14 A-rank mission (2/2)
Inside the armory wasn't anything extremely special, just a bunch of Kunai, shuriken, some swords, explosive tags, and various other common ninja tools. I mean I'll take them though less money I have to spend. After getting all the weapons out I found a crate full of paper bombs actually, over a hundred surprisingly so I take those as well.
I walk back out of the armory and look at the people that were bound, over half of them have been brought to the leaf so far it seems. As I walk around and look at their makeshift base in a cave some more shadow clones disappeared, it seems that they found everything, the leaders room, the quarters for the troops, and the loot room. I decide to go from least exciting to most exciting so I go to the troop quarters.
It was just hundreds of beds with a small container for each to store things in, I found many pictures of families which honestly made me feel bad. All these people had those that care about them.
I quickly stopped though when I realized these people went through and killed without thinking about the people's families and even kidnapped some. I also found some Ryo here and there, a couple uniforms, nothing amazing so I have some shadow clones bring everything back to the leaf.
I then go to the leaders room and see it is very simplistic, it has a table with a small map on it. The map has the leaf village on it and various places with X's on it with arrows leading towards the village. I don't know ow enough about the world though to know if this means something, but from what I can tell it looks like they're using the villages as staging grounds, or at least that was their plan until I rudely killed them all.
I look around the room for a fee more minutes before packing the map and a few more documents that look important into a bag before putting it into my dimension. It all seemed to be coded so I'll have to let the leaf handle that, I am no master at decoding things.
I then teleported to the loot room, treasury, whatever you want to call it. It was definitely disappointing. I just found more weapons, some food stuff, animals of various types like cows, chickens, a few goats and sheep, and for some reason a couple ostrich. I opened up a door to my dimension and ushered all the animals into it. I then out all the food and weapons I found, and lastly I found a small chest full of money, about 100,000 Ryo!
After I finished up I teleported back to the village and it seems my clones caused a big commotion as there were a lot of people crowding around. ”Joseph, what happened?” I look over and see tsunade looking at the people who had been freed by now.
I smile at her, ”Well I was sent on an A rank mission. This is proof of my completion. Well I also have the loot from the guys, their bodies, and what I think are military orders. Not sure though since it's coded.”
She looks at me and raises an eyebrow, ”You went onto an A rank mission on your own?”
I nod to her answer, sometimes it's better to not say to much so I'm gonna take the Telltale option of silence.
She looks at me and sighs, ”Alright well the Hokage will be here soon. I gave all these people a check up and sent the ones in danger to the hospital so I'm going to go there now. Orochimaru should be coming with the Hokage too, no clue what Jiraiya is doing though. I'll see you later.” She then takes off quickly, probably because she doesn't want me to remember the bet. Too bad for her though is that I am not mentioning it so she lowers her guard, heh. I'm a devious bastard.”
I make some clones and have them keep the people back, and while I wait for the Hokage I clear an area of people and make it for the bodies I have. I'll tell the Hokage all the loot I found and give it back if he requests it, but if not I'll keep it all.
Right after I finish getting all the bodies out the Hokage arrives at the scene(A clone disappeared to let me know). I walk up to him and start talking to him, ”I finished the list and I finished the mission. I found some of what I think are military documents since they are in code, kidnapped people, and some loot. I have it all with me if you need to look.”
He looks at me, then at the pile, then at the people, ”there's more?” I nod to answer his question to which he sighs. He then motions to the Anbu close by to, I think, take care of the bodies. ”We'll take care of the bodies and the people. We'll be investigating them to see what village they are from, this is likely to be a declaration of war if it turns out bad enough.”
I nod, ”So do you want the coded messages? Oh yeah, and a map I found?”
He nods, ”Bring me to the office and you can give it to me there.”
I smile and put my hand on his shoulder and I teleport him along with me to outside his office. I smile as I remember how broken the doors were before. After we walk into the office I close the door and hand over the map and coded messages.
He looks over the map quickly before sighing, ”I haven't been able to see the messages yet so I'll send off to have them decoded. This map though doesn't seem to be a good sign though. Thank you Joseph. Now I believe that you said you completed that list? Let us go to the training area.” I nod and grab his shoulder after he sends the documents off to the intelligence group.
After we get to the field I show him first my shadow clone Jutsu and how all I need to do is think about it, which shocked him immensely. ”I put that there because I wanted you to fail that, I wanted an excuse to train you harder. It's also why I gave you an almost S rank mission. Shows what I know though.” I look at him and open my eyes in shock, if he wanted to train me harder then just do it! Don't be so roundabout. Whatever I'm stronger for it.
After that I send the clones out to do various things, escape from chains, walk on water, use scrolls. While they did that I showed him that I can climb a cliff with just a single arm.
He shakes his head, ”You're a monster, but a deal is a deal. You can now be considered a Jounin. Though that doesn't mean you are one since you haven't taken the Chuunin exams yet so you technically aren't a Shinobi, even though you can take on, most likely, a Rank S mission alone. God you terrify me. Now you are at least in the running to be Hokage, and considering Jiraiya told me that he isn't fit for it he is out of the running as I can't force him. So it's down to you and Tsunade, though she hasn't said anything about it.” He walks away while rubbing his temples, clearly he was overwhelmed and trying to process things.
Well I am going to go sleep now. My shadow clones have been building up my exhaustion for awhile now.