Chapter 70: Wang Chao has been mistaken for as a spy (1/2)
Chapter 70: Wang Chao has been mistaken for as a spy
Wang Xiaolei, Wu Yingda and Zhao Jun. These three had family with powerful government connections and were all close friends from the mainland. Their power reached an unbelievable distance and combined, they had founded the Ike Corporation. In just a few years, they had eaten up the white and black markets to earn a profit.
The three had gotten involved with the criminal powers within both the Guangdong and Fujian provinces. This had forced the organization to temporarily pull out their spies so that the princelings would not discover them. Such a reaction from the organization was a testament of the princelings power.
These three princelings had also a strong political background and support that made them extremely influential.
Originally, Zhao Jun’s father had only been the governor of S province, but that power did not belong to his Zhao family. Instead, it belonged to Zhu Jia’s family. Combined with Cao Yi being appointed, Zhao Jun and his father had started to feel a little political pressure.
Although Zhao Jun’s connections were not limited to only his father, he also had several other cadets to fall back on. He also had several other minor governors in his web of connections so that not many people could go against him.
Zhao Jun had wished to stabilize his father’s position and be with Zhu Jia. Unfortunately, Zhu Jia had no interest in him at all, but fortunately with Wang Chao’s appearance, he could stomp on him like an ant.
Unfortunately for him, Wang Chao was not afraid of death and wasn’t as weak as he thought. What had put him even more on guard was the fact that Cao Yi, Zhang Tong, the mysterious villa, and his mysterious teacher were all connected. With this, Zhao Jun couldn’t help but feel as if there was a conspiracy.
So he had decided to completely investigate Wang Chao’s background. After a year, Zhao Jun had found out the connection between Cao Yi and him was quite ordinary while Zhang Tong held a special one. But his own independent research had proved to be fruitless on trying to find out how he had gotten the villa and who his master was.
With no other choice, he had invested in Tianxing Corporations. Although it was a domestic business, it had plenty of foreign stockholders. When it was still developing, he had personally signed his name on the stocks and gained a decent sum of profit from it.
Finding out the foreign stockholders had been a difficult task as well. Even Cao Yi had been unable to find out those foreign stockholders of the Ike Corporation until he had filled out a form for the organization.
Although the organization was extremely strong, the forms had to go through a series of examinations in a bureaucratic fashion. This style of work was ultimately slower than Zhao Jun’s personal connections.
After half a year of investigating, the fruition of their search was laid out right in front of the three princelings. As it stared at them, the three stared back in shock.
On the paper, the owner of the 18th villa of the Tianxing district was a person called “Tang Jin. Smith”.
The princelings were not shocked at the name, but rather what the name had signified.
“This Tang Jin. Smith” was a name for a nobody. But after closer investigation, the name bore some sort of connection to a major English company. Furthermore, this company was an unbelievably big one.
In direct comparison, any other foreign investor like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, the mafia, the Yamaguchi, the American godfathers, or even the many governments and organizations paled to this company.
The organization written on the paper was EMU. Translated, this organization stood for the European Monetary Union, or the EU for short.
The distributors of the Euro.
The EMU had many nations, governments, families, businesses, dark and white powers and many others connected to it to form one giant union. The organization was inconceivably large with so many people combined into one faction.
In the end, the princelings had followed the trail left behind only to end up looking leviathan-like organization.
The leader of this English company was a participant of the EMU.
The leaders of the western organizations were all wealthy people.
Although the princelings each held the two provinces by the coast in their hands, the Ike Corporation had only power within their own country. Compared to such a large organization like the EMU, they were like an upstart who had just won 5 million dollars at the lottery.
After reaching such a spot, the princelings’ research had gone on no more.
The three princelings were not looking into an American company, but rather a member of the EMU. If the other side were to discover this, then the outcome would not look good for them. t The EMU weren’t cowards either, meaning the princelings were afraid of doing anything to be found out by them.
“What we thought was a shrimp was actually a giant whale!”
Zhao Jun felt his head begin to hurt as he looked at the paper in front of him.
Wang Chao and the European Union. No matter how much Zhao Jun looked at it, they lived in two separate worlds. After investigating this, he could only give up his search.
In order to be able to find out a concrete relationship, then Zhao Jun would need to be the leader of a nation in order to have the power to fully investigate it.
But as the child of an official, Zhao Jun didn’t have that power. His goal had always been to rely on his connections to get rich. He would play with the underworld and take control of the situation for profit. But in the end, he was not made of the right material or had the guts or ambitions.
“Impossible, this is impossible! How could a small commoner be connected with the European Union? Is there a mistake, or is this world an illusion?”
Wang Xiaolei spoke out in shock after reading the information given to him.
The three princelings had only a sour look on their faces. They felt like street gang members who were beating up on a beggar only to find out that beggar was actually the relative of American president Bush.
“We can’t rule out this possibility, Wang Chao could possibly be a spy for the EU.” Wu Yingda spoke out in shock as he tried to calm himself down.
“Did you guys hear about what just happened in Guangdong? Xu Zhen’s disciple Qin Maojiao was killed in a competition I organized. That martial artist came from the Daxing Corporation, but that same night, the Daxing Corporation’s car factory was attacked by a group of mercenaries. They even used a rocket launcher to blow open the gates! I thought it was Xu Zhen at first, but Chen Aiyang came by to say that Xu Zhen hadn’t done anything and hope to help me look into it. I thought it was strange and immediately looked for the recordings of that fight. Take a look, this is a picture of the fighter.”
Wu Yinda called for a bodyguard to enter. Handing him a picture, Wu Yingda put down a picture of Wang Chao for everyone to see.