46 Day 45: The Scum Is Deceitful (1/2)
Yu Sheng silently looked at Chen Sheng, waiting. The others looked at Chen Sheng, also waiting.
Chen Sheng finally raised his head and looked at all of them. His sight landed on Yu Sheng. ”Aia... look who's here.” He said and put his hands on his back, his face blank as he looks at Yu Sheng. ”If it isn't the one who's after my life... which my life is actually a part of his – ” he said, frowning. ”I'm not going back.” He told Yu Sheng.
The air that got tense isn't helping since the cave looks like it's breathing. As if the cave is alive... everybody thought as they listened to the air. It's like we're inside a stomach of a beast...
The thought sent shiver to their spine, none dared to utter a word.
Yu Sheng looked at Chen Sheng. Chen Sheng looked back at him. In just a moment, Chen Sheng's eyelids slowly closed and he collapsed.
Their eyes went wide, shocked.
”Sheng!” Fei Yin called. Since he's been watching Chen Sheng earlier, he immediately caught him.
”Ah Sheng!” Chen Han called.
”Brother Chen!” Li Tian and Feng Mo called. Fei Lin, Xi Ling and Li Shan immediately went to Chen Sheng.
”Chen Sheng!” Chen Shen called, wide-eyed. Wen Yan's eye twitched as he frowned. He looked at Yu Sheng, puzzled.
”Yu Sheng!” Chen Han called, mad, as he glared at Yu Sheng. ”What did you do to Ah Sheng?!” he asked. They all turned to Yu Sheng, puzzled and angry.
Yu Sheng raised his hands. ”Did you see I did something?” he asked back instead. He smiled, then turned. He walked towards the door behind him.
”Wait!” Li Shan called and was about to take a step when the ground beneath their feet shook and its edge crumbled.
Their eyes went wide and they immediately stepped back.
”Yu Sheng!” Li Shan called when he saw Yu Sheng entered the door and closed it, so fast they didn't even catch a glimpse of what was inside.
”Elder Li.” Fei Lan called as they took another step back when the edges of the ground crumbled again. ”What should we do?” he asked and glanced at the unconscious Chen Sheng who's Fei Yin is carrying. ”Seems like Yu Sheng took back Chen Sheng's soul... no – ” he said and his face became serious. ” – he took back what's his – Chen Sheng's soul.” He corrected.
A deafening silence fell and only the rumbling sound of the crumbling ground, as well as the cave that's 'breathing' could be heard.
”Brother Chen...” Li Tian and Feng Mo called, crying.
Chen Han is gritting his teeth, tears forming on the corner of his eyes as he controls his anger. Fei Yin's face is serious as he stared at Chen Sheng's face. Chen Shen and Wen Yan are silent.
Xi Ling lowered his head, thinking. What happened just now? he thought, puzzled. Chen Sheng didn't tell them about this. But, since their goal – Xi Peng's death, was achieved, he relaxed a little.
But, he still wanted to know about Chen Sheng.
Li Shan shook his head, still clueless of Fei Lin and Xi Ling's suspicions of him. ”Earlier, I thought I could take him alone.” He said, referring to leaving them earlier. ”But, I've discovered we're of equal strength. No – ” he said and shook his head. ” – he's still hiding more strength.” He said, frowning. ”Elder Fei. Elder Xi.” He called Fei Lin and Xi Ling. ”In order to save Chen Sheng, we must defeat Yu Sheng.” He said and looked at them two. ”Even though the soul is of Yu Sheng's, but the soul already gained awareness – Chen Sheng.” He explained. ”If we can't defeat Yu Sheng and take Chen Sheng back... Chen Sheng might – ” he said, didn't continue.
Silence fell. Chen Sheng's awareness will be swallowed by Yu Sheng and the two of them will merge, forming back as one soul.
If that'll happen... Yu Sheng will be formidable again.
Everybody's face fell at the thought. No one will be able to stop Yu Sheng then if they won't retrieve Chen Sheng's soul from Yu Sheng.
The door opened but Zu Zhe didn't turn. ”I understand.” He answered, his face serious.
The voice of the system disappeared.
”What do you understand?” Yu Sheng asked.
Zu Zhe already expected Yu Sheng's arrival as he's watching at the happenings outside the door through his holographic system. ”Something you don't.” he just answered as he turned to Yu Sheng. ”So? Have you got what you wanted?” he asked, referring to Chen Sheng's soul.
”No.” Yu Sheng answered, referring to Zu Zhe's love.
