother He?” Bao Tian called, noticed He Yin is silent. ”Brother He? What's wr – ” he said and checked He Yin. His eyes went wide when he saw He Yin's head is bleeding, the tank beside him has a trace of blood. ”Quick! Medic!” he yelled. ”Brother He was injured as well - !” he told them.

The panicked voices of the team were the last He Yin heard before he fell asleep, Song Sheng on his arms.

”Right! Left - !” a voice full of authority yelled as he looked at his opponent on sparring class. ”Shoulder! Punch - !”

”Ugh - !” He Yin cried as he felt Song Sheng's iron fist hit his stomach. He almost spit blood, but held himself back. He looked away, holding his stomach that was hit. ”Ack - !” he coughed and caught his breath.