17 We are in Sentora! (1/2)


Solo and the rest arrived at Port Natalia, in Sentora.

Luka: I'm finally on the Sentora continent…

Solo, Luka and Alice were stepping for the first time over the new continent.

Alice: Hmm… Unlike Illiasport, this place is quite lively.

Solo: Yeah, so many happy souls around… It makes me smile, in Hueco Mundo there weren't any emotions except for pride, insanity, rage, and despair…

Alice: It must be sad living there…

Solo: Nah, after some centuries you will get used.

Luka: This is the main port for the Sentora continent, so even though they can't trade with the Illias Continent, it doesn't seem to have changed much.

Solo: Is it a thing that there are monsters living together?

Luka: Eh?

Then he looked around and indeed found a mermaid working in a stand

Luka: Ah! A Mermaid?!

Mermaid: Would you like some Mermaid-made grilled starfish?

Luka was surprised from seeing mermaids, while Solo was curious and bought a grilled starfish, then eaten it.

Alice: How does it taste?

Solo: Honestly? It tastes like shit…

Then Solo finished eating the grilled starfish.

Alice: If it tastes bad, why do you eat it?

Solo: Meh, I bought it so I should eat it, and Hollows tastes even worse…

Alice shrugged then she turned to Luka.

Alice: By the way, where are we headed to now?

Luka: For now, we'll head towards the San Ilia castle to the west. The faith in Illias is very strong there, so they'll surely give a warm welcome to a Hero.

Solo: Nice, a target for my cero…

Luka: Oi!

Alice: Hrm… I don't particularly want to go. The food seems bad, too.

When she finished talking, another mermaid came near them.

Mermaid: Um… Excuse me… Mr. Travelers… Could I speak with you for a moment?

Luka: Y...Yes, of course.

Solo: *Sigh*

Mermaid: I noticed your weapons, and couldn't help but think you weren't ordinary people…

Luka: Yes… Seeing this, I could see why someone would think I'm strange…

Solo: You don't say.

Mermaid: Someone who wields such an extraordinary weapon…

Solo: Just talk…

The mermaid was opening her mouth, but an explosion interrupted her.

Luka: What the!? An explosion?!

Solo: No shit, Sherlock!

They turned and seen a building across the plaza that collapsed in the ground.

Luka: What the!? What happened?!

Mermaid: That building… On no, the Mermaid school!

Then everyone runned towards the place, and after that, Alice smelled the air and said.

Alice: I smell gunpowder… It seems like it was a bomb…

Luka: A bomb?!

Luka and Solo observed the mess, and Solo said.

Solo: There isn't any causality,everyone survived.