Chapter 54: When close at hands, a man is scarier than a country (1/2)
Chapter 54: When close at hands, a man is scarier than a country
Because of the linguistic differences, Wang Chao had been unable to communicate with the Tibetan girl, but he could tell that she was looking at him as if he was some sort of deity. With several choice hand signals, he had managed to ask for directions, which the girl had returned in response as well as gifting him some butter tea and some highland barley. Watching is figure drift farther and farther away, she turned towards the broken pieces of stone before kneeling and bowing towards it while muttering, “Mahākāla! Mahākāla!”
TL Note:
Mahākāla was a Vajrapani protector deity that was prevalent in Tibetan Buddhism.
What Wang Chao didn’t know was that his display of strength after coming to an understanding of the mysterious hidden Jin was mistaken to be an act of a deity.
After three days, he had arrived the capital city of Tibet, Lhasa. After some rest, Wang Chao began to walk down the “Heavenly Road” towards Lhasa.
This “Heavenly Road” was the railway between Qinghai and Tibet. Known to many as the Roof of the World, it was truly a wonderful thing.
On the road, there was a single railway that was protected by several soldiers. There were also several maintenance workers that looked at Wang Chao with a strange look.
Another month later, Wang Chao had arrived at the capital city of the Qinghai province, Xining City. Not too long after, he began to head north towards the Gansu province, then the Shaanxi province, the Shansi province, and then towards Beijing. It would be here that he would go back to see the grandfather Li in the military district.
By now, the year was already nearing its end. The snow in Beijing was swirling with a magnificent sight.
Another year had passed. Another year had finally passed.
Time continues to cycle with everyday being the same. There was never an alternate life or any variation to it.
But Wang Chao was not the same Wang Chao as last year.
Grandfather Li was as simple as he was last time, the only difference now was his age. He was nearing 100 years old now, and despite the depthness of his martial arts, he was not able to go against the passage of time.
Seeing Wang Chao come, grandfather Li was astounded. The reason behind his shock was that those eyes that had seen many things and experienced many change had seen the world turning transformation Wang Chao had gone through.
When Wang Chao saw grandfather Li, he spoke no words and instead moved into a Bagua stance.
Wang Chao’s movements were nimble and smooth as if he was gliding across ice.
In the final sequence of his stance, Wang Chao’s final eight steps had been light and sound less, like feathers floating towards the ground.
The cement ground of the military district had eight distinctive footprints from where Wang Chao had stepped on in relations to the directions.
Wang Chao was even barefoot, so the cement had even displayed the imprints from where the veins were slightly bulging out from his feet.
“Ai!” After watching, the elder had not spoken any words of praise or even any words for some time. Sighing, he spoke, “My time is not long, but with your unparalleled support for the Bagua sect, I can rest assured.”
Letting out a deep breath of air, Wang Chao closed his eyes to relax. “I can only use the Hidden Jin during these eight steps. I can also spread out the Hidden Jin within the extremities of my hands and feet, but that is my limit. I am not yet one with the universe and cannot force my Jin like needles. When I break out using my mentality, it is far more consuming than breaking out with my muscles.”
“For the entire body to break out Jin in a needle like manner, that is the Transforming Jin. To be able to circulate the Hidden Jin to your hands and feet is already considered quite decent. The Clear Jin uses the muscles to attack while the Hidden Jin uses the intent to attack. The two cannot be said to be at the same level. To try and issue Hidden Jin without the intent is to instead lose an extraordinary amount of stamina.”
Wang Chao nodded his head as if understanding the reasoning behind the grandfather’s words.
Hidden Jin was the explosive break out of intent. If a person was shaken or angry, then they would instantly be covered with sweat and their arms and legs would be unable to move. This sudden explosion of effort would reach a peak and drain away all stamina.
With Wang Chao’s current strength, he could strike out a hundred times with the Clear Jin without feeling taxed. But with the Hidden Jin, he would be fatigued after five blows.
Thus the strength of the Hidden Jin couldn’t be easily used. One would have to be careful with it during a fight.
Without another word, Wang Chao turned away and began to walk out.
Walking from Beijing to S City, the time had already flew to the spring time in March.
Returning home, Wang Chao immediately looked for his mother and father. It had already been a year since he had left home with barely any message so they had been extremely worried. “You said you went to travel, but it’s already been a year! How did you lose so much weight, are you just skin and bones now?”
Needless to say, Wang Chao’s skin was completely brown now without any excess fat. However, the chiseled parts of his body was hidden away and his gentle eyes occasionally had a strange expression to them. His temperament was a bit more reserved than last year, but not as shy.
After consoling both parents, Wang Chao had returned back to sis Chen’s villa.
Because there had been no one to clean to the house for a year, the villa was filled with dust. Fortunately, he had been able to pay for the house fees in advance, so the utilities like water and electricity had not yet been stopped. After a brief moment of cleaning, the villa looked new once more.
After training by himself for another three or four days, Wang Chao felt as if his face was glowing. His body was back in its peak form and was familiar to himself once more.
The journey all over China had taken a year, and while it had purified his heart and tempered his will, the outdoor camping and restrictive meals had not been good on his body. If it were not for his training, then any regular person would have died a long time ago.
Returning to the peaceful calm, all of his fatigue had drained away and returned his body to its optimal state.
“Kid, where in the world did you go for an entire year?” Cao Yi had said straight away. Without speaking too much, Wang Chao explained himself succinctly.
After getting in touch with Zhang Tong, she had been amazed to hear Wang Chao return and had expressed her wish to see him.
After thinking, he replied, “I still have to go to the dojo and report in as an instructor. After that, chief Cao will be seeing me, but we could eat a meal together.”
“Chief Cao? He’s the public safety bureau vice head of the province and the second political commissar of the province isn’t he? When you called him, didn’t you ask him?” Zhang Tong spoke much to the shock of Wang Chao.
Even though he had uncovered a large drug trafficking and won plenty of fame, was it that much for him to rise through the ranks that fast? Although his official title was a support member and not an actual participant, could he become a vice head of the province in just three years? There was definitely some doubt to what was happening.