48 Last bout in the Naruto World (1/2)

To think, another 15 years has passed already. I have long since stopped caring about my ex, I still enjoy everything that is around me and I don't want for her memory to sully any moments that I have in this place. She ruined some moments of mine already that I should have cherished and enjoyed, but I couldn't since I kept remembering her.

The reason I talk right now was that, just a month ago, the third Hokage died, joining his wife who passed away a few years before. They had both sensed that their time was coming and didn't want to take the elixir, it made me a bit happy though when he told me how happy they both were with the changes in the world. I went to the graveyard which has largely been unused, and made sure that he could get the spot by his wife, and using the techniques I had picked up and my enhanced memory I went and made a sculpture of him and his wife holding hands. It is just a small thing I can do for him, but I think that he would enjoy it. It ended up taking me around 10 hours of working on it to finally get to a good point, and as I let out a few tears of sorrow I smile and harden the statue so it can stand the test of time. I also use something I picked up to make a tree grow from the ground close to the statue.

He was a great friend honestly. I may not have mentioned it at all since I've been busy, but I remember the first year that I was hokage and was trying to deal with Darkness's advances still, I actually ended up going and sleeping in the office. Out of concern he came over to the office and gave me some words of encouragement I can't forget, ”Don't try to do everything. Nobody can do that. Just try and do what you can do, since you're just you, and you can only do what you are able to do. Other's may want you to do more, but you should just do what you know you can.” (A/N: Okay, I don't know if I've heard this before, I feel like I have, but I could have just pulled out of my ass for all that I know)

Onto the updates though, kurama decided to stay in the village after seeing how much I helped people and how I stopped wars. He knew he was too large though to stay outdoors so he goes and hangs out with me. Tsunade actually went and had a kid of our own a few years ago. It was also during that time though that Olivier asked for me to go and let her train with the tigers so she can learn sage mode. I don't know how well she'll do but I will probably go check on her later today.

Tsunade went and named our baby Josh since I told her that it was a common boys name where I am from. I also took the initiative from that and gave her a customized engagement ring I had made years ago with the symbol that my formula took on, the triforce. Darkness was very upset about that though since I continued using protection when with her and didn't give her a ring (A/N: I never planned on having him have a kid, but, knowing his character and how long he's been here it seemed inevitable.). I assured her that her ring was being made, which it was later that day. It was almost exactly like Tsunade's except Tsunade's had a green base with yellow(gold) mixed in it, Darkness had yellow (gold) with some black (onyx) mixed in.

Esdeath had also started finally coming to terms with everything a few years ago, she hadn't forgotten all of what she did to people, but she did however actually hit the number at that time of helping the same amount of people she had hurt more than she should have. She just randomly told me while crying, 5,454, 335. After comforting her for an hour she smiled up at me and told me what it meant. Since then she hasn't been doing it to make it up to anyone, she does it because she genuinely is happy helping others. From all of her training too, she is now the second best medical ninja that is in the village with the first being Tsunade, and after Esdeath is Kabuto, who since he didn't join the Anbu, actually has a happy life in this village.

Oh yeah, before I forget, I also have given Tsunade a pill of immortality. It's nothing fancy like mine, but like where she doesn't age. It was like 10k system points so it wasn't too big of a deal since well, she won't age. Something else I have been doing with the system though, is upgrading my dimension. Almost all of my points have gone into it, leaving me with next to nothing left, around 5k points left. It was definitely worth it though, for it's current level everything is maxed out in it, it is around the size of the earth (A/N: They call the world Naruto live's on Earth if you didn't know, and before you say anything, it is basically the same size as our earth).

It's actually basically all Ocean since I couldn't afford too much land. When I say too much I mean enough to make it all land, I was still able to go and afford making it basically 2,000 kilometers wide worth of land (A/N: about 1200 miles give or take. Note, the USA is about 1,500 miles tall and 2,600 miles wide). I actually even randomized how it would end up since, well, I am a lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to sculpt a planet from scratch. What do you think I'm those weird bastards from the Hitchikers guide to the galaxy? Hell no.

