2 Illias Village and Alice (1/2)

Solo raised an eyebrow about this 'thing' that just called him 'Darling'.

Solo: Can you just answer me?

Slime: *Giggles* You never seen a monster?

Solo: I don't remember that in the human world existed species other than humans. So, what are you?

Slime: How can you not know it? Everyone knows about us monsters.

Solo: Well, it seems that I don't know… So, why are you here?

Slime: I was hungry, you were here, so I took some sperm.

Solo: ...What?

Slime: What? We monsters feed on males' sperm.

Solo: And what made you think that I wouldn't kill you?

Slime: You didn't killed me yet, and this makes me happy, usually we are hated from the humans like you.

Solo: Wait a moment, you thought I was an human?

Slime: well, yeah, you are a male and don't have any body parts that an human shouldn't have.

Solo: Then you didn't check out. I am not human.

Then he opened his white outfit and revealed his hollow hole to her, who was shocked from what she was seeing.

Solo: I am an Arrancar.

Slime: Ar...rancar…? You're a monster?!

Solo: If by monster you mean a species different from humans, then yes, I am one.

Slime: Whoa… You are the first male monster I've ever seen!! What is an Arrancar?

Solo: It is a subspecies of the Hollow race, the hollows are evil spirits that have a white mask and an hole where the heart should be, they are divided in 4 classes: lesser hollows, Gillian, Adjuchas, and Vasto Lorde, an Arrancar is…

While he was talking, the Slime got confused from what he was saying because she didn't knew absolutely anything of what were the 'Hollows' or other things.

Slime: D-Darling… I don't get it…

Solo: Oh… I am a super strong ghost.

Slime: Ohhh! Oh yeah! My name is Lime, Lime the Slime.

Solo: My name is Solo Virtuta, the 0th Espada.

Lime: What is an Espada?

Solo: they are the 10 strongest Arrancars, they are numbered from 9 to 0, respectively from the weakest to the strongest.

Lime: Wow, so you are the strongest?

Solo smiled at her childish behavior and answered with a nod, she remembered him about Nel, who he found while walking around Hueco Mundo, she looked like someone but he couldn't remember who.

Solo: So, do you know where we are?

Lime: We are a bit away from Illias Village right now.

Solo: ...And where is Illias Village?

Lime: It's there.

Lime then pointed at a direction.

Solo: Not that, where is Illias Village? In what nation, state, continent, anything?

Lime: You don't even know where you are? We are in Illias Continent.

Solo: ...Do you know about Japan?

Lime: What's that?

Solo: America? Europe? Africa?

Lime: What are you talking about?

Solo had a blank face from her answer and then he sighed while looking in the sky

Solo: 'Soul King, or whatever deity is over me right now… Where the hell did the garganta take me?'


Solo was travelling with Lime right now, he even found out about her help in healing his limb and thanked her, right now they were going for Illias Village so he could know more about the world.