46 Revolutionizing Narutos World (1/2)

What I said last time, that was honestly, just the tip of the iceberg as to what happened, I still haven't used the other. Hold on let me count, 4 summons and 1 rare summon. Huh, well I mean, I guess I'll use them now.

(A/N: I put 20 names in the list and then took out the ones already drawn. Here are the results. Yes I included Naruto because I wanted to make it a joke. No I didn't actually expect it to draw it, but you know what? Rolling with it.)

[Host has received-







Huh... I can get Naruto even though he hasn't even been born yet? Also I get another psychopath... yay. Wait, to build on that last also, Goku is in here? God that's just broken. Just need to almost kill him and then boom, OP. Man that Saiyan bloodline is just too broken, and I mean I would get it from the shop if it wasn't just bullshit expensive, well and for the fact I actually enjoy life, I don't want to be like everyone in DBZ and just go and constantly rush off to my death just to get stronger, that's just a stupid plotline.

'Informing host, it is possible to receive characters as summons before characters birth, it is recommended to not summon them however as it may destabilize events. If host is worried about host's own interference there is no need to worry as universe's are made to be flexible, however not to the point of having characters exist in them before birth.'

Huh, okay. So don't summon Naruto, easy enough to do. I wonder which one it is anyway? Like I didn't know that Alucard was from the abridged if it wasn't for his title. This Naruto could be Naruto from, shit I don't know, him as a kid?

Anyway I was saying something before I got side track by summons, lets see, I talked about how 3 years have passed, I talked about how I changed esdeaths personality, and now I mentioned the summon tickets I left Idle for so long, lets see, next on the list is... well honestly I haven't really been training myself too much I've been focusing on training the others

Like I don't let any of them work with shadow clones since it's dangerous, I mean for anyone that doesn't have an insane amount of chakra like me, they would probably die with just a few clones, meanwhile I can go and, I think my limit last I checked was around 2k+ clones? And that's doing it easily, if I tried hard enough I think I could actually go and make at least 5k. Though I don't want to sustain that many for too long, and I've actually been training myself to not use them as much since they can be really bad for my health.

Okay, big news time though, man have I brought a revolution to the leaf! I feel proud of myself since this is the first year that everything is actually coming together! I am making a standardized, and most importantly free, education system. I even made it available to the other villages, but for those in the other villages they are to pay a fee. Reason being is, well, the taxes in the leaf village pay for the teachers so it'd be really fucked up to have my people pay for others.

Maybe in the future I will be able to work it out so everyone can be educated for free, but as of right now that's just a pipe dream. Oh yeah, good news too, I make a concrete path between here and Amegakure! I actually, when I was visiting, met Nagato and his 2 pals, and just like in the Anime he had the Rinnegan(well it wasn't activated yet since his parents didn't die, but I know they would've been planted by this time) so I offered to pay for the three of them to be some of the first to go to the school if they wanted. They still had their parent's so it'd be odd if I abducted them, and well I wouldn't have a great relationship with Amegakure after that.