Chapter 3: With a dragon like vertebrae, focus the center of gravity and spike the hair (1/2)
Chapter 3: With a dragon like vertebrae, focus the center of gravity and spike the hair
After Tang Zichen had made Wang Chao demonstrate the “Lifting Yin Palm” and “Monkey Stealing the Peach” moves, she nodded her head, “Not bad, your posture is decent. Your usage of power and your center of gravity isn’t all that bad either. You have potential. come on then, I’ll show you a way to improve the power of your fists.”
“When fighting, one specialty will be good enough to serve you. When practicing, two specialties will be enough to defend you.”
Drawing a line on the ground, she had Wang Chao stand on both sides of the line with his legs.
With this line, his body was split in two.
Tang Zichen had Wang Chao stand straight with one arm at his rib while the other hand was raised evenly above him as if he was holding a bayonet in both hands.
“This line is the midway line where the vertebrae is. The vertebrae ends at the back of the head, while it starts at the tailbones. No matter what the martial art is, if it does not practice the vertebrae, it is useless.”
“Listen well, I want to say this once. Every single martial arts originated from Guoshu. If you don’t know this much, then you will never walk past the door to the martial art world.”
Hearing the grave tone in her voice, Wang Chao immediately concentrated on each one of her words as if afraid to miss even a single word of it.
“When it comes to martial arts, then there has to be one important word. ‘Qi’. This Qi is not the same meaning as breath, neither is it the air in the world.”
TL Note: Qi means air as well.
“When a person moves, they emit heat, and when it grows serious, sweat appears. This heat is Qi. This so called vital energy that humans use is that same heat.”
“But, a human has countless pores. When heat is made, it is expelled through those pores.”
“So it’s like that, this is Qi!” Wang Chao’s eyes lit up in understanding as if he had just awoken. “The Qi is extremely hot, so we have to sweat it out.”
“Correct, it’s like that.” Tang Zichen nodded her head, “The pores on the human body are like a wicker basket; it’s a wasted effort to try and contain the water since it will come out by itself. By the same logic, no matter how fiercely someone moves, the Qi will be exerted out of the body and become useless.”
“When exercising, preventing this Qi from escaping is the very basics of Guoshu as well as being quite deep at the same time. This is the way of Guoshu.”
“Qi is emitted through the pores. If one wants to keep the Qi, then at the most crucial moment, they must shut the pores.”
“How do you shut the pores?” Wang Chao asked in a hurried manner.
“Have you seen when an animal gets angry? Look at a cat or dog, when they grow angry, their entire fur all turns spiky. This is called exploding hair which is done after shutting the pores. Humanity works the same way. There are some times when people feel goosebumps where the hair stands up. This is also shutting the pores.”
Tang Zichen took out a towel and draped her beautiful black hair over it. Stepping away a single step, she spoke, “Take a look as I show my power.”
Walking towards a Chinese Ash tree, Tang Zichen suddenly spun around, “Pa!”. With a palm strike, her hand slammed against the tree.
Tang Zichen’s hair shot up straight away as if shocked by lightning before falling back down as before.
At the same time, a cracking sound could be heard as the Chinese Ash tree cracked in two starting from where the palm strike was before splitting in half.
From where Tang Zichen had stepped, the cement below her feet looked as if it had been crushed by an extreme amount of pressure.
“My….god….” Wang Chao had desperately wanted to swear, but he had swallowed his words so as to remain coherent.
“Haha, little idiot, this is what it means to use Hidden Jin. It is also called Neijing. You are still too far away from this. It is said that when a master of the Xingyi sect had practiced, he was able to step on the ground without a sound and yet each step was capable of shattering the ground. Hidden Jin is silent yet holds an extreme amount of power, hence why it is said to be ‘hidden’”.
Tang Zichen showed off her prickly hair once more.
“The ‘Qi’ I said before, using Hidden Jin, I can collect it and explode it outwards. Look at my hand.”
Extending her arm for Wang Chao to look, suddenly, her arm grew extremely wet from sweat.