49 First step into Danmachi (2/2)
I even went and summoned Joker who, I learned, isn't the one that wants to kill everyone! Pros! He actually is still psychotic, as are all the Jokers, and he definitely doesn't mind killing people, but his Jokes apparently take priority for him. He then traipsed off to god knows where, and no I am not calling myself god because I can tell where he is using my seals, that'd be the most self-entitled thing I've ever done, in fact that many of people have done. Like what kind of ego do you need to have in order to call yourself god? Like I know I'm strong, but man, I know I can get my ass handed to me by some people on the Naruto world, like the first Hokage. Man I wanted to do that Buddha thing that he did but just could not recreate it.
I didn't summon Naruto or Goku though since, well, I don't want to traumatize him by giving him 2 different memories, and probably new powers. Also, Goku is fucking broken. That is my defense for not using him, stupid? Probably, but it's the principle of the thing. Plus I don't need people that just think they can fix their lives problems just by summoning the dead back to life, I mean come on, that's just suicidal and hopeful.
After that was out of the way I went and started to walk around the town, helped Naruto out along with Hinata since apparently they had decided to move in together apart from Naruto's parents. I say apart from them, but well, they're just next door. I was going to help them out, but it looked like Naruto and Hinata helped them out first. I found Shiro about a block away and was dragging a bag that was larger than her. After helping her carry it in she started blushing and kicked me out of her house, I will just chock it up to some girl stuff I'm not supposed to see. Like maybe her panties or something like that? Oh well.
I spent the rest of the evening going and helping out people that I came by, and finally, I went to sleep for the night in my own bed. I was going to sleep with the two, but I had to force myself not too, I wanted them to get used to their own rooms since it would be a bad habit if they slept with me constantly. Yeah I know, I know, pushing away 2 beauties, how dare I. THE HEAT MAN! It's bad enough with one girl that is sticky and sweaty, but 2? My god no, kill me. There's a reason that my favorite time to sleep with them is in the winter, but it's not winter in here, I haven't been able to purchase any other season but spring.
Anyways, after I woke up I spent a bit of time with them and checked to make sure that everyone was settled in one last time before I went and selected the option to go to a new world, then picked Danmachi. Before I hit it I happened to notice that there were some worlds added, but it was so fast that I wasn't able to see it before I was whisked out of my dimension and then put back into ludicrous speed. Thankfully, or maybe sadly, due to my strength, I didn't pass out this time, but I did end up vomiting all to the side of me and sent it flying into space, I hope it doesn't hit anyone.
(A/N: Yeah you already know this is a flag. But who did it hit is the important question.)
After about 10 minutes of going through the space at a blindingly fast speed I suddenly lurched forward, or felt like I did, as my speed slowed and I saw the planet I was heading towards. I actually managed to go and see babel tower from here! Wow, it must be huge, granted it is just a tiny speck in the middle of that huge continent, actually as I get closer I can see that the continent seems to be split in different sections, with some rather large islands forming and archipelago in the east. In the east of the continent seems to be a large forest with not only an impressive mountain range, but also a rather large tree, I bet that is something like the world tree and that there are a shit ton of elves there.
(A/N: I did some intense research here, and every single one of these regions exists by the way, well except the snow one, but I need an OC place for my OC story, huh? Huh? No takers? Okay, well. I'll write more now)
There is actually a surprisingly large desert north of Orario with a surprisingly intense mountain range, then scattered about are various other forests, though none as impressive or large as the other one. The only other place that stood out to me was that in the far north, a good, uh at this range it looks like an inch, so I don't know, 500 or so kilometers? I'm bad at eyeballing. Is a rather large looking island covered in snow. I wonder what's there?
After marveling at the sights for a few minutes (and taking some pictures with my phone) I noticed that I was actually speeding up, I must have entered the planets gravity field. I just let it carry me along, and suddenly the air around me disappeared, I tried gasping only to find out that the air is really thin, so the system cuts off the air it supplies as soon as it detects breathable air? The more you know I guess? But that means I'm a lot closer than I thought, and I thought I would land close to Orario, but it seems that I was wrong, pretty damned wrong actually, after falling straight towards it the system went and changed my trajectory northward, I tried going and moving myself to reorient, but the system took away my ability to move a muscle!
I didn't stop though, and it wasn't until I was about a kilometer away I realized that I could actually move myself, so I quickly pulled out a kunai and threw it downward into the snowy void that was all around me since I didn't want to go splat, almost as soon as I detected that it stopped moving I flashed over to it, only to find myself buried in a layer of snow. I didn't know which way I teleported in or how thick the snow is, so I quickly spit (old trick I remember reading since I was scared to death of this) and saw that I was actually sideways. So I dug in the opposite direction the spit went, and after a couple minutes I had managed to dig through at least 3 feet of snow.
Man, this is not going to be fun to walk in is it? Plus now I'm freezing. All I need is to be tired and hungry and I'll have enough reasons to complain to the driver! Wait, no I'm not on a road trip.