Chapter 9: Rescue Helicopter (1/2)
[TN: Okay, I hope there’s no errors ;_;]
Chapter 9: Rescue Helicopter
The storm had been pouring down onto the plaza for at least half an hour now, with Liu Gan trapped in it like it was a jail cell for what seems like an eternity.
With every flash of lightning or roar of thunder, he thought it would be the one that struck him. He wrapped his arms around his body tightly, worrying – trembling – from the cold as he waited for it to end, praying that it wouldn’t strike him down as he held on. Finally, the thunderstorm seem to have weakened – it seemed like it was blown away to a different location.
The torrential downpour gradually changed to a drizzling rain, and Liu Gan once again wiped his face to clear up his vision.
He was still alive.
Living was not easy. Liu Gan felt that, compared to his previous 20 years alive, nothing had left as deep an impression as today had.
The plaza still had thousands of zombies which were drenched by the rain. There were some female zombies which were wearing a thin layer of clothing, revealing their natural forms. On the floor of the plaza, there were no signs of any destruction from lightning. Liu Gan turned his head to investigate the reason for it, and at a far location he saw a flash of lightning, but it didn’t strike the plaza – it was diverted to the nearby hundreds of taller houses at the far edge of the plaza.
These houses must have installed a lightning rod to divert the lightning. There were countless lightning strikes in that thunderstorm, perhaps all of those lightning strikes were attracted to those rods? Luckily there were these tall houses, otherwise, with that many lightning strikes, one of them was going to strike Liu Gan who was sitting on top of the iron pillar for sure. That was probably the reason why he survived the thunderstorm.
It was only lightly drizzling now, as the sky above his area started clearing up. The frequency of the lightning strikes started get lower, then completely stopped. As long as the lightning rod on the houses stood, it wouldn’t strike Liu Gan.
Liu Gan took deep breathes to finally relax. He was in a state of anxiety which exhausted him quite a lot. This advertisement structure didn’t give him room to lay down to rest. There was only enough room for him to sit squat-like. Occasionally, he would adjust his seating style to feel more comfortable.
Zombies below the advertisement started to mindlessly try to climb up and form a human ladder. Listening to their moans and watching their expression, Liu Gan felt trapped and hopeless. Would these zombies never leave the plaza?
If they continued to stay gathered here, Liu Gan would forever remained trapped and be unable to leave.
In the sky, a faint noise could be heard. It was a continuous roaring noise, which didn’t sound like thunder, Liu Gan pinpointed the direction it came from. It was a helicopter which appeared from the direction of the taller houses far away.