22 Day 21: The Scum Is Stupid (1/2)
An hour earlier.
”A demonic beast?” Chen Sheng asked as he and Li Tian ran towards the direction where the figure flew.
The people already ran, too, but the opposite where the two are running to. Some even are bumping the two in panic, but they just ignored them.
”Yes!” Li Tian answered and dodged the running woman, clutching her baby on her chest as she screams. ”Brother Chen doesn't know about this?” he asked, surprised.
”Will I ask if I do?” Chen Sheng asked back, then sighed. It's not like he's surprised.
Just a little. He thought. He already has seen a fair amount of beasts from the other worlds where he's been to and some even gruesomely eaten fresh corpses in front of his eyes.
So this demonic beast is like any other beast for him. Which he's clearly mistaken.
”The demonic beasts have malevolent energy inside them.” Li Tian answered.
”Ah - ?” Chen Sheng said and almost stopped, but continued running nonetheless. 'malevolent energy'? he thought, puzzled.
He recalled Chen Shen's memories, but there's nothing about the malevolent energy. His face became puzzled.
”Yes.” Li Tian answered. ”There are beasts that're co – living with the humans. But, the beasts that are not are those beasts who have been influenced and thus bore malevolent energy inside them.” He explained. ”The malevolent energy is a negative energy. Be it resentment, revenge... anything that's not good for people is called malevolent energy.” He said.
”You say...” Chen Sheng said and jumped over the wooden box on the way.
”Yes.” Li Tian nodded. ”The same can be said to the people.” he answered. ”Once malevolent energy influenced you and corrupted your soul... your core – ” he said. ” – it'll control you.” He told him.
Chen Sheng fell silent. Li Tian didn't press on the subject further and continued to look for that figure they saw earlier.
Chen Sheng's ears popped when he heard the flapping of wings. It's a bird, no doubt about that. But, for it to be so loud...
”A big bird.” Chen Sheng muttered and his eyes squinted as he looked at the sky.
Luckily, the moon is round and bright tonight, thus it illuminates the dark sky. Chen Sheng finally saw the wings, thus the demon bird, flying not far.
”There it is!” Li Tian exclaimed.
Chen Sheng just nodded.
”It's really a demonic beast...” Li Tian said, his eyes narrowed.
Chen Sheng looked at the demonic bird. He saw something black is leaking out of its body.
Just like black dust. He thought. If it's the malevolent energy... luckily, when the demonic bird flew over them earlier, it's up high and only casted a shadow on the ground. If it flew lower and was near with the people... who knows what will happen.
He shivered at the thought, thinking of the demonic almost sprayed the malevolent energy from its body down to them.
”Ai!” Li Tian suddenly exclaimed.
”What?” Chen Sheng asked and looked at the demonic bird.
”It's going somewhere below - !” Li Tian said. Chen Sheng followed his line of sight.
The demonic bird is going near the outskirt of the Newfound Land.
Did it found something - ? he thought and ran faster.
”Ah! Wait, Brother Chen!” Li Tian called and ran to catch up to him. ”We still don't know how to fight the demonic beast – ” he said, running behind him.
”... isn't it just simply beheading it or cutting it - ?” Chen Sheng asked, remembered how he killed the beasts back then from the other worlds.
”What are you saying, Brother Chen?” Li Tian asked, puzzled. ”That beast is demonic since there's malevolent energy in its core. Just cutting it down... its wound will just heal immediately with the use of malevolent energy.” He explained in a matter-of-fact tone.
Chen Sheng abruptly stopped. ”You say...?” he said and looked at Li Tian.
Li Tian also stopped. They finally reached the outskirt.
”We either use our spiritual energy force or use some divining items.” Li Tian told him. ”But, to evoke divining items a cultivator also uses his spirit force.” He added.
Chen Sheng felt like his mind is covered in cobwebs. Spiritual energy? Divining items? Spirit force? He thought, puzzled. He suddenly felt a headache is coming.
This world... it's so complicated he almost want to leave immediately.
”You...” he called, rubbing his temple. ”How did you know so much about this?” he asked.
”I read.” Li Tian answered in a matter-of- fact tone. ”Since we're going to be disciples...” he said, then paused when they heard a squawk.
Chen Sheng didn't press the matter since he'll just be losing in the end. For the first time, he felt stupid. It's an SOP (standard operating procedure) that if one doesn't know, ask. If one doesn't have anyone to ask, then read.
Why didn't he do any of these for the past days...? He thought, remembered him just lazing around the mansion of the sect.
He didn't have time to lament over his stupidity.
Li Tian suddenly yelled. ”Hey! There's someone over there - !” he said and pointed.
Chen Sheng immediately turned and saw a youth standing, his back on them. Li Tian's eyes went wide when the youth just stood there, not moving.
Did he freeze from fear? Chen Sheng thought.
”Hey! Out of the way!” Li Tian called. ”A demonic beast is – ”
Before Li Tian could continue, a bright light come out of the youth's body. Their eyes went wide when the youth raised a sword as the demonic bird lunge down towards him.
The youth turned and swung his sword. A wave of purple light flashed out of the sword and shot towards the neck of the demonic bird. The bird squealed as he was flown back by the force.
The youth didn't wait any longer. He jumped and turned in the air. The air condensed and swirled around him as he turned in mid-air. The youth then reached his arm out and plunged the sword straight at the demonic bird's chest.
An ear-splitting squeal can be heard, making their ears almost bled. They immediately covered their ears.
”Ngh - !” Li Tian cried as he closed his eyes tight, as if it could make the shrilling sound away.
Chen Sheng gritted his teeth as he squinted his eyes. He saw the youth flew down the ground, the sleeves of his robe is fluttering in the wind.
As his foot touched the ground, the demonic bird exploded and black dust – the malevolent energy, come out of its body and started to spread.
Their eyes went wide, horrified.
”No - !” Li Tian yelled as he stared, shocked, at the malevolent energy started to spread in the air.
But, a second later and the black energy flew in one direction like it was being sucked. The two turned and saw the malevolent energy is flowing towards the youth. But, it's not towards his body but on an item on his hand.
That's... Chen Sheng thought, looking at the orb glowing.
”An Evil Accumulating device?” Li Tian spoke, surprised.
”What?” Chen Sheng asked.
But, Li Tian didn't answer and just watch in awe as the malevolent energy all were sucked in by the mysterious item until none of them left in the area.
”Amazing...” Li Tian muttered, awed.
Chen Sheng just stared at him blankly.
”Hey! Brother!” Li Tian called and waved at the youth, his face bright. ”You're amazing! Would you like - ?”
Before Li Tian could finish his sentence, the mysterious youth fell on the ground. Their eyes went wide, shocked.
They looked at each other, then immediately ran towards the youth.
”Is he – ?” Chen Sheng said as he turned the youth. His hands froze.
”Hey! Are you still alive?” Li Tian asked, shaking the youth's shoulder to wake him.
That's not what you should ask first. Chen Sheng thought, then sighed. He looked at the youth's face.
”Brother Chen... I think he's – ” Li Tian said, worried.