10 Day 9: The Scum Is Sarcastic (1/2)
Chen Sheng never thought of the Heaven's Touch and the Thousand Six – Winged Eagle as convenient until now. Everything is still surrounded by the Heaven's Touch light while the beast's body is covering him and Fei Yin from everybody's sight.
So, that kiss that happened just now... Chen Sheng sighed in relief. He adjusted Fei Yin's body. ”Hey.” he called the beast while the blanket is still healing everybody from the malevolent energy.
”Master.” The beast called inside his mind. ”Isn't it time you name me?”
”What name do you like?” Chen Sheng asked as he made the beast lower its body so he could put Fei Yin on its back.
”... if Master will ask me of what name I like, then there's no point of making Master name me.” the beast said.
Chen Sheng paused, then chuckled. ”Alright.” He said and patted the beast's head. ”'Xia Di'. How about it?” he asked.
”....” The beast didn't answer, making Chen Sheng feel unsure if the beast liked it or not.
Just at this moment, the light died down. They all sighed in relief, then their eyes followed the blanket as it flew towards Chen Sheng.
”... Senior Brother Chen...” the disciples said and respectfully bowed.
Chen Sheng didn't answer and just let the blanket flew inside his dimensional pocket. ”Elder Ming. Elder Luo.” He called and bowed. ”Please guide this disciple, together with his brothers, on what to do next.” He said and stood straight up. ”Our brothers – Brother Li, Brother Feng and Brother Fei are injured.” He said and glanced at Li Tian and Feng Mo who are lying on the ground, still unconscious.
The disciples are now treating their wounds.
”Since this is the case...” Ming Ye said and looked at the jade talisman 'Xie Lan' gave them earlier. His face distorted and he snapped it into two.
Everybody understood and immediately broke the talismans into two. The talisman served as a lure for the corpses that's why they're all easily surrounded.
”We first have to find a way to contact your shifu and founder.” Ming Ye told the Newfound Sect disciples.
”Are shifu and founder fine?” one disciple asked.
Ming Ye nodded. ”Yes. Xie Lan will never leave Fang Wen even a second.” He answered, then slightly smiled, remembering their two junior brothers.
Luo Shi coughed and looked at Ming Ye.
Ming Ye fixed himself and turned to Chen Sheng. ”Since you're the remaining senior brother of the Newfound Sect that is still conscious, you lead your fellow brothers.” He said and eyed Chen Sheng.
Chen Sheng didn't answer, neither his fellow brothers. After a while...
”Senior Brother Chen...” they all said and bowed respectfully at Chen Sheng.
Chen Han scoffed at their behavior, since he completely knows these disciples bullies his little brother. One of the reason why he frequents the Newfound Sect is because of this problem.
Ming Ye and Luo Shi smiled, then looked at Chen Sheng.
But, Chen Sheng's face is blank. ”I'll lead you, but only until Brother Fei, Brother Li or Brother Feng wakes up.” He said. Their eyes went wide. ”When they wake up, don't call me 'Senior Brother'. It feels stuffy and makes me suffocated.” He told them. ”Plus, I hate responsibilities, too.” He added and hopped behind his beast, leaving them all dumbfounded. ”If we're not moving from this place, then I'd like to sleep now.” he said and laid beside Fei Yin on the beast's back.
A deafening silence fell.
”Pft – ” Chen Han said and looked away, covering his mouth to prevent himself from laughing. But his shoulders are shaking and he's holding his stomach.
Ming Ye and Luo Shi's lips tightened, preventing from smiling and laughing. They coughed and looked away from the embarrassed red faces of the Newfound Sect's disciples.
The disciples hung their head so low they want to bury their head deep in the ground.
”Time sure changes...” Ming Ye said and shook his head. He and Luo Shi also knows how the disciples of the Newfound Sect persecuted Chen Sheng. Now they can only just sigh and shake their head.
Karma really is a bitch.
Ming Ye enclosed them all in a barrier and they took turns watching the surrounding.
Chen Sheng opened his eyes and looked beside him. He saw Fei Yin is still sleeping. He carefully sat up and slid down Xia Di.
He was about to take a step when a disciple gave him a bowl of congee. He looked at it, then looked at the disciple.
The disciple lowered his head, embarrassed. ”S – Senior Brother Chen... g – good morning...” he said, his voice trailed off.
He just looked at the disciple and walked past him. He saw Ming Ye and Luo Shi looking at him. He stopped, but not embarrassed.
