12 Enrika and another Seraph. (1/2)
Luka and Solo turned at the Happiness Village with the Queen Harpy to explain everything, the trio even took the men they kidnapped with their new monster wives and children, the men were happy with their new life.
And after some talk between the Chief's wife and the Queen Harpy, with the help of the men's opinions, they were able to create a bond with the two villages.
Right now, they were doing a party to celebrating their new achievement, Alice was happily eating their newly produced honey, Luka was talking with some people, while Solo was sitting in a chair while enjoying the happy atmosphere.
While Solo was in the chair, he felt his pesquisa alarming him about a presence that was coming near him, he turned and found the Queen Harpy some steps near him with a smile on her face.
Queen Harpy: Sir Solo, I wanted to personally thank you for your intromission in the talk between me and Sir Luka, otherwise we would fight against each other, you must know that if you ever need our help, we will gratefully accept your request.
Solo: Nn… I am a bit glad that people can change instead of eternally hate monsters here…
Queen Harpy: You are right…
Then they stood there to watch the party for all the night.
Some hours later, everyone was on their houses to sleep, while Luka and Alice were sleeping somewhere else, but Solo was in a plain of grass, without anyone nearby, then he took out his Hogyoku and observed it.
Solo: How do you work… Will you make me stronger? Will you help me with my objectives to win against Illias? Will you protect me?... One day I'll find out, Hogyoku.
After he said that, he put back the Hogyoku in his pocket, but he didn't noticed that it glowed a bit again, but the light was more intense and after that light disappeared, the Hogyoku disappeared from Solo's pocket, and stood in a place where it shouldn't currently be.
It was inside Solo's hollow hole, floating in the air, hidden from his clothes, and he didn't noticed anything.
It was morning, and Luka, Alice and Solo were saying bye to the villagers and harpies, now they were walking in the road.
Luka: Hey guys, shall we check out that village the shopkeeper mentioned?
Alice: Hmm… I've never heard of this village. I hope if they have a new specialty food that I've not yet discovered.
Solo: Well, I will always follow you two.
Luka: Nn, let's see what's there.
Then they turned to southwest and started heading towards Enrika.
[3 days later]
They were nearing Enrika, even if they still didn't know its specific position, and then Alice talked.
Alice: Hmm…? That's an unusual monster…
Solo and Luka turned towards Alice for different reasons, Solo sensed the monster a while ago and right now was there while Luka wanted to ask Alice about it, but in her stead there was a Dark Elf who had a short sword at her side.
Dark Elf: Go back whence you came. This is a place man must not approach.
Solo: So… Are you racist or a feminist?
Dark Elf: Don't talk, human, you and your friend shall leave immediately otherwise I will be forced to act.
Solo: Oh, I am an Arrancar, not human, can I pass?
Dark Elf: ...Arrancar? What is it?
Solo: Strong ghosts.
Dark Elf: You can't trick me, it's obvious that you are human, there are only monster girls, no men.
Then Solo, with a blank face, opened his uniform to reveal his hollow hole at her, which had the Hogyoku inside it, even if he still didn't knew. The Dark Elf was surprised and then she let him pass.
Solo: See ya later, Luka.
Luka: Eh? W-Wait Solo!
Luka tried to go towards him but the Dark Elf blocked his way.
Dark Elf: You shall not pass!
Then Luka and the Dark Elf started fighting while Solo was walking towards Enrika.
Solo arrived at the village undisturbed, there was even a Dark Elf with some tentacles, that after some talking, she pointed the way to Enrika, and there he sensed a familiar energy.
Solo: Another Seraph…?
Solo turned to find a blonde woman with blue eyes and a green dress looking at him with a suspicious look.
?: What are you… You don't seem human from the energy you release…
Solo: I would ask the same thing, Seraph…
The woman's eyes widened before she took a fighting stance.
?: Who did sent you?