15 0th Espada, Solo VS Tamamo-no-Mae (1/2)

Solo was looking at Tamamo, who just rushed at him and tried to hit him with her fan.

When she was near Solo, he kicked her fan out from the way with an upper kick and then lowered his leg to hit Tamamo in the head, which she blocked with a bit of difficulty, under her a crater was formed, telling that Solo was using a big fraction of his powers, even if not half of it.

Tamamo: You are really strong…

Solo: You aren't even going all out, you will never win.

Tamamo was surprised from his words and asked

Tamamo: How do you know about it?

Solo: You can hide your powers with your magic, but your soul and body don't match, now fight me seriously.

Then he stretched an arm and used a cero on her, which she dodged and backed away.

Tamamo: Well then, I'll do it,

but we need to change the conditions of the fight, my transformation will not last long so you need to defeat me during that time, if I am exhausted before you win, then it's my victory.

Solo: Alright.

Tamamo took a deep breath and talked.

Tamamo: I ask thee, eternal time… My body, shackled by the powers of creation, I beseech thee. Return my true body to me!

Then flames started to engulf her, slowly, but her power dramatically increased, between the 1st Espada and himself, but it was still possible winning without revealing his Resurreccion, albeit with difficulty.

After some seconds, Tamamo's new form was almost the same of her previous form, but an adult.

Tamamo: I'm ready…

Then she released her might over Solo, who didn't flinched and slowly unsheathed his sword while completely releasing his reiatsu, surprising Tamamo.

Then he vanished with a Sonido and appeared in front of Tamamo, who had her fan in front of her to block the hit.


The zanpakuto and the fan connected to each other with a loud metallic sound, but the cave was completely destroyed from the power they released in that hit.

Tamamo: Ara, you can even match me while I am in Six Ancestor's form.

Solo: If I wasn't this strong I would never escaped from Aizen, now I'll show you, what is the power of the strongest hollow ever existed in Hueco Mundo, cero.

Then he used a cero at her face, which made her stumble back of some pairs of steps before she used 4 tails to hit Solo, who used hierro to protect himself, and flew some meters away.

After he gained balance, he blocked another hit of Tamamo, which created a crater under him, then he kicked Tamamo's leg, making her lose balance for some instants, and created another cero in his palm, which he smashed it right on Tamamo's stomach before shooting.

She was flung some dozen of meters before she heard another static noise and found Solo ready to slash him, she used two tails to hit him, but he vanished again with a sonido and reappeared over her, kicking her head and making her crash on the ground.

Solo was flying in air while using pesquisa to see her, and noticed a sudden spike of energy from her side.

Tamamo: Moonlight Cannon!

And it shot towards him, he didn't have enough time to dodge the sudden attack so he countered it with a cero, which weakened it but still damaged him.

Solo then reappeared in the ground and slightly burned.

Solo: 'That attack was really strong…'

Then he raised his katana to block another hit of Tamamo, who was a bit tired from the attack, and made Solo panic a bit due to their deal, so he decided to finish this fast, he extended only two fingers towards her face, and charged a really small cero between them.

Solo: Cero Bala.

Then it shot forward like a bullet towards Tamamo, who tilted her head to dodge the attack, but got a cut on her cheek, it worked as a distraction because Solo appeared behind her and used Ryodan.

She used all her 9 tails for blocking the attack, but it still made her smash in the ground, making her spit saliva.

When she turned in the ground to see what Solo was doing right now, she found two fingers over her face and a 'Cero Bala' charged right in front of her, menacingly.

Tamamo: *Sigh* I yield…

Solo's Cero Bala disappeared and he extended a hand to Tamamo, which she gratefully accepted and turned back in her smaller form again.

Tamamo: Haaah… That form really took much energy from me…

Solo: Are you ok?

Tamamo: Yeah, congratulations for your victory… You are too strong…

Solo: If I would use my real 100% you wouldn't last 5 seconds.