Zu Zhe's forehead knotted. ”Ah?” he said, puzzled.
Yu Sheng didn't answer and just walked towards Hou Sheng's body. ”Young Master.” He called, then knelt before the lifeless body.
Zu Zhe's brows raised, never seen Yu Sheng knelt before. But, he just remained silent and continued to watch.
”... rise.” A voice said.
Zu Zhe turned, then looked around. He can't find the voice. It's not the voice of the system. He thought. Then, could it be...?
Yu Sheng looked up, but still kneeling. ”Young master...?” he called, puzzled, as he looks at the body.
The voice answered. ”... turn.” It said.
Yu Sheng turned. Suddenly, a bright white gold light appeared behind them.
”Young Master...” Yu Sheng called, then respectfully lowered his head.
”You knew...” the voice said. It is Hou Sheng, but right now he's called Chen Sheng.
Yu Sheng lowered his head even more. ”Forgive me, young master.” He said and looked at the light.
”I know. I understand.” Chen Sheng's voice said. ”I know you didn't have the chance to tell me, and telling me about this will take time, making things more complicated...” he said. ”... and so you want me to personally find out.” he explained.
”Yes.” Yu Sheng answered and nodded, bowing his head low.
Chen Sheng fell silent. Zu Zhe doesn't know what Chen Sheng's thinking since first, the guy is a character born of Yu Sheng's OOC – ness. Two, the one before them right now is just but a soul.
The holographic system can only read solid beings' mind, and a soul is not a solid being.
Chen Sheng then spoke. ”Since I can't go back to my real body now...” he said, didn't continue.
”... may this one knows what the young master is thinking?” Yu Sheng respectfully asked.
It took a long while before Chen Sheng answered, leaving Zu Zhe shocked of his answer. ”Set free the lingering souls of the villagers in this land...” he answered. ”... as you destroy my empty body.” He said.
Zu Zhe's jaw dropped. But, Yu Sheng didn't react and just remained silent.
Chen Sheng continued. ”That damn rat tried to take what's not his. Sensing their soul will be used for something inhumane... they got attracted to my empty body and flew to this cave, leaving their body behind their village.” He explained. ”... guess my weak body finally found its use. Being a lure to the souls and make the souls linger in this cave for 15 years... making the cave alive because of the villagers' souls...” he said, didn't continue.
A deafening silence fell.
”Yu Sheng.” He called.
”Yes?” Yu Sheng softly asked, finally knows what his master wanted to do.
”Go collapse this cave.” Chen Sheng said.
Zu Zhe's eyes went wide.
”To however way you want it.” he added.
The light then disappeared, probably went back to his new body. Silence fell between the ones left.
Zu Zhe decided to break the silence. ”Uhm – ” he said.
But before he could continue, Yu Sheng cut him off. ”Go hide in the room.” he told Zu Zhe, referring to the secret room in the cave where he arrived in this world. ”I'll leave it safe.” He said and closed his eyes.
Zu Zhe immediately understood Yu Sheng's gonna start to destroy the cave. And so, leaving a glance to Hou Sheng's unfortunate lifeless body, he made a run and exited to a hidden narrow path where Yu Sheng showed him before, connecting the place where Hou Sheng's body lying is, and the room of Yu Sheng's childhood memories was recovered.
Zu Zhe felt the cave shaking. He gulped and made a dash towards the room. Just as he breathed, relieved, when he finally entered the room, somebody tightly hugged him from behind.
”Wha - ?!” he said, shocked. He was about to turn when that someone hugged him tighter and threw themselves onto the bed.
Just in time the cave finally collapsed outside.
They all stared, wide-eyed, at the collapsing cave before them. They just got out in the nick of time.
When Li Shan, Fei Lin and Xi Ling were about to flew over to the other side where Yu Sheng is, the cave 'shivered' and started shaking.
They all ran back where they went in and went outside the cave, fleeing for their life.
”Did he self-detonate?” Fei Yin asked as he fixed Chen Sheng on his arms.
Everybody looked at him, didn't recognize the word he said.
Fei Lin coughed, covering his little brother's weirdness. ”I doubt.” He said.
Now, everybody looked at him.
”How can you say that?” Chen Han asked as he rubbed Chen Shen's back who's suffering an asthma right now.
The two blood brothers finally met again.
”Sheng-ge... no matter how hard a situation to him is, would never harm himself.” Xi Ling answered. Yu Sheng is his best friend and adoptive brother. ”He'll try to think of all possible ways to solve the problem.” he explained.