Chapter 230: Two Choices (1/2)
Chapter 230 - Two Choices
TL: xDh20, LifeisaJourney
”Truck” by Jay Newton!Cause the Advanced Zombie hits like a truck.
Even though Liu Gan and Yin He hadn't practiced the technique of luring zombies like these three players had; Liu Gan had the advantage of being a higher level, and Yin He also had the advantage of machine-like precision. It was because of this that the Liu-Yin duo were able to coordinate appropriately with the three players without much of a problem after they listened to it...
“Elder, when we get close to the prison, can you notify them first, so they won’t fire at us. Without our gear, if we ate even one stray bullet, we would die.” Said one of the ATV riders to Liu Gan.
“Don’t worry, as long as you are honest in your intentions, no harm will come to you.” Liu Gan nodded to their request.
These ATV riders knew that Liu Gan wasn’t the type to mess around, and they definitely didn’t want to be target practice for Yin He, or become a limbless human stick. The three ATV riders decided they wouldn’t dare try any foul play. After discussing the plan with Liu-Yin duo, the ATV riders drove back toward the prison compound.
As the prison compound came into view, Yin He ran ahead first. Since these zombies weren’t attracted to her, once she got close enough she threw a rock with a note attached over the high wall.
When the guard on the wall received the note, they handed it over to Zhang ShengLi. It said that the ATV riders will lead the zombies away, and said not to shoot at them. Zhang ShengLi used the scope on the rifle to confirm that the ATV riders were practically nude with a white shirt in hand symbolizing their surrender. These ATV riders didn’t even have shields or their helmets on anymore! Alongside them, was Liu Gan waving towards the wall.
Immediately, Zhang ShengLi called for all the gunners to stop shooting at the ATV riders, then waved at Liu Gan to represent that he had understood the message. As the Liu-Yin pair along with the three ATV riders assembled their formation, they revved their engines and the loud rumbling sound drew the attention of some zombies away from the wall.
The ATV riders under Liu Gan and Yin He’s watchful eye, led the zombies toward the direction of the plains, then returned back to the prison. After around four trips, a majority of the zombies that hadn’t been burned were all led back to the plains. The only remaining zombies were the ones very close to the prison wall; they numbered only several hundred remaining.
With the threat of zombies climbing over the wall diminishing, the pressure on Zhang ShengLi and others within the prison compound decreased. Even though the distance from the prison to the plains isn’t that far away. As long as no one purposely led the zombies again, then it is rather safe even if only temporarily.
“Please Elder! Give us mercy! If we enter into the prison, they won’t let us live!” said the three ATV riders after they finished their mission. The three riders got off the ATVs, and began begging Yin He and Liu Gan.
To cause this devastating disaster upon Zhang ShengLi and others within the prison, even if the riders got on their knees and kowtowed with their foreheads on the ground, it was futile. They could imagine the worst case scenario of what might happen once they were inside the prison.
“Do you think I am that kind a person? Get on your knees.” Liu Gan ordered the three riders.