Chapter 14: Survival and Risks (1/2)
Chapter 14: Survival and Risks
The colossal zombie was already heavily injured, but Liu Gan wasn’t sure how much of its combat strength remained. If he just charged at it head first without a plan, then any mistake would cost his own life.
First things first, now is the time to leave the safety of the billboard and go down the pillar. It doesn’t matter if it is to combat the colossal zombie or to escape, because staying on top of the pillar was not a solution. If those zombies decided to return to this spot, then he will once again be surrounded by them at the base of the pillar, and that would be troublesome.
Liu Gan maneuvered himself over the deformed fragments of the support structure and carefully proceeded to descend to the iron pillar. With both hands gripping tightly onto the support structure, Liu Gan lowered his body and legs first. Then he used his legs to grip onto the iron structure, and once secure, he hugged with both arms onto the pillar. Of course, it was at a controlled speed that he went down.
The ground had puddles everywhere, the only area without puddles was an area that had some dirty sticky substance that covered it, and the burnt helicopter that was scorched black. Scattered all around were the spare parts of that helicopter. Once Liu Gan slid to the ground, he picked up his weapon that he left behind on the ground. He was surprised and happy to see that right by his machete was a leftover hand grenade.
(Editor Note: Hydro- Hip hip hooray!! He finally got down xD)
This hand grenade was probably the glasses-player’s starting weapon, so in the midst of confusion while escaping, he didn’t get a chance to throw it. Even if he did have the chance to use it, his body was torn apart as food for the zombies.
Borrowing the bright moonlight, it was easy to see from afar the colossal zombie, but it didn’t notice who was behind him. Liu Gan searched nearby a bit more. From the spot where the female crewmember fell from the billboard, what was left behind were scattered bones and clothing in the area.
It’s too bad that Liu Gan wasn’t able to find useful equipment or tools from searching her remains.
[TN: Corpse looting is allowed in apocalyptic world, I approve!] (Editor Note: Hydro- to TN, “Psh, I’d loot you if you were alive”)
Unsatisfied, Liu Gan went up to the scorched helicopter to investigate. The inside had burnt corpses melted together, so it was impossible to differentiate the bodies of the crew from the zombies. Liu Gan searched in the vicinity near the helicopter for a little bit and then gave up. Firstly, there was nothing left behind after the items had gone through an explosion and burning from the helicopter. Secondly, he really didn’t want to dig through the burnt corpses inside of the helicopter.
It was best that he didn’t stay behind in this plaza any longer. If he decided to take the risk to kill the colossal zombie, then he must take action right now, and the battle must be swift, If he chose to ignore the colossal zombie, then he must quickly leave now and not wait for the corpse tide to come back, because if that happens, he definitely won’t escape.
Liu Gan quickly decided to risk assassinating the heavily injured colossal zombie.
To survive and take risks are two completely different choices. There are times when it is necessary to take risks to have a higher chance of survival. Just like right now, Liu Gan wants to improve his chance of surviving by a lot, so he must think of ways to improve his strength.
This was a good chance for him to quickly increase his strength, and if he abandoned this opportunity, then he might not be able to forgive himself for the sacrifices of the 8 players… They contributed their life to do this much damage to the colossal zombie.