Well, after I went and did that I made sure to add some rivers, lakes, mountains, etc. Give it a touch of realism. The only parts that I made sure not to go and screw with was where I planned on building a large city, this alone was spared 200 KM's of area just so that I could have plenty of space to expand, and I plan on making my house/castle/mansion/whatever right at the edge of the area in the middle of a valley surrounded by mountains. Did I plan this on purpose? You bet your ass I did. If you're wondering about attacks, well I spent a good amount of the SP on this upgrade, 'Do not allow anyone who bears harm or ill will to the dimension, user, or anyone residing within.' Neat huh? I know this leaves a loophole for those that don't know they are going to harm or anything, but well, that's why I make it so that people get searched. Nothing too invasive, but have someone with the Byakugan go and look at them since the Byakugan is way more intense than the Sharingan when it comes to that stuff.

So, with the dimension being pretty much set up I set my plans in motion, gathered a bunch of craftsmen, a few architects, and many other professions to all get to work on building my Castle (yes I decided on a castle. A European style one because why the fuck not.) then I went and helped design how the town would be in the beginning, the walls and what not. It was going to be relatively simple and after the initial building where the dimension doors would be held at was finished I went and began making spots for different doors. Since they were each 7 foot tall and 5 feet wide (Apparently they can make something bigger fit through though, no clue how) I made pre-determined spots for around 20 doors to start, and if need be I could always add more.

I made a sign above the door to the Naruto world and put Shinobi world since, well, it feels awkward calling in Naruto world for people that would be looking to go there. Then I went and hired a few members of the Hyuga clan, and upon hearing about it, Hinata was actually one of the first people to sign up, and Naruto wished to follow her since they actually started dating(I brought dating culture here. And equal rights.) a couple years ago and didn't want to leave her.

This was all at the beginning of the year, and now I had everything finished and thousands of people who wanted to go there, so I started a strict selection process. I let in any Jinchuriki that were on the list since I had already made my village a paradise for them. Oh yeah, I forgot, all of the Jinchuriki are in my village. Oops. Then I went and I accepted Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Minato, and Kushina. Since they were all pretty great friends of mine, especially Jiraiya who would take me out for drinks every so often. They are getting a bit old though so I should go and get them some of those immortality pills after they go and drink an elixir again. That'll be in another 10 or so years though heh.

I declined Itachi's request though since I actually planned on making him Hokage. He is one of the brightest people I think I have ever seen. We may be caught up to the world I was in originally, but holy shit, this kid took it to all sorts of different levels and mastered everything he focuses on. Like, you know SAO? I showed it to him one time. All seasons, he made it but better. You heard me fucking right, he went and made full dive gear and SAO but better, with actual gameplay mechanics that don't punish people and fun skills to get people involved. Not only that but I let him go and look at all the Jutsu and he managed to actually made a rasengan out of Fire chakra and one out of lightning chakra. I don't know how the hell he did that, but it was terrifying. Like, for the fire one, imagine the sun being in the palm of his hands. It was actually hot enough that I would consider it a miniature sun too, it melted a remote in my office sadly. The Lighting one was even scarier though, since imagine the chidori, but instead of being like a bolt, it was a ball of highly compressed lightning. He even learned how not to just hit with it(which when it hit a tree literally turned it to ashes) but also throw it! It lost some power sure, but it put many other techniques to shame!

Where was I? Oh yeah, I wasn't too picky with people though, basically whoever I felt would be the most helpful in the dimension would be able to move there. It's not like I'm never going back to the Naruto world though so I'm not abandoning these people here, I actually set up a small place where I hired a couple people to stand guard and note when people come and go, and later on I plan on enacting a tax. Not a huge one, but a decent one since I don't want to have my world be flooded. Plus, honestly, I don't really think anybody in this world will not be able to afford it, I have gone and raised the living conditions so much that almost nobody is having troubles and each village has reached a good amount of peace that hasn't been present before.

