Chapter 169: Being a Military Instructor (One) (1/2)

Chapter 169: Being a Military Instructor (One)

“This is a Vietnamese soldi–blast! He’s using a QBZ-95. They’re using our guns to kill our people, how fucking gutsy of them. How did they sneak that in here? A suitcase like that is a new product from America with its interior specially built to confuse any metal detectors. Even under a scanner, these suitcases wouldn’t be marked as holding a weapon and could be brought onto an airplane.”

Just half an hour after Wang Chao had been under fire, Cao Yi had hurriedly came flying towards them with several other people. There was still drowsiness in his eyes–a clear indication that he had been sleeping when the call came in. There wasn’t even any time for him to wash his face.

When he heard that Wang Chao had came across a sniper, Cao Yi had been so startled that his heart had paused for just a moment.

“Next time you head out, bring some more people with you! It’s lucky that nothing happened this time.” Cao Yi spoke before having some people come in to tidy up the area. There had been an emergency morning meeting to discuss what would be done in regards to the study and interrogation of the sniper that Wang Chao had knocked out.

At the same time at around ten in the morning, Cao Yi had written out a detailed report for the higher ups to have someone be dispatched to investigate.

“There’s no need for that. It was only a single incidence, what’s the use making such a big fuss over this?” Wang Chao had disapproved of Cao Yi’s suggestion. “According to logic, we should be even secretive about this. Being under fire is a statistically high chance. I’ve heard that Duan Guochao was targeted for assassination many times in the past as well. After my battle with Nguyễn Hồng Tú, I’ve made those warlords lose out on a wealthy sum of money and slapped the face of Muay Thai. Having them hire some assassins is nothing strange.”

“Where would those warlords gain the guts to do something like this? Hiring specialists to come to the mainlands to kill you specifically? You aren’t a regular civilian, they won’t try to kill you without a specific profit to be made. They may have lost money because of you, but assassinating you would be pointless for them.”

Cao Yi tapped his finger before pulling out the drawer next to him. Pulling out several papers, he slammed them onto the table to give Wang Chao a look at the four pages. The first page had a young man with black hair, blue eyes, and a straight nose.

The second page had a black man.

The third had a tall caucasian.

The fourth was the assassin that had just recently tried to kill Wang Chao.

Cao Yi let Wang Chao look at the four pages as he lit up a cigarette to smoke. “We managed to investigate these men just now. They’re specialists that deal with working any mission as special operation soldiers. Codenamed the ‘Forest Python #4’, this man once worked with several rich American groups to establish a mercenary group in Africa. These four men are men from that very same mercenary group. They’re all outstanding soldiers and complete missions at the highest of difficulty on a daily basis.”

“The first man’s codename was the ‘Spirit Fox’, he went by another codename, the ‘Reaper’s Bullet’. He’s a mixed-breed who went by the Chinese name Yang Yingming. Proficient in Wingchun, Hung Gar and hundreds of different firearms, he once assassinated many different officials within Africa. He’s also rumored to never have missed a single shot and is one of their strongest. This second man is Violent Bear. The third is Evil Wolf. The last one that tried to kill you is Forest Python.”

Listening to the explanation, Wang Chao asked, “These three have nothing to do with me, don’t tell me they’re coming to kill me as well?”

“The first three men are already dead.” Cao Yi spoke, causing Wang Chao to be slightly surprised.

“Do you know how they died?” Cao Yi puffed on his cigarette calmly. “Our investigations concluded that five years ago, the records show that they traveled into the mainlands and into the S Province. It was there that they were killed by someone in the Tianxing district.”

“What?” Wang Chao suddenly found himself overwashed with emotion.

These three men had originally came into the mainlands five years ago on a secret mission to assassinate or capture the super-expert Tang Zichen. At that time, Wang Chao had only started to learn martial arts at that time and knew nothing about the world. But even though he knew nothing then, Wang Chao could begin to guess at what Cao Yi was getting at here.

“There are many experts of martial arts that roam around outside of our nation. In the previous century when the nation was in strife, there was much conflict to be had. With so many experts, they were sent into exile as a result.” Cao Yi observed Wang Chao as he thought to himself, “We’ve worked together for many years now. And I’ve watched you grow up as well, we could be considered old friends by rights. There are some things I cannot say, but I would like to warn you nonetheless so that you may be prepared.”

“What things?” Wang Chao’s eyes narrowed.

“The one you fought in Beijing, Jiang Hai, he’s one of us now. Right now he’s been sent outside of China for several missions. If you come across him in the future, be careful; he may still hold a grudge.”

Wang Chao gave a laxed look, “I was already prepared for that.” Cao Yi’s words were clearly making them sound more and more like close friends.”

“One more thing. Your master is most likely the head of several different Chinese gangs in over twenty nations including Europe. At your age, you’ve already earned the title of general–even if it was awarded to you in secret. But there is still a connection between you and her.” Cao Yi hesitated on this part as if he was speaking all that he knew.