9 The 0th Espada, Solo VS The 4th Seraph, Babel (1/2)
While they were leaving, Solo turned to Luka.
Solo: Hey Luka, why you didn't go all out against Granberia?
Luka: Eh? What do you mean?
Solo: you are unconsciously put a limit to yourself, is that because you don't want to hurt anyone?
Luka opened his mouth, but no word came out and lowered his head.
Luka: ...Yes… Even if I knew I would lose, I can't really hurt her…
Then Alice talked.
Alice: *Sigh* And this is one of the reasons that you will be defeated early. I'll help you a bit…
Luka: Eh?
Then she took out a weapon, and shown it to the male duo, Solo stepped back and had a disgusted face.
Solo: ...Oh my Soul King…
Luka: Eww… What is that?
Alice: Angel Halo…
Solo: That thing has nothing of angelic, and I thought that Amira was disgusting… But this… Just... what the fuck?
Alice: C'mon, it isn't that bad… Luka, you can use it from now on.
Luka: No way… that thing is creepy.
Alice: But it has those angels you humans love embedded right in the handle. I thought you would be happy!
Solo: 'That was a dick move…'
Luka: Those angels look like they're being tortured…
Alice: Whatever, just take it…
While Luka, with disgust, he grabbed the sword handle, and then they heard a moan coming from it, frightening Luka while Solo took another step back with a disgusted look.
Luka: Wha?! Ri… right now I just heard a moan?! Did you not hear that?!
Alice: Well, that's to be expected. The sword was refined from 666 melted angels, after all… Listen up. Because the angels' grudges are hammered into the sword, it holds their curse.
When Luka heard that, he let drop the sword and got away from it while Solo started charging a cero at it.
Alice: Calm down guys, the curse will not affect you…
Then they sighed in relief and Luka grabbed the sword while Solo stopped his attack.
Alice: Ahem, it eats away the magic of whatever it slashes, making it hard for the opponent to maintain their form.
Luka: ...I don't get it.
Alice: *sigh* you idiot. If you beat a monster, they won't be able to hold their form. They won't die, they'll just temporarily be made harmless.
Luka: This sword can… Seal monsters?
Solo: A monster is nearby, you can test it right now.
Luka: Eh?
Then a small earthquake was occurring, and Alice vanished again, after that, a monster girl with the upper body of an human and the lower body of a giant worm appeared.
Earthworm Girl: Oh? Travelers? Can you let me wring some semen from you?
Solo: No.
Earthworm Girl: It was just a rhetoric question, I will do it anyways.
Solo: Well, we tried to be pacific, Luka, do your thing…
Luka nodded and then slashed at the monster, but instead of blood, from the newly-made wound came out magic.
Earthworm Girl: What the… What is that sword? From my wound… My power is draining…
Luka: It works?!
Solo: What the hell are you doing? Continue to attack!
Luka: Eh?
At that moment, the Earthworm Girl coiled around Luka, and Solo facepalmed.
Luka finally defeated her, and she became a normal earthworm, meanwhile Alice came and started explaining.
Alice: Do you get it now? That monster from before turned into that. Totally unharmed… Just left harmless.
Luka nodded and thanked her for the sword, then they walked towards the mountain range to defeat the monster bandits.
[A few hours later]
They were at the base of the mountain range right now, and Luka realized something important.
Luka: Crap… How can I stop them if I don't know where they are…?
Alice: This huge mountain range will take forever to search, are you still going to do it?