Oh yeah, want to know the most shocking request to immigrate to my dimension? It was honestly that the Amekage, One, wanted to come and join me. She's apparently stepping down and will be joining me as a retirement. There were also quite a few shinobi from each village that I approved, including gaara's older brother and sister Temari and Kankuro, and Mei Terumi who didn't become Mizukage in this timeline (it was someone else who died when he shouldn't have originally I guess).

Oh yeah, something that I should mention, apparently by strong emotions it can also mean love and happiness. After I showed that to the Uchiha clan they all started awakening it more and more. Obito, who had actually been the one to prove this to me since he awakened not just his sharingan, but his Mangyeko Sharingan because he actually confessed his love to Rin when they both became Jonin, and she reciprocated the feelings. Kakashi was happy for them but was fine not dating since Jiraiya had actually written his books. He actually wrote one about me too and a lot of people were really impressed by the biography. I even gave him permission to talk about everything. Right now I am strong enough to handle people in this world, I also have many allies to help me should anything happen.

With that, at the end of the year I went and told everyone in the village that I was going to resign as Hokage and named my successor, the fifth Hokage, as Itachi. Eat my heart out lord second since I think that he can do an even better Job of leading than I did. I scheduled the festival for being a week from the day that I announced it, and I made my departure the day after that. I did tell everyone that I would still come by and visit every so often, but that I was going to be busy doing other things. If they wanted to find me they were welcome to go to the dimension and if I wasn't there then they could leave a message as I'd be there at least once a week, preferably once a day though.

That's how the whole continent mourned apparently. People, using the internet that we had made, recorded the whole thing and posted it online (I didn't know this until the day of the festival when Tsunade told me) that I was going to be leaving. So they were apparently going and planning to make this one of the largest celebrations with the Orphans I helped once leading the charge to making a celebration to remember.

When the day finally came, Tsunade(who was in on it apparently) came and picked me up, walking me through the streets which were extremely empty. I was pretty confused by everything and was thinking it was the wrong day somehow. When she pulled me to the underground though I was utterly shocked, the place was full of people! There was a sign hanging from the roof saying thank you for everything Fourth Hokage Joseph! It actually almost brought a tear to my eye, but Tsunade didn't let me dawdle and dragged me past the screaming crowds, looking around I saw headbands from every single village here, even the ones that are far off. Did they really send them over here just for this?

After a few minutes of dodging and weaving we arrived at a table that was extremely large, and beside it were the orphans, now looking older in around their 30's now I think. In front of them they have a large platter, and after I sit down they move it in front of me and remove the lid, ”This is a thank you for everything sir, not just for everything you did for us, but for the village. We hope it is to your liking.” They all then smile and step back a bit, and when I look down I can't help but believe it, they made me porkchops, just like that first time. They remembered? I start tearing up over how much they cared.

I then smile and wave them over, ”Here, I have a present for you as well then.” I pull out plates for each of them and then lay on the plates some of the potatoes and Pork chops they originally made, after seeing them raise their eyebrows I smile behind the tears, ”I save these for a special occasion, these are the first dish you ever made and the first time I ever went and taught someone how to cook them, so come eat with me.”I then go and start eating as they all finally lose their composure as well, and like me start eating between bouts of crying. Their porkchops were amazing, and probably the best I had ever eaten honestly, and it made me savor the taste all the more when I knew that they had made these just for me, and most likely put all of their feelings into them.

After around 10 minutes pass and we all finish eating, I then wipe my eyes and smile at them thanking them for everything, and they do the same before walking off into the crowd. After they leave Kakashi's dad walks up to me and starts crying again, telling me that he still hasn't forgotten anything that I'd done for his family, and that his wife wanted to be here, but was in labor with their 4th child. Wow, Kakashi has a lot of siblings now! Speaking of which Kakashi's little sister, who was apparently named Shiro (A/N: White. Because white hair. Creative huh?) decided to immigrate into the dimension world.