He bowed in front of them. ”Elder Ming. Elder Luo. Good morning.” He said and stood straight up. He looked around.
Li Tian and Feng Mo are still asleep. Chen Han is sitting beside Li Tian, watching the other. There are bags under his eyes.
”Elder Ming. Elder Luo.” Chen Sheng called and looked at the two elders. ”Have you received any news regarding our shifu and founder?” he asked. The two shook their head. ”Then... what do we...” he said, then stopped.
The two noticed his reaction.
”You also know.” Luo Shi said. ”That's right. We have to go to the Promising Land.” He said.
Chen Sheng didn't answer.
Luo Shi continued. ”We can't stay here since your sect was just attacked by, most probably, the demonic cultivators by acting as your founder.” He started. ”Even if you'll stay here, the resources are scarce and you'll only last for a day. It's best that you go to the Promising Land for the time being.” He explained and looked at gently at Chen Sheng.
Being the only one left to lead the sect, and with the lowest cultivation at that... Luo Shi shook his head, full of pity with Chen Sheng.
Ming Ye sighed and patted Chen Sheng's shoulder. ”I know everything is hard for you right now.” he told him. ”Your sect was attacked. Your shifu and founder are missing. The people in your land are also missing. You have the lowest cultivation yet is forced to lead your fellow brothers. Also... your fellow Senior Brothers are all injured and unconscious...” he paused to sigh, full of sympathy. ”Be strong. Life will just get harder from now.” he said and patted Chen Sheng's shoulder, then walked towards the other disciples to instruct them. ”Carry your fellow brothers that are injured. Salvage everything that you can salvage. We're going to the Promising Land.” He told them.
They reacted weakly, since this is already expected.
”Even if we'd stop hundreds or thousands of times... as long as we can get to the Promised Land... everything will be fine...” Ming Ye added.
They all nodded.
”Elder Ming.” One of the disciples called. ”Can't you let some of the Promising Sect's disciples fetch us here...?” he asked, helpless.
”That is the problem.” Luo Shi answered. The disciples looked at him. ”We can't get outside communication.” He said. Their eyes went wide. ”Someone is blocking us, or the outside, from communicating each other. So long as we could reach the outside, we can communicate with the others.” He explained.
They all sighed, relieved. But, Chen Sheng is still bothered.
”Master.” Xia Di called. ”Are you still thinking of that problem?” he asked.
Chen Sheng didn't answer. Xia Di is referring to Chen Sheng being stayed behind by the impostor. ”If they want to kill me, then they should've killed me the moment Brother Fei and the others left.” he muttered and leaned on the beast's body.
”So...” Xia Di said. Chen Sheng didn't answer. ”If it's the other, then that explains everything.” He said, referring to the impostor wanting Chen Sheng to be alive.
If they wanted him to be alive, then that's the reason why he was forced to stay behind so that he won't get caught up of the trap.
But, if they just wanted him to be captured alive, then they should've just kidnapped him. For a low level cultivator like him, kidnapping him is just a piece of cake. So why the hell did they have to ruin the whole sect? Also... why should they want him, a low – level cultivator, anyway?
”Argh.” Chen Sheng groaned and messed his hair. He frowned and neatly fixed it in a bun. He sighed.
Ming Ye and Luo Shi then told them they're leaving the Newfound Land.
They made three stops to make the others rest. They then went in circles before they discovered they were under a spell.
With the help of Xia Di flying above them giving them right directions, they managed to reach the exit of the Newfound Land.
”As expected, there's a strong spell.” Luo Shi said as he hovered his hand on the open gate of the Land.
”How do we leave now...?” the disciples asked, worried.
”We should break the spell.” Luo Shi answered.
”How...?” they asked, helpless.
Chen Sheng watched them murmur, worried and scared. It's the third day now and Fei Yin, Li Tian, Feng Mo and the others that're injured are still asleep.
Fei Yin is still resting on the back of Xia Di. Li Tian is carried by Chen Han, who has bags of circle under his eyes. Feng Mo is carried by Luo Shi.
”Go.” Chen Sheng said after a while.
”Ha?” Chen Han said.
Ming Ye and Luo Shi looked at him, asking.
Chen Sheng sighed and leaned on Xia Di. ”Why don't you try running to the gate instead? It's wide open.” He said and motioned the gate. ”Maybe your momentum will break the gate's spell.” He explained. They didn't answer. He continued. ”Spell or two... what's it matter?” he asked. ”Just close your eyes and don't think of it.” he explained.
”How can you say it like that so simply - ?”