Chapter 350 - Training (1/2)
Chapter 350 - Training
TL: xDh20, LifeisaJourney
“That is what I want to hear! Thank you very much! Every member that I invite to our village, earns me ten points in our point reward system. So with five players here, us receptionists can split it into twenty five points between us two. We are very grateful towards you! From now on, you are my friends!
“My name is Sun Cheng, his name is Jiang Cong Ming. We both welcome you. Please follow us in, we will describe to you the purpose of our facilities. That way, no matter what trouble you encounter, you can find the appropriate lifestyle adviser or you can come find us.
“As long as we haven’t left the village, you can always reach out to us. It also benefits us in the village, as long as we are helping the beginners, we get points,” Sun Cheng happily said as he led the group into the College grounds. Jiang Cong Ming was left behind by the front gates to continue his duties. Today both of them were on duty, so no matter who did the primary introduction, the reward points were split in half.
“Let’s enter,” Liu Gan was the first one in. They didn’t walk too far until they saw another sign that says “Newcomers”.
“You can leave your baggage and weapons here. Everything you deposit here will have your name and an assigned ID number written on it. There will someone watching it, so nothing will go missing.”
“Your bags will be arranged to be brought to your temporary residence. As for the weapons, those can only be taken out if you leave the village grounds. We don’t allow weapons into the village for the safety of others. I hope you can understand the reason behind it,” Sun Cheng continued explaining the rules.
“That’s no problem” Liu Gan still had his hidden dagger. They were carrying wooden lances, nothing significant, no heavyweight weapons. These were the lances created from trees so there was no harm in letting them be taken.
The staff members in the Newcomers area had to verify the authenticity of the alloy wrist watch. Then, they questioned their levels. Under Liu Gan’s instructions, they all reported their levels to be level 2 or 3. Their collective story was that they recently arrived these last few days.
Hearing that they were only level 2 or 3, the staff didn’t further investigate the wrist watches. Only level 5 and above would receive special treatment. As for the level 3 and under, they were still considered new people. If Liu Gan said that he was level 5, these staff would definitely press for further investigation.
Liu Gan and everyone else received an ID number. These ID numbers were also attached onto the baggage and wooden lances that were placed into a nearby room beside the Newcomers area.
“Several poor filthy people, they don’t even have any goods to bring in. Their weapon is made out of wood! I want to toss it out like trash…” whispered one of the staff working there.
“Their levels are so low, it must have been hard for them to survive. They must have been lucky to have survived to reach us…” another staff member muttered back.
“But, have you seen the female they are with? She is so pretty. She is comparable to our Fifth Elder. I wonder where they found her. What dogshit luck, how come I didn’t meet her first?”