35 Meeting the Enemy (1/2)

After getting past that pain I had some time so I decided to take a nap. I told the two by me to let me know when they arrived or to wake me up when they arrived. If all else failed then in the morning I would just march out with esdeath to go and wipe them all out since I really don't have time for dealing with too much bullshit.

After sitting sleeping up for around 6 hours I am subtly awoken from my nap(Well at that point it was me sleeping) and looked upward at 8 people there, I can see only 2 women. Well I am not surprised since this isn't like in the future when there are a lot of very strong women. I stand up and pat myself down to face them all before I speak, ”I am truly surprised so many responded to my challenge. Before that though is Amegakure here with a representative?”

One of the two women step forward and nods before speaking, ”I am code named 2. I was delegated the task due to our leaders death and the person above me being incapable of rational thought at the moment.” She bows slightly to me (A/N: Yes I am making an OC character right now. If you don't like that I would recommend skipping the Danmachi arc I have planned in the future since I plan on going to a different town there.).

I nod at her and take in her features, she is a well spoken girl with silver hair and fair looking skin, she also has eyes like pearls... the byakugan? Hm, how did she get that? Well whatever. Overall she is a fair girl, though I won't chase after her. I speak to her, ”How are your forces prepared to act? This will determine how our current talks go.”

She bows slightly towards me, ”We beg forgiveness for our actions and wish to inform you that we were soldiers following orders. This does not spare us from our actions but we are prepared to face our punishment given it is within reason.” Huh, must've scared them when we kill Hanzo so fast... Well Alucard did go slaughter a bunch of people from I don't know where. Maybe they saw that.

I look to her with a pondering look on my face, I already know what I am going to do and ask for, but I will go and make the others there make it look like I am wise. Or well some shit like that. This is all basically a show as I want my vengeance. ”Well, since your village is but a small one I have 2 ideas. I will give you 3 hours time to discuss it with your people afterward as to what you can do, or you may come up with a counter offer to me, though keep in mind that I will not let these talks go on for more than 1 day in total. At that point I will consider you to be trying my patience and insulting my generosity. Got it?”

She nervously nods and shakes while looking to Ezio and Olivier, then back at me. I can see in her eyes that she knows I can kick her ass 6 ways to Sunday if she upsets me. I then give her my ideas, ”Well the 2 ideas that I have are 1, you become a part of the land of fire. You will remain somewhat independent and still retain your own village, but you will join our nation. The second is that you will be put directly under the leafs control, maintain your land, and basically be the same save for that anything your land decides will go through the leaf. Both are highly similar to each other I will admit, but they both have their own benefits and downsides that are up to you to decide.” I nod to her as she shakes more while nodding nervously.

She barely speaks to me, ”I shall return within an hour with a response... sir.” She then jumps off desperately. Good, seems like she knows that I am being serious. Wanna invade and torture me? I will get my own form of revenge.

I turn to the group of 7, ”Now, I apologize for that. They had tortured me and I sent a different message to them from your villages. Now if I may ask, what are your decisions?” I raise my eyebrow to them. I wonder how war mongering these guys are.

A tanned man with facial hair steps forward, ”I, the Second Raikage A, will withdraw my troops if you are able to convince me that the leaf did not provoke this war by attacking Iwagakure's troops.”

I chuckle a bit, I know almost the most about this, ”That is easy actually. We didn't. They provoked us. The reason I know so was that I was dispatched on the mission to deal with them. They had pillaged, raped, and plundered villages around the leaf, possessed a map and journal that was encrypted that revealed their plans to encircle the leaf. I merely slowed them down, after that it was made more intense I will assume by Hanzo and Danzo of the leaf to spread out such rumors to unite the leaf. Is this enough for you?” No need to lie about any of that, it's all not important to, well anything. Sure we had a spy, but I killed him, nothing to exploit. Villages were plundered? Well they're gone and the people are safe mostly.

The Raikage nods, ”I see. You speak with honesty I can tell, though your attitude is concerning about how you can laugh in front of someone of higher ranking than you, I suppose you did say you were tortured. Though it isn't as concerning as the third Tsuchikage not being present, though after hearing what you said it is understandable since they wished for this war. This Raikage shall withdraw the troops of our village. Good day sir.” He nods to me and I bow slightly to him as he leaves. Well that is one less village to fight.

Another man steps forward, this one with his eyes closed and having black hair, ”I am the Third Mizukage. Upon hearing your defense I will withdraw my troops. I apologize to you and the leaf for listening to the tales that were spun.” He then bows to me and I bow back, he then turns around and walks away.

I am liking my odds right now, at least 2 less villages and main ones no less! I can't help but smile internally (My mouth muscles still won't let me do more than a painful looking smile, I checked.)

At this moment another man steps forward and nods to me, ”I trust in your words too, however I would like to partake in a fight as you said. However upon any conditions I shall withdraw the armies now. Would you do me the honor of a fight.” He pits a fist into one of his palms before continuing and bows his head slightly, ”I am the Third Kazekage and I humbly request a friendly sparring match.”

Well if he is going this far... I nod my head and speak, ” I accept, however will you allow me to hear what everyone wishes to do regarding the war before hand? I would like to know how many people I shall be fighting before I actually do fight.”