31 I need a break (1/2)
(A/N: Again, not me. Joseph needs a break, the poor bastard was tortured for years in his mind so he is barely hanging on)
'Host has a new comment to read.'
”Huh? Didn't I just do some though? Well tell them to stuff it. I'm taking a break.”
'Negative. Author has specially pushed this one through and left a comment with it just for host.'
”What has that bastard Author sent me... Do it and I'll forgive you for calling me lazy. Also don't forget to advertise that I will write more if they pay me on patreon. Tch, fuck you, making me work on a day off I see how the fuck it is. Alright, you guys want more content then start paying this greedy son of a bitch I guess because it seems I'll never get a break... wait if he writes more doesn't that mean I have less down time!? Fuck, no wait AH HOW DO I DECIDE WHAT I WANT? I don't wanna incur the Authors wrath, but if he writes all day instead of a bit at night then I won't have anymore time left over to myself. Where's a gun, I definitely am not planning on just shooting the Author to solve this...”
'Host. The comment'
”Hm? Oh yes, that's right, this was all because of this damned comment. Let's see, it basically says, 'What do you think would happen if Alucard and Deadpool got together?' Well the universe would probably fucking get destroyed. Deadpool has done it before so I definitely wouldn't put it past him, and Alucard is way more bullshit than Deadpool so it will get crazy fast. Also they would be best friends if that wasn't self evident, they both hate themselves, both are crazy, and both don't know what the hell their own sexuality is. Wait would they fuck? God that scares me...”
'Host, there was continuation in the comments after this as well that system believes to be interesting.'
”God dammit, just give it to me. Hm, What do you think about making a team of Alucard, Deadpool, Kirito from the Abridged, Nikolai, and Richtofen. Jesus christ a team of those guys? Is the goal of this just to get the whole team of basically fucking shit up with a smile on your face together? Well we are missing Duke Nukem, Trevor, Sheogorath, and I don't know Gin? Maybe also Meliodas? God that team, it wouldn't be safe wherever they were. I can already imagine it now, Alucard goes on a walk while the rest go and start drinking and Drunkenly find their way over to where there are, somehow, a bunch of fucking Nazi's. They all then get upset at the Nazi's for no reason really and then just go and slaughter them, find their base, and then slaughter them. Sweet jesus. System don't let this happen, I can't handle this much bullshit.”
'System is unable to block certain summons from appearing in the lottery.'
”Oh no... does this mean it's up to that crazy Author?”
'Yes and no. The Author may have pity on us and choose via a random picker once again. System does not know which method the Author may use do to Author being, well, in laymans terms, crazy.'
”May god save us all...”
------------End segment-----------
God I can feel my home calling to me with my bed and Arthur. Ignoring the blood I turn to ezio and Olivier, ”Think you guys can keep up with us? I know Alucard can because we'll, he's got bullshit powers.”
Before the two could respond, Alucard did, ”And don't you forget it!” Haa~ just kill me now. I can't deal with this too much longer.