20 Day 19: The Scum Is Adaptive (1/2)
The kingdom prospered after they co – lived with the monsters. After a year, the doctors finally found the cause of the illness of the royal family and immediately developed a cure. After another year, everything turned to normal. The three princesses who almost turned to monsters left the kingdom and fled to another country.
With the previous queen turned back to normal, surprisingly, Su Yin gave her back the throne.
”Why...?” the queen asked, surprised.
”Mother. You're still young.” Su Yin answered. ”Also... I'm too young. And – ” he said and looked at Cang Sheng.
”Hm?” Cang Sheng said, puzzled.
The queen looked at Cang Sheng, then her son. She laughed. ”Alright.” She said and wore the crown.
Everybody bowed.
”Son.” She called Su Yin. ”Just tell me when do you plan to get married.” She told him and winked at Cang Sheng.
Cang Sheng's face went red. He lowered his head.
”Mom.” Su Yin called, affectionate. ”I want to get wed now.” he said and looked at Cang Sheng.
”Eh?!” Cang Sheng said, shocked. He looked at Su Yin, his face red.
Su Yin laughed and hugged him tight. Cang Sheng's muscles relaxed, feeling the familiar warmth. But he still glared at Su Yin.
Su Yin laughed and kissed him.
”Alright. Now you're husband and wife.” The queen said, then smiled.
Cang Sheng broke their kiss and turned to her. ”Just like that?!” he said, shocked.
The queen laughed, then smiled. ”Just like that.” She answered and winked at Cang Sheng. ”Now go and have your honeymoon.” She said and looked at Su Yin, grinning.
”As you wish, mother.” Su Yin respectfully answered and bowed. He immediately pulled Cang Sheng away and they ran outside the castle.
Everybody just laughed and congratulated the two, much to Cang Sheng's embarrassment.
”Wait – ” Cang Sheng called as they reached the airship outside.
Su Yin pulled him inside and closed the door. ”Hm?” he said and hugged him by his waist, then caressed his face.
”Is... will this be okay? You won't leave heirs – ” Cang Sheng said, worried.
”If you want for us to have a child, I can ask the doctors to make you get pregnant and bear a child – ” Su Yin said indulgingly.
”No!” Cang Sheng said.
Su Yin looked at him.
His face went red. ”I... I'm fine with this. Just you and me – ” he said, then buried his embarrassed face on Su Yin's chest. ”I want you all for myself.” He whispered, then hugged Su Yin tight. His heart beating fast.
Su Yin drew a sharp breath, then hugged Cang Sheng back. ”Me, too. I want you only for myself.” He told Cang Sheng. ”That's why I gave the throne back to my mother. Since I want to spend all of my time with you.” He said and buried his face on Cang Sheng's shoulder, then planted a deep kiss on it, making Cang Sheng's shoulder red.
Cang Sheng groaned and bit Su Yin's shoulder. He closed his eyes when Su Yin's lips moved from his shoulder to his neck, feeling the tingling sensation that brings sparks all over his body. ”Yin...” he called as Su Yin found his lips. ”I love you.” He said and kissed him back.
”I love you, too, Sheng.” Su Yin said as he laid him down the bed inside the airship.
The airship automatically started and flew away, giving the two inside time as much as they want.
He groaned and pulled the quilt up to his neck. ”Yin... ” he murmured.
”Hey. Who're you calling?”
”Must be his wife – ”
”Does he have one?”
He immediately opened his eyes and sat up, wide – eyed. Wha – he thought, shocked.
They all looked at him and laughed. His face is dirty and his head is messy.
”Come, on.” One of them told him. ”Sleeping time is over. Next – ” he said and opened the tent. ” – it's forever sleep.” He said, his face serious.
He turned and looked outside the tent. His face went pale and he gulped as he saw layers of corpses are piled outside, the stench now reaching his nose.
The kid immediately closed the tent and turned to him.
”That's...” he said, still shocked. He saw monsters outside roaming around, but that's not why he's shocked.
It's because of different planets surrounding the one he's in. The planets are so huge it almost looked like it's going to crash the one where he was in.
”What the hell happened in here...?” he asked.
The kid's forehead knotted. ”You don't remember? Must be good, since I don't want to remember all these horrible things.” He said. He forced not to frown. ”You see those planets? These monsters came from there, one day falling here and started their feast.” The kid explained. ”In just a day, hell broke loose. The people started to hide, but... we're the only ones left here.” He said and looked at the people together with them.
Some are women, some are old, some are children.
”In just a day, the military is going to come here and save us. Just wait for one more day – ” he told the children who are crying because of fear.
He looked away and saw the two tailed beasts with three green eyes glowing walking around, searching for prey. Their tent is located up the hill, thankfully. He looked at the sky where the planets can be seen.
If his memory serves right, Yin is just around. He thought and looked at the people with them. But, none of them can be Yin.
Could it be Yin is with the military (again)? He thought, remembered the previous world he's in. His face went red, remembered what they last did before he travelled here.
Yin... he thought.
But, one day had passed and Yin's not with the military that arrived. He signed up with the military, hoping he could see his lover that might be in the higher positions. But...
Months already passed. He already killed hundreds of the monsters, and he was promoted as a commander. But, Yin still can't be found.
”Damn it!” he cursed and cut off the monkey's head when it leaped towards him. ”Where could he be - ?” he muttered, pissed.
”Commander, watch out - !” a voice called out.
”Huh - ?” he said and turned. ”Ngh - !” he cried and gritted his teeth when he felt something pierced his leg. He looked down and saw a green claw that passed through his leg.
It withdrew, making a hole on his leg.
He fell on his knee. He turned, in time to see the gigantic mantis hissing its tongue on him. His eyes narrowed and he raised his gun, aiming on its mouth. ”You're noisy – ” he said and shot.
”Kaaah - !” the mantis squeaked and staggered back.
”Commander - !” the officers called as they ran towards him, shooting the mantis that's running away.
”Commander! Are you alright?” his attendant asked, worried, and knelt down to tie his leg to prevent the bleeding.
He looked at him as his attendant earnestly tied his leg. Wait. He thought, his forehead knotted. He looked around.
”Aaargh! Kill! Kill that damn stupid grasshopper - !” a soldier cursed as he glared at the half dead mantis beast lying not far from him.
His forehead knotted. Wait, wait... this - he thought and looked to the side.
”Yes!” the other soldiers said and rained photon laser bullets to the beast.
”Raaaarh!” the beast roared and died.
His eyes went wide, shocked. This is - ! he thought, his face pale.
”Commander, are you fine?” his attendant asked him, concerned.
He turned to him, his face still pale. ”Yes...” He answered as he stood up. He winced and gritted his teeth when his leg hurt. Shit – he cursed in his mind, finally realizing what has happened.
”Commander, you're not fine.” the attendant told him as he helped him stand. He wrapped his arm around his shoulder, supporting him.
He turned to him, his face serious. That's right... he thought as he looked at his attendant. How can I forgot - ? he lowered his head as they walk, his attendant supporting him. This guy... he is him. He went back to his previous dream. I don't know why I went back here, but... he thought, then smiled. I'm thankful.
I've been thinking and wondering when and where have I first felt this warmth... turned out it's from this dream. He thought, then chuckled.
”Commander?” the attendant called.
He smiled and looked at him. ”I've been wondering where've you been to ever since I woke up.” He told him, referring when he woke up in this world again.
The attendant's forehead knotted. ”But, I've been by Commander's side since this morning...” he answered, puzzled.
He nodded. ”Mm. It's just me being stupid to not realize this.” he said, then smiled.